Chris Preimesberger32

Q5) Is email the culprit in preventing companies from getting their internal services automated?

Peter Kretzman
A5: Yes but no. DON'T eliminate email as a knee-jerk reaction! Use it more wisely.

Farah Remtulla
One hashtag #killemail.

Farah Remtulla
Imagine if email was like #snapchat. Disappears after 30 seconds. But that's a whole other convo ;-)

Ryan Ogilvie
Q5 - IMO no... it is a good patsy but our ability to collaborate with Business is getting in the wat of automating.

Peter Kretzman
What I actually value about email (NOT for service requests) is its "on the record" nature.

Chris Pope
A5 Email is just a symptom of people following the herd, give them something that provides insight and transparency and delivers the outcome and they will use it...when was the last time you cared how amazon gets you books!
Tarun Kumar
yeah but email has its place and relevance...

Colleen Haikes
people always talk about killing email for #socialbusiness but email killer can be service automation

Chris Preimesberger
They say email is the killer app, and it is/has been, but we need to not have to rely on it as much as we have been. Specifically, what are options?

Farah Remtulla
Q5: I think email requests is the same as those 'hallway hijack' requests - why do people resort to it? It's quick, easy and I get to pick my favorite tech to help me out.

Dave Vellante
I don't think so...email has failed as a service automation platform...the barriers are culture, lack of leadership and lack of knowledge of what's possible

Steve Emerson
A5 Yes. Let's face it. What is the first thing people do when they get into work in the morning - Check Email. That is the primary place where people outside of IT (and sadly some inside) receive requests and resolve them.

Farah Remtulla
Q5: If you can demonstrate to your business that using an automated method to achieve the same task is more efficient, then I think people will be willing to let it go

Peter Kretzman
Eliminating email as a reaction to its abuse for service requests would be like eliminating hallway convos.

Chris Pope
at work..more like they grab it from the bedside table and read on their way to making coffee #badvisual

Shane Carlson
Email to a millennial is like the pony express was to the telegraph and the fax was to the email generation. A historical form of communication ripe for disruption

Shane Carlson
@Chris_Pope_NOW The day I signed up for Prime and assumed I can have anything I want the next day for $3.99

Natalya Copeland
I don't think people want to get rid of the human side of email, they just want to make service requests as efficient as possible.

Shane Carlson
Email is half duplex communication replied to most often on a LIFO basis. Today's businesses demand real time full duplex communications that support and enable the outcomes they seek.

Ryan Ogilvie
people want "what they want when they want it" and for now they see email as the way to facilitate that. even some automated tasks in tools still send more email...
Cédric Brossard
A5: Email is not a roadblock, it is one enabler among others (app, phone, forms, face to face discussion), through an omni-channel way to execute tasks supporting business processes.