
Collab & Communication
What does the future of collaboration and communication look like? Join us to find out!
   9 years ago
#NewWayToWorkDesign LanguageDesign is becoming more critical in today's web world. Join us to discuss design & a New Way to Work
Paul Gillin
What do you make of Facebook at Work? Will CIOs embrace it or despise it because it's Facebook?
Why IT Should be Skeptical of 'Facebook at Work'
Facebook, a company decidedly focused on consumers and advertisers, wants to move into the busy enterprise social market with the Facebook at Work service, but its plans raise a number of important questions and concerns for enterprise IT and corpora...
Brian Fanzo
IMO Too many CIO's already think of ESN tools as play tools for posting cat pictures... by adding facebook to the tool I think only adds to the misinformation and lack of understanding in CIO's that don't get social..
Warren Whitlock
feedback I'm getting is "we won't look at it if it comes from Facebook"
Daniel Davis
I think Facebook does have a perception problem to combat there, for sure.
Warren Whitlock
@iSocialFanz I couldn't get through the workday without cat picutures
Ariana Gradow
Sometimes I find myself in a time warp on FB. I'm too easily distracted to use FB for work
Paul Gillin
@iSocialFanz I completely agree. The fact that so few CIOs are social-savvy, means internal social networks won't achieve their potential.
Paul Gillin
@arianagradow I agree. That's why I almost never fire up Facebook during the workday. It's too addictive.
IBM Social Business
Q5: One feature of IBM Verse, a revolutionary new social email tool, is 'Mute the Thread.' What type of conversations do you wish you could mute?

Shawn Murphy
I really don't want to know what you're bringing to the potluck.
Paul Gillin
Any conversation about a project with which I'm no longer involved. It's nearly impossible to get off of distribution lists.
Diana Wolff
The endless back and forth tweaking copy. I don't need to see all of that.
Shawn Murphy
A5: I'd like to mute threads that don't apply to my work or focus.
Lindsay Malloy
Thank you for saying thank you, but by the 5th thank you chain email, I want to pull my hair out.
Wendy Arnott
@TheShawnMurphy Agree. A Wiki would be a much better place to sign up for a potluck. That's what our team does! :)
Diana Wolff
@LindsaySkarda Or the response that's just a smiley, from someone who needs to be the last to write.
Mark Babbitt
A5: Reality television.
Martin Jones
Agree @pgillin - Distro lists for projects, etc. that I am no longer a part of.
Lindsay Malloy
@di_wo Exactly! I always fear I appear to be the ungrateful person, but I just don't like the reply all emails that have nothing to do with work!
Mark Babbitt
A5: "Nice one!"
Brian Fanzo
I would like to mute and kill off distribution lists or the ability for employees to use them... if something has to go to a massive audience post it on the ESN tool and that notification will be sent to everyone.. they create reply all nightmares!
Warren Whitlock
I want to be taken off any thread that I mute. The overhead of choosing what to accept and pretend I"m reading for politics is too much of a drain
Shawn Murphy
@rjwissin Rebecca, I wonder what will happen when we mute something that wasn't important but becomes important. Hmm...
Mark Babbitt
A5: The people you take off threads are those who ask: "Why did I not know about this!?!"
Warren Whitlock
@rjwissin exactly. We need to charge whuffie to anyone demanding our attention.
Brian Fanzo
@TheShawnMurphy no more dog ate my homework excuses... dog pushed my mute button.. :)
Shawn Murphy
@iSocialFanz Aaah, reality in the social age.
Warren Whitlock
Owning an email address should have zero obligation to read emails
Paul Gillin
A5: Reply-to-all hell. If you want to converse with one other person, leave the rest of us out of it :-)
Daniel Davis
@di_wo As a frequent contributor to such threads, I'm always sensitive about that but am reluctant to remove people unless I know they want to be removed. I love the idea of being able to keep people looped in but them having the option to mute the thread.
Lindsay Malloy
@TheShawnMurphy True, but I think urgent requests should be sent on a chat client. If you want it now, chat with me. If you want it when I finally get through my 160 emails a day, send email.
Shawn Murphy
Muting opens the door to a whole new etiquette that will be interesting to see how it influences the comm channel.
Mark Babbitt
A5: Any email with the word "URGENT" should result in a message to the user: "Pick up the damn phone!" #IBMVerse
Daniel Davis
@LindsaySkarda I also try to get a sense of how people prefer to be contacted and use the appropriate tool.
Shawn Murphy
@LindsaySkarda Excellent point. Our team is moving to that belief to help speed up our info flow.
Brian Fanzo
@MarkSBabbitt if you have something urgent Mark.. just tweet me :)
Wyatt Urmey
There was lots of interest on this point when I talked with admin assistants
IBM Social Business
Excellent insight on the role of email in organizations! Transitioning to Q5.
Diana Wolff
The variety of answers shows how transitional the platforms are.
Brian Diaz
Social media I use to build the relationship and hopefully community. Email is used more personally. #newwaytowork
IBM Social Business
Q4: What role do you think email plays in an organization?

Shawn Murphy
It's an evil necessity. It does help connect ppl to information, albeit over used.
