Chris Pope25

What are the top ways you can change the way IT currently works? (fix your own house).
Stephen Mann
#IT needs to address a number of challenges that don't relate to the IT

Cloud Sherpas
Evolving the business analysts layer; helping other LOBs understand and capitalize on tools like #ServiceNow
Stephen Mann
Realize that #IT isn’t about the technology – it’s about what gets achieved through the technology

Jason Wojahn
IT for and through the business, IT as a significant influencer to revenue, satisfaction and efficiency

Shane Carlson
The first and best start is to focus energy on solving real business problems and enabling business opportunities. If IT is a barrier to Business success, it is a burden.
Stephen Mann great point Shane - seeing the bigger (enterprise) picture is critical to #IT success
Jon Crane
Think outside the box and align IT with your core services rather than thinking of it as a way to simply keep the lights on.

Beau Christensen

Build deployment tools that everyone can leverage. Obfuscate the infrastructure (cloud or private) away from the users and make IaaS economic decisions opaque to everyone but ops & finance.

Chris Pope Great point, a focus on solving the problem with a consistent platform and capabilities, and not letting the traditional barriers be an inhibitor #IT #servicenow
John Roberts is your def of 'dev 4 everyone' mean biz users building apps?

Cloud Sherpas
It's not just about buying a piece of software, it's seeing a grander vision to bridge the gap between process and technology