Transforming HR & Talent
Transforming HR: An Evolution of Talent Management
   10 years ago
#SWFChatThe Learning CultureA discussion of Social Employees and "The 70:20:10 learning model".
IBM SmarterWorkforce
Q8: In the future, in what ways do you envision HRIS systems evolving to meet the needs of their clients?
Denise Holt
A8 Being able to see a person holistically
Denise Holt
A8 Measure everything about themselves & their work preventing illness, burnout & irritation & also improving team flow collaboration & performance
Janine Truitt
A8 Accurate aggregation of information and the intelligence to remember individual user behaviors.
Sean Charles
Better mobile integration with improved predictive / business intelligence!
Phylicia Teymer
A8: I see #HR being able to get a deeper analysis of each person based on a compilation of multiple data points. Less "tricking" the system of tests, since your behavior because evident in your actions - then data.
Amy Lawrence
One holistic view of the individual.
Janine Truitt
@AmyLawrence2 That would be great wouldn't it?
Amritha Alapati
Future HRIS, move towards mobility, less command no control, easier and broader integration
IBM SmarterWorkforce
Monolithic HRIS are fast becoming a thing of the past as companies are realising that an ‘all things to all people’ type of system simply doesn’t work in the complex HR environment they now operate in. ^SP #SWFChat
IBM SmarterWorkforce
Q5: How important is using and understanding data analytics effectively for hiring the best candidates?
Denise Holt
A5 Important, but be mindful that it doesn’t see the whole person, could be missing great talent if criteria is too rigid w/old mindsets
Janine Truitt
A5 It is extremely key. You can't manage what you can't measure. Looking at metrics allows you to tweak and make improvements in real time before issues become systemic.
IBM SmarterWorkforce
At a high level, predictive analytics uses historical data and current data which helps in hiring ^SP
Phylicia Teymer
@deniseholt1 Exactly, not only do the analytics have to evolve, but those interpreting the data have to look deeper - extend beyond the initial points to discover more about the individual.
Denise Holt
A5 Relevant skills & experience should outweigh check marking whether they have formal education/degrees, imo
Janine Truitt
A5 It's important to understand that you can use data to tell any story you want to. The key is to use it while being mindful of the overall context.
Janine Truitt
A5 Use data to keep track of where you are finding your talent and to monitor hiring behaviors-so you know where your money and efforts are working for you.
Amber Armstrong
#analytics is incredibly important - and should go across tools #IBMSAP
Yiannis Koutrakis
Having global scale in such a complicated world cannot be done without appropriate tools and data.
Janine Truitt
@YKoutrakis The tools and data are very important. Even more important is what the people do with it.
IBM SmarterWorkforce
With the right data in hand, HR managers today have discovered that recruiting the best candidates is not only faster, but also more cost-effective and objective.
Amy Lawrence
It is essential that there is an understanding of the capabilities and insights Data Analytics brings to any business
IBM SmarterWorkforce
Q3: In what ways are collaboration crucial during the recruiting and onboarding process?
Denise Holt
A3) Have the right tools in place to streamline the process & connect all personnel involved
Janine Truitt
Recruiting and Onboarding go hand-in-hand. There is immense chance for operational breakdowns and bottlenecks. It also erodes the candidate experience.
Phylicia Teymer
A3: W/O #collaboration between recruiting/onboarding, those applying can be left in the dark, less talent makes it through the process.
Janine Truitt
Companies need to be prepared for new employees. Part of that requires both Recruitment and Hiring Managers to be on the same page with regard to process.
Janine Truitt
A3 New hires are only as successful within the first 90 days as their recruitment and onboarding processes set them up to be.
Denise Holt
A3) Communication is Key
Janine Truitt
@DeniseHolt1 A3 Communication is extremely key. A lack of communication just makes the company look like they were unprepared.
Sean Charles
Leadership is excellent at switching gears quickly without notice. Collaboration keeps the recruitment process inline with the company vision!
Yiannis Koutrakis
On-boarding pays the biggest part of ROI on recruitment. Investing on this is lowering recruitment cost in the long run
Amber Armstrong
Large companies can feel small and welcoming with collaboration
IBM SmarterWorkforce
Q7: What is most crucial for clients to consider when transitioning their systems to the cloud?
Denise Holt
A7 Security & Manageability
Janine Truitt
A7 Security and Data Recovery.
IBM SmarterWorkforce
While every situation will be different, it is useful to articulate the potential areas for cost savings that Cloud Computing can bring to an organization.#IBMSAP #SWFChat #Talent #Acquisition #HCM #HR
Phylicia Teymer
A7: Security tends to be top of mind for most clients, where is the data stored, accessibility. HR data tends to be really sensitive information.
Janine Truitt
A7 If something goes wrong where the system goes out or is compromised; you need to know how the data will be restored and in what timeframe.
IBM SmarterWorkforce
Costs are reducing, and processes are becoming more systemized for the transfer,^SP #SWFChat
Janine Truitt
A7 Do you have confidential or top secret IP? If yes, you ought to know whether your data is being encrypted and in what instances. You don't want to leave yourself vulnerable.
IBM SmarterWorkforce
One of the most important considerations that companies moving business to the cloud must understand is
The impact on their human resources.#SWFChat ^SP
Janine Truitt
A7 It is also important to know how you can access your entire database when needed. Establishing access is something to determine in the beginning.
IBM SmarterWorkforce
Q1: What is your definition of talent management?
Denise Holt
A1 Finding the right people to meet business strategy & nurture them toward engagement & making a difference @IBMSmtWorkforce
Janine Truitt
Talent Management is a comprehensive set of programs and initiatives geared to attract, retain, and develop talent in organizations.
Janine Truitt
A1 It is where your business strategy meets your people strategy.
Phylicia Teymer
I see talent management as the collective process from "prior to hire" to retire.
Janine Truitt
@PhyliciaProctor I love that you included the prior-to-hire piece. That is often left out.
Phylicia Teymer
@CzarinaofHR I think half the battle is getting the "right" talent through the recruitment phase, let alone know of an open position.
Janine Truitt
@PhyliciaProctor Absolutely. Which is why I see Recruitment as the most important function in an organization. Can't do anything else if you can't get them through the door.
Yiannis Koutrakis
I fully agree on this. And then why I see that corporations are not putting enough emphasis behind recruitment?
IBM SmarterWorkforce
Q4: How does self-service capabilities of an HRIS system aid potential applicants and current employees in their employee lifecycle?
Denise Holt
A4 Allows you to see the overall person & their history & performance
Denise Holt
A4 A good one would help you to spot disengagement, dissatisfaction or high potential
Janine Truitt
A4 Self-Service is huge from a productivity standpoint. Giving employees and applicants to execute tasks on their own time from where they sit allows us to shift the accountability from HR to them.
Janine Truitt
A4 HR needs to relinquish some of the more administrative tasks that we have traditionally done. Self-service frees us from having to have headcount to manage administrative tasks.
Phylicia Teymer
A4: It also allows for an employee to have control over certain work processes.
Amber Armstrong
@DeniseHolt1 agree! Making it easy and proactive
Janine Truitt
A4 Also, things change in our employees life so quickly that they shouldn't need to fill out a form for someone else to complete the task-when the employee can do it in real-time via self-service.
Denise Holt
Hi Amber! Glad to have you here! :) @ambarmstrong
Amber Armstrong
@DeniseHolt1 Hi there. Sorry to be a bit late. I'm at #IBMAmplify
Sean Charles
Hopefully it supports a level of engagement that supports the success of the employee's lifecycle.