
Spark & ClearStory
Thought leader conversation about the Spark & the consumerization of data using ClearStory platform
Jeff Kelly
How do enterprise users actually interact with ClearStory? Analytic apps or Analytics integrated into biz processes? Something else?
Enterprise users interact with ClearStory through an intuitive, browser-based application which has a new user model with built-in support for collaboration
@dvellante loves the data harmonization angle here is Sharmila Mulligan at our #BigDataNYC event
Doug VanderMolen
The Clearstory experiences was designed so that business users interact directly with both internal and external data through the Clearstory interface.
John Furrier I like how you layout the "data stories" brilliant.. and adding social component on iterative data modeling is genius.. #bigdata done right
Bob Gourley
Question for @ClearStoryData: Can you give top 3 or 4 best practices you have seen when new data based solutions are fielded.
John Furrier
great question
Bob Gourley I'm learning things here that will help me get my job done so I appreciate your bringing attention to this.
Stephanie McReynolds
Getting value from new data based solutions means making the solution easy to use no matter what the use case.
Bob Gourley Thanks for the helpful reply.
Stephanie McReynolds
That said, we see organizations adopting data intelligence for new use cases like: localized market intelligence in retail, multi-screen behavioral analysis in media & entertainment...
Narayan Bharadwaj
There are use cases that cut across verticals- anything that typically involves interactive and iterative analysis to get to one or more fast insights
Bob how you see these guys from say @platfora @benwerther has been on before
Will Davis
Accessing more sources of disparate data both internal & external, providing fast interactive analysis on data at scale and collaboration for making analysis within a team intuitive and productive
Bob Gourley Thanks for those comments
Stephanie McReynolds
Data intelligence is a new way to analyze data. How does it compare to the old ways - e.g. data warehousing, business intelligence, dashboarding?
John Furrier
in the #sparksummit CrowdChat the emphasis was on real time analytics what's different now for end users?
John Furrier
to me it's the consumerization of data and that means the data scientist will be the new BI analyst.. 4 million data analysts will soon be data scientists
At #AWS they are seeing #devops driving a new paradigm of applications (aka agile) which will create a new model of "knowledge worker" more #data #artist less math geek..
Will Davis
I think of Data Intelligence as a new way to analyze data by leveraging 'smarts' on the data itself to make working with and analyzing data faster, more intuitive and more flexible
Jeff Kelly
big difference is not needing to pre-define the questions you want to ask or the data models - data intelligence is real-time and iterative
@jeffjonas at IBM always says and I love this quote "big data is like puzzle pieces" need to have them but putting it together is an art & science" this is the new way for analytics which is storytelling and datascience as one #bigdata
Crowd Doc
What are @ClearStoryData 's offering w.r.t to #Spark ?
Spark is one component of our stack. ClearStory Data is a application + platform which enables analytics on diverse data sources, both internal and external
John Furrier
Why are you guys so pumped up about Spark?
We use Spark and Shark as part of our stack for analytics on Diverse data
Stephanie McReynolds
Data Intelligence requires new technology to deliver more speed to more people. Spark is a technology we've been working with for years now as part of that equation @furrier
Jeff Kelly
to me Spark offers opportunity to build a Unifed Big Data stack on Hadoop rather than disparate components
Spark's in-memory data processing also allows our users to 'fail fast', in case a particular data exploration reaches a 'dead end'
Crowd Captain
Welcome to Clearstory @clearstorydata chat on the advances in Spark #sparksummit and #bigdata analytics