IBM InterConnect135

Q6 What do you think about customer engagement in the "social" world of 2015?

IBM InterConnect
i.e. Are there new ways of thinking or is everyone still figuring it out?

Brian Fanzo
Customer Engagement isn't optional but it also can't be automated and will never scale without a strong employee advocacy program. Key is listening to the community and letting them know you as a brand care!

Britt Michaelian
A6 All businesses need to incorporate mobile into their strategies. Customer service within apps = huge @IBMInterConnect

Meghan M. Biro
@iSocialFanz Great point Brian! Listening is so key.

Martin Jones
Engagement must become part of a companys culture or irrelevancy will be. @IBMInterConnect

Matt Morrison
There are both new ways of thinking and still people trying to figure it out

Tim Moran
It should be the true driving force for a modern company. Your customers have infinitely more ways to tell you what they want, and you need to be listening. If you are growing against public sentiment, you risk losing your customer base.

Meghan M. Biro
The bottom line: essentially...we’re all onscreen.

IBM InterConnect
follow-up question: Why are so many companies still "doing social" wrong when it comes to collaboration, marketing, sales?

Tim Moran
Modern analytics give your customers a voice that they might not be aware they are sharing! What they say, in combination with their observed behaviors and habits should allow you the opportunity to tailor custom experiences.

Britt Michaelian
Any app that makes life easier for the end user is an opportunity. @IBMInterConnect

Meghan M. Biro
@MattRMorrison New ways of asking questions?

Martin Jones
Without engagement, you’re simply talking at people. You might as well be a machine & that’s exactly how consumers will view you. @IBMInterConnect

Kulbir Singh
Most of the brands still are illusioned by the adage "if it aint broken, dont fix it". The need is to do it while it aint broken, as you might not get your only chance again:)

Britt Michaelian
Any company that is broadcasting and doesn’t interact on social is missing the point. @IBMInterConnect

Tim Moran
@martinjonesaz And there's nothing more disingenuous that simply talking AT your customers!

Marcus Hearne
You need to know when to do it and when not to and you'd better know exactly who I am and what I need if I've volunteered info already. I expect something in return for my data, and convenience is the least of it - personalization is key.

Elizabeth Kvedar
@iSocialFanz it all goes back to the desire for personalized service, we all want businesses to respond to our personal needs

Martin Jones
If consumers in your niche aren't engaging with YOUR content - they're probably engaging with your competitor. Learn from them. @IBMInterConnect

Lindsay Malloy
Companies shouldn't "DO" social. They should "BE" social and engage with their customers

Piyush Yadav
In a successful engagement eveyone's opinion matters. We need to collaborate better, making use of #social power. Like #Crowdchat does

Andy Land
We seek engagement. We want that engagement to be personalized and tailored to us. I am glad to give you data about me as long as I know you will secure it and only use for my benefit.

Britt Michaelian
Authenticity is a huge buzz word in social because relationships need to be genuine on social. @IBMInterConnect

IBM InterConnect
so are the rules the same?

Meghan M. Biro
@BrittMichaelian I'm excited to finally meet you? :-)

Glen Gilmore #SocBiz
#PredictiveAnalytics promise to unleash Amazon #drones bringing us what we want before we know we want it! #cx #custserv

Brian Fanzo
Real-Time is important but listening so you know the Right Time is more important... often times the customer just wants to know you're listening.. so even if you don't have the answer letting them know you're working on it is a must!

Meghan M. Biro
The rules have changed and will continue to. Important to stay flexible.

Tim Moran
@MeghanMBiro Not only new ways of asking questions, but new questions also...

Corinne Torres
Real time input is different from customer engagement. Must optimize the experience when it happens as it happens . @IBMInterConnect

Matt Morrison
Customers are more and more favoring Social engagement vs traditional phone/email.

Brian Fanzo
@LindsaySkarda that was the title of the SocialPros podcast episode I was on this week... couldn't agree with ya more.. BE SOCIAL!

Kulbir Singh
Unfortunately, many CMOs have been extended the responsibilities of being social advocates while many struggle to tune into the digital age
Eileen Smith
Customers are much easier to engage now that they're not so socially awkward.

Elizabeth Kvedar
, although "social" is more mainstream, many businesses are still trying to figure out how to work all the pieces to their advantage. There is an opportunity here

Tim Moran
@RelusTech There's no faster way of becoming obsolete than making a product for which there's absolutely no market!

Martin Jones
Social is more of an art than a science - It has to be natural not forced or contrived @IBMInterConnect

Relus Technologies
Customer engagement should be the driving force of business activities. None of our efforts matter if they are not what the customer wants.

Meghan M. Biro
#Tech is developing less formal venues. Like this one right now.

Lindsay Malloy
@iSocialFanz I learn the best social tips from you!

Piyush Yadav
A6(follow-up) , Many companies don't know who to utilize their #social potential.

Marcus Hearne
At scale, customer engagement can't be simply rote reactions based on rules. It needs to be nuanced based on predictive analytics and optimization with human judgement built in (rules) to drive the thresholds.

Meghan M. Biro
@RelusTech Agreed btw! Start listening and taking notes today.

Meghan M. Biro
@tweetPiyushY And many companies are just plain scared or lazy.

Glen Gilmore #SocBiz
Customer engagement in a "social world must be must see the individual question as a community one

Meghan M. Biro
@GlenGilmore and this is tricky for many brands!

Thomas Dong
Everyone has a voice. Smart companies will listen, learn and engage.

Elizabeth Kvedar
, I think part of the issue is that many are interpreting the rules and the advantages of social activities differently, sometimes missing the opportunity to transform their business

Piyush Yadav
@ReleaseTEAMLTD you know how to use it just right!

Meghan M. Biro
@ThomasDongIBM That's what we hope for - That's for sure.

Matt Morrison
@BrittMichaelian Agree! I drive by billboards and rarely have time to read what they say. Engagement is key

Lauren Canning
it is not just about talking "at" customers, but with them, engaging with them in an authentic way

John Furrier
First party data to drive personalization will help understand context to large scale conversations

Thomas Dong
Our expectations around personalization will only continue to grow. Predictive analytics can help shape more insightful interactions.

Meghan M. Biro
@furrier My brain hurts? :-)

John Furrier
. @IBMInterConnect conversations are content assets that create community and more conversation and build relationships

Thomas Dong
@marcushearne Companies need to move beyond simply understanding their customer's behaviour, to understanding their customer's intent.

Ariana Gradow
.@IBMInterConnect we are looking toward social networks and community for customer engagement