
AWSre:Invent Influencer Notes
A VIP Influencer Chat. Unofficial off-Hashtag chat for influencers. Show's official tag #reinvent
   9 years ago
#awsreinventAWS re:Invent 2015 PreviewThe latest from the cloud crowd
John Furrier
IoT will go sideways in 2018: Too expensive, OT & IT issues, waiting for volume solutions from new vendors, and IoT volume vendors will use low-cost infrastructure. True or False. Comment
John Furrier
No consensus will be reached on logical location of IoT edge analytics or persistence of data. True of False. Comment
John Furrier
90 per cent of machine-learning algorithms and their code are now available open source through various communities (e.g. TensorFlow, Scikit Learn, H2O and Weka). True of False. Comment
True - higher actually w/ exceptions around specific financial apps. All general purpose algos in OS. Unless trading on an exchange, you are using Open Source.
Subbu Allamaraju
Either open source, or commoditized via services on public clouds
yaron haviv
right, but the challenge is getting the learned models and acting on it
John Furrier
Serverless computing will come to mainstream private cloud. True or False. Comment.
Subbu Allamaraju
False. Adoption and success of serverless patterns depend almost entirely on the strength of the ecosystem that data centers lack.
John Furrier
@sallamar I'm waffling on this bc I don't have enough insight yet @stu does insight; my opinion isn't formed yet
Subbu Allamaraju
My observation at Expedia is that Lamba's growth is almost entirely due to the power of the ecosystem of services, which is one of the key points in
Stuart Miniman
#serverless will definitely be useful for edge applications. Currently don’t see use case for general data center usage
yaron haviv
DIY FaaS is not #Serverless, u need a full self-service platform + data services like @iguazio todo on-prem/edge serverless @nuclioio
John Furrier
Go Scale or Go Home (aka go out of business). Massive industry consolidation will happen in 2018-19 as business models get smashed by cloud. Private equity will provide the capital for M&A rollups to create large-scale portfolios that can compete at scale
John Furrier
Advanced Cyber practices will go mainstream born from gov led processes which will bleed into commercial mkts. Evidence FakeNews, Ransomware & nationstate-sponsored attacks threaten USA and will catalyze government involvement to arm commercial enterprises
John Furrier
European market becomes a lynchpin of cloud success as China uses its scale? True or False. Comment
John Furrier
Chinese cloud companies (Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu) will be recognized as clear global cloud leaders with growth rates and revenues that are in the top tier of players. True or False. Comment
John Furrier
Blockchain will be as fundamental to digital infrastructure as TCP/IP was to the Internet. De-centralized & Distributed architectures will emerge in 2018 and become a lynchpin of application advanced models by 2020.
Subbu Allamaraju
False. Not as fundamental as TCP/IP.
John Furrier
@sallamar I'm True on this one. Lets debate :-) love this decentralized trend but I'm biased
Subbu Allamaraju
It may be nice building block for certain kinds of problems, but not as fundamental as TCP/IP. TCP/IP is like Oxygen for the Internet.
John Furrier
@rossrader said to me on my timeline:
"I’ve long said that blockchain is the first new piece of real internet infrastructure since http. Not quite true - things like WebRTC and much more - but this feels bigger somehow"
John Furrier
@sallamar I don't think #blockchain is an abstraction ontop of the internet but part of the infra
Donald C. Klein
Still waiting to see broadly adopted use cases (beyond crypto) where distributed apps and shared ledger infrastructure trumps centralized app structures. But there are emerging signs: supply chain, media, gov records ...
John Furrier
AWS, Alibaba, Google continue to chew up public cloud IaaS and PaaS space. Microsoft gains share as well but comes down to earth. IBM finding its footing? True or False. Comment
IaaS war, over. PaaS - just about over. SaaS - early innings. $MSFT and $IBM bring their software portfolios to bare.
crazy prediction, $AMZN buys $IBM. Sells off GTS, GBS and keeps software and cloud to round out SaaS portfolio.
John Furrier
I think #Azure is sandbagging their numbers but they are hiding the ball from the market so who knows.
John Furrier
@Grant_Case IBM #AWS partnership should be in place look what #vmware did; IBM could punt cloudfoundry and go all in on AWS and Jassy's team
Strategic ?, Remove IaaS lead. Why would anyone partner with $AMZN. They have knifed every comp and industry? From S/W to Media to Groceries to Retail to H/W. Is there a biz there not in or won't get in? Why I'm bullish on $MSFT and $IBM.
agree on #Azure. They are everywhere now.
Ultimately, $AMZN has not been an honest broker w/customers and partners. The big lead means they can be price makers now, but many customers waiting for a reasonable alt, IF it materializes.
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@Grant_Case That's not too Crazy. My prediction was $AMZN buys $HPE for the edge support capabilities. Meg has done most of the hard work of divesting.
John Furrier
AWS and HPE that would be interesting