
Innovation and Growth
How can social & digital help you foster innovation and growth?
   9 years ago
#socbizchatThe Future of WorkTalent, culture, cognitive computing, analytics, technology and collaboration.
   9 years ago
#socbizchatReshaping the Way We WorkHow can digital and social innovators help reshape the way we work?
IBM Social Business
Q6: Some companies are afraid of change and prefer the status quo. How can you motivate them to be disruptors in their respective industries?

Karl Ronn
P&G and GE are the only 2
Karl Ronn
Why, long-term success requires operational excellence plus not being obsoleted plus creating new businesses. These 2 companies did all three.
Daniel Davis
If their sinking bottom line doesn't motivate them to change, nothing will!
Bob Pulver
A6: saw great quote the other day: "even if you're on right path, you'll get run over if you stand still"
Bob Johansen
The companies that most clearly get the need to embrace disruption that those whose survival is being threatened.
Janine Truitt
You motivate companies to become disruptors incrementally. Every company has a threshold for change. You have to measure that pain point and get them to disrupt at their comfort level.
Karl Ronn
85% of effort is on the core, 10% needs to address disruption, 5% to create new industries.
Brian Fanzo
Change doesn't always have to be random... taking small strategic steps that are data backed will help limit risk.... key is teaching them how to evaluate RISK vs REWARD!
Amber Armstrong
disrupt or be disrupted. #innovate
Karl Ronn
The balance of innovation is critical. Keep the goals separate.
Karl Ronn
A6. IBM has thrived because it has a more robust innovation approach. Hardware, software, service became software, service, and now the smarter planet/twitter/Apple/Watson experiments.
John Furrier
disruption is a state of mind; do you play defense or offense? key is every company needs a disruptive enabler or "lever" to move the status quo
Diana Wolff
Disruption isn't in every business model. Following can actually be a strategy (though not for this bunch!)
Bob Pulver
A6: lots of examples of those unwilling to adapt, i.e., Blockbuster
Daniel Davis
The prospect of obsolescence will be the motivation. What they'll need is to be shown the way forward, to be given a road map to intelligent, strategic change.
Kelli Cesarz
Being a disruptor doesn't happen over night. Not everything becomes viral. Show them a long term strategy plan with measures of success, and how it will filter in to current efforts.
John Furrier
@kpronn I would argue that IBM is being disrupted like all the big companies but they are strong enough to handle the "waves" it's all happening faster now than ever before in the industry
Janine Truitt
Companies who are more willing to recognize their discomfort with disruption and move beyond it to innovation will ultimately win.
Brian Fanzo
Focus must be on creating NEW experiences rather than disrupting just cause... New experiences start when by brands embracing social, mobile, analytics and cloud (S.M.A.C.)to be more productive and increase the quality of life.
Eric Silva
IF something causes revenue to improve or costs go down..businesses will eventually act, some are slow to notice the opposite, ie. video stores @pulvereyes
Karl Ronn
Disrupters are experts in agility Kelli
Janine Truitt
@kellcesarz The message shouldn't be hurry up and disrupt, but disrupt as suits your business. Love it!
.@IBMSocialBiz Technology is becoming more prevalent in the biz space. Companies who don't or won't embrace it will fall behind and have to be reactive instead of proactive in new technology initiatives.
John Furrier
@czarinaofhr @kellcesarz disruption requires a "payload" & that is innovation or some enabler; it isn't some magic dust that makes it just happen; plus people have to drive it
Pamela Miller
support them to identify how they are unique, who they are in business for then authentically feature their mission/purpose, to their audience, through exceptional multi media communication.
Jason Poblete
Show clear examples where disruptive thinking broke the status quo and helped create a "new normal" by innovating business models. See: @WarbyParker @airbnb @uber and others
IBM Social Business
Awesome responses from everyone on Q5. Definitely the 'we' and the 'me' need to be considered. Going to Q6.
IBM Social Business
Q5: Some people feel they are more productive individually. Is the team greater than one person? If so, how can you encourage these individuals to collaborate?

Karl Ronn
A5. The best teams are made of individuals with complementary skills. Read patents – there are very few individual inventors – it's a myth.
Karl Ronn
Even if it happens it takes someone else to scale it. Respect the individual but form teams and divide up the work.
Daniel Davis
Individual accomplishments are reliant upon the groundwork laid down by others (be they the "team" or "department" or other).
Karl Ronn
Too often people report from when they arrived.
Bob Johansen
Looking ten years ahead, the big news is that anyone can partner with anyone, to do things you could not do alone.
Daniel Davis
I need my quiet time, but I'd be fooling myself to think I could do my job -- or any job -- in a vacuum, without peer input or support.
Karl Ronn
They will have capabilities that were once elite and are now democratized.
Brian Fanzo
Sharing socially aka "Working in Public" doesn't always mean you have to work with others but sharing your knowledge and insights in a public space or on a social business tools can help educate others and eliminate duplication of work & interruptions!
Janine Truitt
You have to champion individuality before you can assemble a team. The cohesiveness of work behaviors, goals and approaches determine how well they will collaborate.
Daniel Davis
Per the previous question, today's tech expands the concept of "team" as we can more easily collaborate with more and more people.
Phylicia Teymer
Innovation, a lot of times, is based on tweaking/adding something to an old idea. We build upon others ideas, that's the benefit of collective intelligence.
Karl Ronn
A5. We have a partnership worksheet. Each partner must answer the same question: There is something I want to do, but I can’t do it without you – not just anybody – specifically you.
Bob Pulver
A5: will always be some level of elasticity in getting things done, but collab brings most value
Karl Ronn
If both can say this to the need for each other , you have a partnership. These will be rare.
John Furrier
group work is more productive but having more alignment is very important in my experience bc more people the better the work but longer it takes so it's a balance
Karl Ronn
The best teams are like a cabinet. The Sec of Defense, Sec of Treasury, etc. Each is an expert.
Bob Pulver
A5: really depends on task; innovation certainly won't happen at individual level
Brian Fanzo
Nobody likes being interrupted or micro-managed... by sharing what you're working on openly you eliminate those questions while also making sure you're not out of sight out of mind!
Kelli Cesarz
Technology/Social media is all about being social. Even if you're posting as an individual, you're usually communicating within a team, or engaging with others to build your knowledge. Technology is always changing so more insight the better.
Karl Ronn
New business is partnerships and learning oriented. Existing business is customer supplier and performance based.
John Furrier
using #bigdata moves you from not just predictive analytics but to be fully prescriptive in the form of recommendations hence great outcomes
Janine Truitt
You can't change individual approaches to work, but you can put people in a position to do their best work with people that compliment their ability and/or inability.
Karl Ronn
Social media makes us transparent. Google docs versus word/emails.
Karl Ronn
Sometimes you just need to have 4 people to lift the refrigerator. Then just do it together.
Karl Ronn
Startups have an advantage that they hire the people to do a specific task. There is a flow of skills in and out.
Daniel Davis
@CzarinaofHR Yes, and #data and #analytics make it easier to put people in a position to do their best work!
Amber Armstrong
everyone should have a #leadership role and then collaborate across leaders
Phylicia Teymer
@furrier Your statement John just reiterates why I'm so excited about the future of #bigdata + #IBMWatson (cognitive computing) + #cloud & mobile tech, imagine the incredible capabilities of future apps/social, Great change is upon us!
Byron Woodson
see: mythical man month

sometimes working alone is more productive. teams could investigate asynchronous times and ways to 'sync' that doesn't interrupt individual progress