
Fast Track Your Data-Live Q&A
Live Q&A with subject matter experts - Machine Learning, getting ready for GDPR, data science...
   7 years ago
#IBMMLFast Track Your DataDiscussing competitive advantages created with machine learning, data governance and data science.
Dave Vellante
IMO Apple didn't announce a cell was a smart phone - the NYT was correct I'd say...
Nancy Hensley
it was a new experience using a phone :)
Nancy Hensley
just like we are announcing new experiences using our #datascience and #datamanagement solutions
Nigel Jones
and it wasn't even new - smartphones existed before - ok there was IBM Simon ... but also plenty of windows & symbian devices. Apples connected it with many more people by making it easy and less tech focussed.
Munira Raji
I have never been this excited about Data Science! Thank you, Hilary Mason. #ibmmI
Nigel Jones
great choice of speaker
Dave Vellante
Financial news reporting, celebrity gossip, investment portfolio mgt, real estate mgt - all ripe for automation w/ success stories according to @hmason
Nancy Hensley
and all that unstructured data of course, the stuff we just aren't using
Nancy Hensley
The opportunity and that moment of change is what makes this so exciting says @hmason #machinelearning #datascience
Hilary Mason says "data science is science: it requires an experimental process." Crowdchatters: How should data scientists conduct their experiments?
Nigel Jones
"Data science requires open mindedness and getting people to think differently about how they make decisions" ...
Nancy Hensley
#datascience enhances better intuition for better decisions
Nancy Hensley
@hmason explains why #machinelearning will never replace humans
Hilary Mason says data science is a "human innovation enabled by technology." Crowdchatters: What is the nature of this human innovation?
Dave Vellante
Should people not worry that machines will replace them?
Dave Vellante
Median income in the US has dropped from $55K in 1999 to ~$50K today