
November Tech Talk
CSC Employees:Join Dan Hushon & Rich Reba for Q&A discussion around our Technology Transformation.
   11 years ago
#csctechtalkJanuary Tech TalkCSCers: Join our Tech Transformation leaders for a lively discussion about all things #csctechtalk
indranil sinha
I think the user experience inside corporate or on social arena need to be similar. Once we can offer real value around that thru our services - to our clients and employees, the transformation would be complete.
Dan Hushon
thanks, I do agree.... we need to find new engagement models with our customers and our employees as customers... collaboration
Sylvie Otten (Sollod Totally agree - discovering where and how customers communicate, collaborate & engage prior to buying is key. 71% of enterprise purchase decisions in the United States begin with research conducted online.
Rich Reba
agree - in fact this is a fundamental tenant of our technology vision - clients expect "consumer-like" experiences in increasingly "outside-in" enterprises - both "outside-in" and "consumerization" are subjects of @csclef reports
lewis richards @richrebaAnd we should be making massive use of their market validated research across the board. Needs everyone to be an advocate
Dave Elsworth
We have existing programmes looking at improving User Experience for our customers & ourselves. Excited to see the output of these programmes.
Madhavi Mullagiri
@DanHushon More important than technology, is how the technology has been used to enable - businesses, societies - and to glaze CSC talent, a little more proactive packaging and marketing will go a long way #csctechtalk
Dan Hushon
what do you mean by packaging... I believe that bringing our value in the form of offers does make some sense, it allows for focus... if you mean packaging our message in a better way, I'm all ears
Madhavi Mullagiri Offerings - Yes, agreed. Messaging - may need to do more, in terms of branding and marketing, especially in emerging markets
Brian Wallace
Partnering has been critical to CSC's past does it need to support our next gen IT strategy?
Dan Hushon
our partners are our lifeblood for R&D, the challenge will be our traditional "suppliers" vs. our new "partners" when is the last time that we asked a partner to do something different in their products based on a market requirement we saw
Rich Reba
i think it's crucially important for our strategic, platform, and innovation partners to be engaged in all facets of our technology transformation so that we can be the best at rapid integration of best-of-breed technologies
Dr Mel Selwood
I think the future partner strategy needs to be more in the context of a dynamically adaptable mash up of capability across an ecosystem than simply point to point partner agreements #csctechtalk
Our partners need to pivot with us toward the "as a service" economy. They need to sell us services, not products.
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
I am quoting @wkelly24
What is the state of standard data formats to ensure compatibility with independent apps? #csctechtalk Will Unicode help with this?
6 minutes ago
Dan Hushon
@wkelly24 ... there are no real standards, using platforms like java with their unicode support ala haddop/storm do help, but we are seeing schema/structure late strategies everywhere... NET: get the original data in then transform on qry
indranil sinha
How CSC is communicating the technology transformation messages, and all our excitements to our existing clients ?
Rich Reba
"top down" as well as "bottom up" communications - "bottom up" communication happens through all of you and is more powerful!
Dan Hushon
aren't we doing it right now... collaborative engagement with the entire ecosystem through transparent conversations
Dr Mel Selwood
We need a strong focus on helping our customers succeed in the emerging digital economy - including 'the API Economy' and the 'Internet of Things' #csctechtalk
Paul Varman
agreed, we need to be able to structure offerings in such a way as they can be combined into solution more easily
Rich Reba
agree - we are looking at API management in the context of Program 2 - mobility & machine as well as Cloud / PaaS workstreams - suggest reaching out to leaders in those areas
Dr Mel Selwood (RESTful API Modeling Language) and look interesting #csctechtalk
Oliver Dungey
REST, time to move away from WS deathstar
Luke Agreed - CSC should be building hypermedia driven RESTful apps (HATEOAS) where interop is key.
lewis richards
and to do that our offerings needs to be api enabled so they can be mashed up. no more silos!!!
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
I am quoting @biddster
@wkelly24 I'd love to see CSC adopt JSON Schema across the board. #csctechtalk
3 minutes ago
Dr Mel Selwood
agree - coupled with RESTful services and Resource Oriented Architecture to provide addressability of everything and connectivity across ecosystems #csctechtalk
Luke Although I mean JSON LD. Not Schema. Either way, self describing APIs FTW.
Rich Reba
@wkelly24 I'd love to see that as well - take a look at what we're doing in Workstream 3a and get involved if you can to help shape it
James Adams
David Braxton
Looking forward to ServiceMesh integration into out offering and solutions. How quickly should we expect this to happen?
Oliver Dungey
It's gonna take a little while to bake it into our Cloud and then we need some CloudFoundry PaaS goodness sprinkled on top (and of course Puppet/Chef)
Neil Fagan @servicemesh @cloudfoundry and multiple hybrids Iaas providers is a very winning combination
Paul Varman
how are we able to use Service mesh to deliver bizcloud?
Ganesh Swaminathan
Me too. Need to start the incubation activities around this right away
Howard Smith
Don't wait for things to be baked in, move forward with customers that need it, or need us to use it
Need to find ways to rapidly get SM into our current programs. Any advantage we have over our competition will be lost if we continue "baking."
Brian Wallace Customer "pull" is already happening...agnostic fabric is the piece they were looking for
Oliver Dungey
I'm looking forward to a common platform and the cost savings that come with it - frustrated with Cloud specifics, tin is tin
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
I am quoting @wkelly24
What is the state of standard data formats to ensure compatibility with independent apps? #csctechtalk Will Unicode help with this?
2 minutes ago
@wkelly24 @danhushon I've love to see CSC adopt JSON LD everywhere.
Ganesh Swaminathan Absolutely. Need to put efforts to help customers transform. Will be highly rewarding.
How do we infuse Millenials into our organization?
Oliver Dungey
I'm too old to know ;-) .... need to get the grads on Twitter with us
lewis richards they are all on SnapChat
Doug Neal
we can start by recognizing that their tools of choice are embedded in their lives and we have to enable those tools and procedures, especially for collaboration
Howard Smith
Essential that HR takes lead from #csctechtalk to embrace relationships with leading #compsci .edu and .ac centers
The CEO of SAP requires that each of his direct reports have at least one millennial lead a business unit. Should CSC embrace that approach?
Paul St Amand
Their tools are also physically present across geography, their technology circle of friends is always present where ever and when ever something is shared through twitter, youtube, snapchat, linkedin, pinterest, facebook, vine, ...
Ganesh Swaminathan
Recruiting from campus YOY in India. Also actively collaborating with Academia through COIN. Need to take it global for larger impact
hayley smith
we should consider this as part of our program 4