Martin Jones
A4 - Email has the widest reach of almost any communication tool within the organization. @IBMSocialBiz
Warren Whitlock
it's where good ideas go to die
Daniel Davis
#Email will continue to be a if not the main form of communication at an org. It just needs to get better.
Shawn Murphy
I want my email to help streamline my over-active inbox. Help my productivity improve.
Paul Gillin
Email is great for communication between small numbers of people, but it's terrible for large projects involving more than about a half dozen participants.
Wendy Arnott
@theshawnmurphy @martinjonesaz Agree. Email is still the go to communication tool of most people today because it's easy and everyone knows how to use it. But a lot of time is wasted in our inboxes!
Brian Fanzo
Email is a necessary evil but something that can be improved with better technology focused on conversations and dynamic profiles (Saw one today :) ) but also better training for employees not to send company wide emails & value of using ESN tools!
Warren Whitlock
email is more important than ever. Most organizations create way more CC's and BC's than any one person could ever read.
Mark Babbitt
A4: Most CEOs seem to have a love-hate relationship with email... they love to hate it.
Amber Armstrong
Shameless plug: #email today plays a painful role, tomorrow #ibmverse will make it better.
Brian Fanzo
Productivity Apps Exist because Email has become unproductive to manage!
Shawn Murphy
@iSocialFanz Great point on the training. Bad habits left uncorrected infuriate.
Warren Whitlock
1 to 1 email is the best way to have a private asyncronus conversation. After 34 years, I'm just getting the hang of it.
Paul Gillin
I appreciate the efforts of IBM and others to improve email, but the flip side of that is to encourage people to use it for the wrong things.
Diana Wolff
One good point about #email is that it documents certain conversations.
Rebecca Wissinger
email is and always will be a primary form of communication - we just need to adapt it to advances in tech & business
Daniel Davis
@TheShawnMurphy The way email is used is indeed a huge problem. Better designed email (#IBMVerse !) can help with that, e.g. by making it more natural to post rather than send.
Lindsay Malloy
Email is great for conversations that you want to be saved for later use.
Mark Babbitt
A4: Show me a CEO who takes the time to answer her own email... I'll show you someone I trust.
Warren Whitlock
I tell people to never cc me unless they expect an answer. If they BCC, I know it's politics
Brian Fanzo
@LindsaySkarda Agree but I love chat clients for that same reason.. I do so much business and collaboration over instant message type clients that if done over email would take 5X longer!
Bruce Kneuer
@MarkSBabbitt How about one who "walks the tweet talk"? :-) http://socialmedia.o...
Chris Yaldezian
@martinjonesaz Agreed. Everyone has an email address.
Samantha Klein
@MarkSBabbitt Ginni Rometty!! And @coastw!!! And that's why I'm proud to work at @IBM!! It's all about #TRUST #NewWayToWork
Ariana Gradow
Email is key to connecting people, thoughts, ideas and documents and keeping everything private. But it is also a time waister as well if it is not used productively
Rebecca Wissinger
@danielkdtwt agree! less spam, simple navigation, social, etc insert #IBMVerse
Brian Fanzo
@BKneuer I approve that message but I know that doesn't surprise you :)
Alison Diana
@MarkSBabbitt Do you find CEOs more likely to reply to social media than email, depending on context?
Diana Wolff
It's on a person-by-person basis - some still prefer communication via email.
Wendy Arnott
A4: Many groups at TD have been able to reduce emails by posting to our enterprise social tools instead. By posting announcements for example, they also get the added bonus of giving others an opportunity to engage on that content by 'liking' or commenting
Lindsay Malloy
@iSocialFanz Definitely! I prefer my chat client to ask questions quickly.
Alison Diana
Where does texting fit in to today's communication? Fits between calls and traditional email.
Brian Fanzo
@Wendy_Arnott I was part of a startup that we blocked employee to employee attachment sending over email to drive ESN usage... the collaboration & communication increased.. not all were happy of course!
Daniel Davis
@LindsaySkarda I agree, as long as those conversations are easy to search and read afterwards, and don't contain a bunch of huge files plugging things up!
Paul Krappman
@iSocialFanz This is fact for me too. I prefer the quick interchange of IM for most project or everyday comms...
Phylicia Teymer
Email is wide reaching, but it hasn't kept up with tech advancements until now. I think we'll see some major changes in the way work gets done w/ email as supplement
Alison Diana
@LindsaySkarda Absolutely! Instant messaging is a huge timesaver!
Mark Babbitt
@alisoncdiana Sadly, quite the opposite. A small fraction of CEOs have fully embraced #social.
Wyatt Urmey
The backbone of business communications still! http://insights-on-b...
Daniel Davis
@MarkSBabbitt I imagine we'll see a shift in that as we get a younger generation at the top of orgs. That might be a ways off, though.
Mark Babbitt
@samjoyk Next step for Ginny: Twitter! #babysteps
Alison Diana
@MarkSBabbitt True. Those who have really stand out.
Vincenzo Landino
.@IBMSocialBiz email needs to go away. Instant messaging is the best way. Slack is changing things all around.