IBM InterConnect102
Q3: Think of the best gaming or social apps. Is design success more related to cloud or mobile technology?
Veronica Belmont
For gaming in particular, it's all about usability. Cloud storage is a huge game (lol) changer that is impacting mobile AND console crossplay.
Ted Conroy
"I'll hang up and listen."
Rebecca Wissinger
I would say mobile technology - if it doesn't work well on mobile, I'm not using it...
Tim Crawford
UX is key to any app. In some ways, presents a make/break decision.
Brian Fanzo
No excuse for brands today to not build something for mobile... its not mobile first its mobile as first priority!
Erin McElroy
@iSocialFanz Ditto!
Daniel Davis
It's easy to imagine a well-designed and fun game that's on mobile but not on cloud, but not as much the other way around.
Zach Jory
Design success is most related to UX and implementing user feedback, which requires both cloud and mobile technology
Brian Yanish
social connection. We want to join the game and/or conversation within
Stephanie Trunzo
Performance and usability happen in the design - both design for the screen as well as in design of the architecture
John Furrier
design is everything
mike spisak
mobile design *appears* to be more success related b/c it's in your face. But the *design* of the cloud your app is riding on is critical. All guts, no glory.
Brian Fanzo
I believe social connects the data and devices including #IoT that can leverage the cloud that will be engaged via mobile... its about a total solution not one offs... API friendly is key!
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
i think mobile is the key - my kids decide in no time if an app is worth their time. design is everything (and friends)
Brian Moran
Mobile - Look around you. Everyone has their heads down looking into their hands these days. We are addicted to our smartphones.
Carol Hopke-Burgess
I'd say mobile. If it doesn't work well on my phone or other mobile devices, I'm not using it.
Veronica Belmont
there's no wiggle room with design in mobile gaming; if it's not good, people can't play it.
Chris Yaldezian
@jaybaer Yes, I think you got it right. W/out both, it would not happen.
Lindsay Malloy
@theRab I agree!
Brian Fanzo
@Veronica Agree... that user experience on mobile is so important.... one bad taste app will be deleted and never downloaded again!
Mike Onsing
I think the user flow experience will define the success of things
Brian Moran
If you don't think #mobile rules, try taking someone's #smartphone away from them for a day or two.
sandy carter
@ibminterconnect I would say that Design success depends on Design Thinking. The execution then relates to mobile and cloud --
Stephanie Trunzo
Good design is good business. - Thomas J Watson
Jodi Okun
Getting information where you are in real time and for your client @IBMInterConnect
Dave Vellante
@furrier I agree - UX!
IBM Social Business
@brianmoran *Looks up from phone* We agree, Brian. *Looks back down at phone* :)
Brian Yanish
@tcrawford I agree poor design and function = delete
Eileen Smith
After #mobile? Brain chips. Design will be everything. http://www.research....
Erin McElroy
@Veronica truestory
Jeff Frick
@jaybaer > And dynamic interaction based on behavior in the moment. Auto-magically change the difficulty based on behavior, temporal sticky based on behavior. Tune up, tune down.
Jeff Frick
@MarketingHits > Don't waste those at-bats, might not get another shot.
IBM Systems
Both are important. Cloud enables the app; design done correctly gives the user the freedom to navigate, understand, and get the most out of the app.
Jay Cuthrell
@theRab agreed and the taste makers of today are the budget makers of tomorrow