IBM InterConnect146
Q4: What skills need to be taught in schools to prepare our kids for building tech that matters?
Tim Crawford
CompSci majors have far too little taught about business.
Marsha Collier
They need to get kids to stop playing and stimulate curiosity of how things work
Marc Bulandr
A4) @IBMInterConnect You MUST get the teachers out of the classroom and focus on practical realities, not theoretical. #IBMInterconnect
creative thinking...programming languages change, but the ability to think creatively and broadly and solve problems will ALWAYS produce thinkers #ibmmobike
a course in Business Ethics couldn't hurt either...
Piyush Yadav
I would start with Creativity ..
Creative and mindful problem solving, reverse engineering, asking more/better questions. Presence of technology != always the right tool
Benjamin W.
Simple coding should be a required class, Basic, Perl, html type need to get hands on and learn or at least experiment at an early age
Marsha Collier
@tcrawford So true. Business and technology are had-in-hand these days
Jessica Ding
@ibminterconnect STEM skills (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)
Tim Crawford
@MarshaCollier There is absolutly something to be said about a healthy curiosity. Exploring ones curiosity is a great interview question/ subject!
Ted Conroy
all results of this chat will be faxed to gov. Cuomo's office
Brian J Wood
Empathy, Compassion, Trust. Wait what was the question? I'm sticking to my answer regardless
Benjamin Robbins
Easy - Critical Thinking!!
Jennifer Foley
Great question! They need awareness of how powerful it is both good and bad. It enables so many options. They need to be able to go old school first and leverage technology second to grow the future.
Brian Katz
a4. Logic and business...FBLA used to be big in schools...not so anymore
Marsha Collier
@tcrawford Curiousity in tech makes people WANT to understand coding
Tim Crawford
@PaladorBenjamin Great pt! Critical thinking is very important as well.
Eileen Smith
Piyush Yadav
Exposure to Technology that matters
IBM Analytics
That is a difficult question to answer in so few characters, but we definitely need a fuller & more integrated approach to education, students need to learn about all ends of the spectrum
Neil MacKinnon
Soft skills -- communication, listening, empathy -- at least as important as coding.
Marc Bulandr
@PaladorBenjamin I'm with ya...but...what exactly is the operational, common definition of "Critical Thinking?" #IBMInterconnect
Benjamin Robbins
@MarshaCollier What do you mean by playing? A lot of curiosity come through play! :)
Ted Conroy
@bmkatz SO TRUE. We had DECA, it changed my world and plopped me into a business world I had no clue about
Mary Muller
another good read is End of Secrets by Ryan Quinn... it's "fiction" but very achievable...
Marsha Collier
More courses are available online than in schools. Classes must be brought to where the kids want to learn
IBM Analytics
Bring gamification to education!
Relus Technologies
A4: Agreed, Marsha! A sense of curiosity is huge in a strong development. Problem solving skills should be taught no matter the age.
Marsha Collier
@RelusTech Answers answered teach big lessons
Benjamin Robbins
@marcbulandr Also easy - Asking WHY? :)
Douglas Tr0n Soltys
They need a liberal arts education with emphasis on critical thinking and communication to understand these tools in their proper context.
Michael Philbin
Kids need to be challenged. They are drawn to interactive tools. We have not even scratched the surface on educational apps. Need to embrace the tools and challenge kids. Need to invest in resources and tools for education app dev.
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
communication skills and common sense are key (can you tell i have kids?)
Marsha Collier
More needs to be done to attract young women into computing skills. They add another dimension
@IBMAnalytics I agree - when its framed as something fun to do, it helps foster creativity and productivity
Tim Crawford
@tweetPiyushY Creativity is great! Is there a way you would invoke it?
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
i have the perfect follow-up question to this...
Tom Pedicone
its great what IBM does with CoderDojo & Bluemix to focus on just that '...preparing our kids for building tech...'.
Steven Dickens
teach all elementary kids to touch type would be a start #skillIwishIhad
Benjamin W.
@MarshaCollier I agree. With younger kids, instructor led experimentation and learning would help the next generation succeed
Tim Crawford
@theRab Let's start a movement to bring back Common Sense!!!
Marsha Collier
@IBMAnalytics gamification is easy to build into classes! You get a GOLD STAR!
Marc Bulandr
@MarshaCollier You are onto something big time here, which is a paradigm shift brick and mortar schools are not ready to address fully. #IBMInterconnect
Tim Crawford
@StevenDickens3 Typing is central. My 10yo and 7yo are already on their way.
Lindsay Malloy
Technology, basics for programming languages... Teach students how to think outside the box and come up with new ideas.
Marsha Collier
@tcrawford These days, there's nothing common about "common sense" ;)
Steven Dickens
@PaladorBenjamin and not via a screen
Tim Crawford
@MarshaCollier Oh, please don't burst my bubble. :) Your pt is very true.
Lindsay Malloy
@tcrawford I agree with typing! As a former teacher, many students struggled with that and we didn't have time to get them into the computer labs often enough to teach them!
Marsha Collier
@marcbulandr don't even get me started on that ;)
Steven Dickens
@tcrawford touch typing would increase productivity massively
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
teach what technology is and how it works. you need to understand the internet before you can add useful layers or apps to it
Marsha Collier
@StevenDickens3 Typing skills! You're right. Kids are taught to tap - not type!
IBM Systems
Creativity, effective communication, thinking "outside the box," and discovering not only how things work but why things work are all important in learning -CN
Michael Philbin
BlueMix roadshow, bring app dev to schools and everyone will be an app developer.
Ted Conroy
@ibminterconnect Such a difficult question to answer with the disparity of education from even county to county in the USA. If anything, we need a baseline.
Steven Dickens
teach them to type, code and then stop and think
Piyush Yadav
@tcrawford The mind link .. Almost preempted the question .. A: Exposure to tech that matters :)
Jens-Uwe Fimmen
I agree with @JessicaDing92 - STEM skills plus hacking (defined as creative use of technical components)
Steven Dickens
in reverse order
Jessica Ding
@ibminterconnect Entrepreneurial, creativity, collaboration skills
also entrepreneurship - so many more small businesses who'll change the world in the future #ibmmobile
Relus Technologies
@StevenDickens3 Love that! Taking a step back and really thinking tends to be overlooked.
Marsha Collier
@annafoat Developers can also be small businesses! What a fabulous opportuinity. Lots of tools to use
Jessica Ding
@ibminterconnect Courses that combine and enhance entrepreneurial, creativity, and collaboration skills
Anne Fernald
kids are naturally creative, they don't need to be taught but the educational environment should support them - not all kids want to compete
i am increasingly amazed at the tools my kids already employ to get thru their days. Learning environments should support that.