IBM SmarterWorkforce45

Q3: What impact do social leaders have on an organization's learning culture?

Scott Edwards
A3: Every culture change needs its champions. It’s not enough to simply say “We launched a new way to learn-go check it out.” Learners need valid business reasons to buy into change. Social leaders can drive that engagement.

Michelle Henry
Huge impact...but they have to lead ...and walk the walk...not all leaders do

Walk the talk is critical

Cheryl K. Burgess
A3. Fostering a desire to learn is arguably more important than the learning itself. Social leaders help facilitate that.

Kimberly Whitler
A3 Social leaders impact culture through: 1) their actions and behaviors, 2) the information they attend to, 3) how they incentivize, promote, and reward employees, and 4) their decisions regarding the allocation of resources

Michelle Henry
Its the leaders that inspire that make the impact...the one who are human and genuine... so important

Jonathan Ferrar
The role leaders play in almost anything has a bearing on the culture. So in this space, leaders influence the learning culture de facto

Cheryl K. Burgess
A3. Social leaders keep everyone focused on the big picture—on why skill building is a win/win for both employee and company

Scott Edwards
@chmikeus A3: Exactly, Michelle. They need to lead by example. When the content is there, people will come.

Daniel Davis
One great thing about social is that it lets leaders arise from anywhere within the org, not just the top ranks.

Cheryl K. Burgess
A3. Social leaders light the way, pioneering new processes and modeling best practices. They show #socbiz #socialbusiness in action.

Michelle Henry
@ckburgess Absolutely Cheryl, learning isn't the hardest part.

Corey Lostetter
Social leaders are critical to building a sustainable social learning culture. They are responsible for employee engagement and should act as model for what is expected of employees.

Casey Lucas
@jaferrar - Indeed Jonathan!! Well said!!

@ckburgess You read my mind. Love to learn, know HOW to learn... more vital than what you learn.

Jonathan Ferrar
@chmikeus Absolutely. Agree

Gary Schirr
A3 Can't honestly think of too many examples... @IBMSmtWorkforce

Kimberly Whitler
A3 Consider Tony Hsieh CEO of Zappos. He uses social media to facilitate communication, learning, and the creation of shared values. Ex: He announced tweetups for employees to join in live streaming of qtrly mtgs.

Elizabeth Kvedar
clearly demonstrate the purpose and value the social activities bring to the curricula

Gary Schirr
A3 I was banned from email for a while when I worked for a Wall Street firm. @IBMSmtWorkforce

Cheryl K. Burgess
@jaferrar Exactly. Leadership necessary in any era.

Lauren Gibb
Leaders start and continue the movement of change.

Scott Edwards
@chmikeus A3: Definitely, Michelle. Authenticity is extremely important.

Phylicia Teymer
A3: Social leaders are needed to challenge status quo, help bring new ideas FWD, be the "champions of change"!

Michelle Henry
@ckburgess Show me don't tell me...the new face of leadership

Kimberly Whitler
Q3 Leaders determine whether the culture will tolerate social learning and interconnectedness

Jonathan Ferrar
@Korenlis Agree

Kimberly Whitler
@ckburgess Agree -- fostering, motivating, incenting, and rewarding social learning

Michelle Henry
@danielkdtwt Agree Danielle, everyone has the potential to teach me something..everyday

Casey Lucas
@ckburgess - Right on the money, Cheryl!!!

Jhoanna Tamayo
A3. Social Leaders inspire and help employees find purpose in their work. Employees working for a purpose are more motivated #swfchat

Elizabeth Kvedar
@ProfessorGary Why? and how did you communicate without it?

Jonathan Ferrar
@MainCane83 This is really important. Leaders can decide to be 'social' or not. They can be 'active' or not. They can be a 'learner' or not. It's all a matter of choice. A Leader chooses to be a 'Social Leader' or not.

Cheryl K. Burgess
Exactly, @KimWhitler! Perhaps orgs should devote more resources to helping employees identify their optimal learning styles?