IBM Social Business63
Q2: How can you harness the power of imagination, collaboration, and disruptive ideas from your brightest and most passionate employees?
Stan Phelps
A2. First you understand who are the brightest and most passionate. Your top 20% typically drive 80% of the value #socbizchat
Alison Fether
A2 our #IBMSocialStudy found that identifying employee evangelists is key:
Charting the social universe: Social ambitions drive business impact
The number of companies focused on social capabilities continues to grow, but only 20 percent believe their organization is currently acting truly social. The pioneers are evolving by deploying five distinct clusters of capabilities known as social ...
The number of companies focused on social capabilities continues to grow, but only 20 percent believe their organization is currently acting truly social. The pioneers are evolving by deploying five distinct clusters of capabilities known as social ...
Brian Fanzo
Promote, Reward those who are driving change and collaboration.. Don't just share what they did but How & Why they did what they did and why it worked so others will take the risk and lead their own change!
Rebecca Wissinger
Take out the middle man! Ideas don't need to be filtered up. Let ideas come from all levels
Stan Phelps
A2. You employ recognition not as an afterthought, but as a true driver of performance.
Vidar Brekke
You need to make it clear that good ideas don't have anything to do with organizational hierarchy in a world that's socially flat
Matt Denning
provide the work culture and platforms that allow for fluid transfer of ideas
IBM Champions
Foster a climate that allows and encourages failures. So people aren't afraid to try new things @IBMSocialBiz
Bob Pulver
A2) need to ensure all realize they are innovation catalysts. We must share ideas, refine them together, find related ones to progress to reality
Brian Fanzo
@rjwissin That is the beauty of collaboration and teamwork... No title makes someone a leader... let those who can lead on certain projects lead no matter their role or job description!
Amber Armstrong
A1) Drive innovation with tools that are personal, remove clutter and connect teams. #esn
Vicki Winters
A2. Ooh ooh, I know this one!
Alison Fether
@iSocialFanz could not agree more!
John Furrier
keeping things "out in the open" fosters interactions and "truth"
Athar Afzal
key things to achieve collaboration, imagination & disruptive ideas -> having a culture that's VERY transparent - transparency leads into open communication w/o fear
Brian Fanzo
Failure must be thought of as learning opportunities not something that you will be fired for.... The reward of teaching and leading change must be greater than the risk!
Alison Fether
@iSocialFanz I actually just wrote a blog post about this, "it's not about what you know, it's what you share":
Jim Canto
A2) Create a SAFE environment where ridicule and politics are NOT part of the equation. Make certain they are not afraid of losing their jobs/paycheck. Stress clouds vision.
Cheryl K. Burgess
A2 Organizations that are committed to culture will win the minds and hearts of their @SocialEmployee
Bob Pulver
A2) everyone has role to play in innovation funnel; but must encourage, reward whatever that contribution is
Amber Armstrong
It's easy to kill innovation in process history #leadership
Camille Brandon
.@IBMSocialBiz A2) Let #millennials know they not only have a voice within your org but that they're also being listened to
Brian Fanzo
@AFether Following you now and will read that blog post after this chat.. Love the topic & excited to collaborate more on it :)
Cheryl K. Burgess
A2 Create a process to capture new product ideas on a regular basis and store them in an idea bank for future reference
Athar Afzal
@iVidar good point - I always so we should now change from promotions on Merit over Longevity in an Org than other way around
Stan Phelps
You empower the brightest and most passionate with opportunity
Matt Denning
positive reinforcement for sharing disruptive ideas with recognition
Cheryl K. Burgess
A2 Align your employees with your mission, vision and values
Vicki Winters
A2. Foster creativity, individuality, exercise not necessarily in that order
Cheryl K. Burgess
A2 It must be WIN/WIN for your employees
Brian Fanzo
Too many organizations what all employees to speak up but they don't let the employees know that their voice is heard and that it matters... Enough talking more action and empowering those who have a voice!
Amy Tennison
A2. Agree with everyone's points. It's hard to imagine a world where there are no job titles. Instead people take on the projects they are most passionate about. #collectivedelegation
Amber Armstrong
@9INCHmarketing agree. and focus on recognition and less on reviews #hr
Alison Fether
@iSocialFanz Awesome! Would love to hear what you think about the post + the #IBMSocialStudy its based on
Athar Afzal
@furrier true - without openness or a culture of openness - people might not feel compelled to share ideas
Cheryl K. Burgess
A2 Brands cannot communicate externally unless they first communicate internally.
Daniel Davis
@mdenning8 Yes, and even just for sharing -- doesn't matter if the idea doesn't pan out.
Rick Liebling
A2 - Give them meaningful opportunity, but also accountability. That builds trust and respect. #socbizchat
Vicki Winters
@AFether Love that! Sharing.I'll read it later!
Cheryl K. Burgess
@AmyTennison Simple recognition is powerful!
Wyatt Urmey
Inclusion over information hierarchy: As I've seen written many times , 'its now what you know but what you share'
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The domain name has been registered by NetNames. Every domain name comes with free web and email forwarding. To forward your domain name to another web page or site, log into your control panel at and change the web forw...
Alison Fether
@MyBigFatMouth yay! glad to hear it. It's a quote from our CEO and its based on the #IBMSocialStudy
Phylicia Teymer
@iSocialFanz So true Brian! Failure is one step closer to success! Try/ Fail/ Evaluate why / TRY AGAIN! Great inventions are based on initial failed attempts. It's how one learns. Fail fast, LEARN faster!
Carol S. Wells
Host sessions for collaboration and sharing such as lunch and learns. Then, follow that up with spaces where everyone can continue to gain knowledge, such as collaboration sites and jams.
Vicki Winters
@cswells3638 I love lunching and learning #recipesforsuccess
Bob Pulver
A2) aggregate #collectiveintel; we describe many ways in this IBV study:
IBM Collective Intelligence
Can an organization, operating in today’s increasingly networked world, choose to ignore the insights of employees, customers, business partners and expect to thrive?
Can an organization, operating in today’s increasingly networked world, choose to ignore the insights of employees, customers, business partners and expect to thrive?