
Innovation and Growth
How can social & digital help you foster innovation and growth?
   10 years ago
#socbizchatThe Future of WorkTalent, culture, cognitive computing, analytics, technology and collaboration.
   10 years ago
#socbizchatReshaping the Way We WorkHow can digital and social innovators help reshape the way we work?
IBM Social Business
Q4: How do digital and social technologies enable companies to scale growth?

Karl Ronn
A4. Startups don’t need to make capital investments in IT – they borrow it. IBM Watson will make supercomputing ubiquitous like SIRI – but a 2nd opinion for decision making.
Karl Ronn
A4. Social communities make or break brands. Selling to consumers is being replaced by engaging people.
Karl Ronn
Engagement counts. The new skill for marketers is curation, not controlling the message.
Janine Truitt
Digital and Social Technologies allow companies to reach beyond their geographic locations to global markets. I often say we are living in a "Glocal" economy.
Bob Johansen
IBM is giving away small chunks of big data expertise, with faith that they will be able to offer services and experiences later.
Karl Ronn
The internet was the death of distance. Social media makes it a neighborhood
Daryl Pereira
linking #engineering to #marketing can help biz scale at speed eg. http://themakerscrew...
David Schaffer
A4 Allows growth without the bureaucracy and hierarchy required for big orgs in the past #socbizchat
by insighting the wish in someone through social and engagement!
Phylicia Teymer
@kpronn Right on the money there Karl! Engagement is key! Without people, there would no company/brand. Most brands have a digital presence, it's how they ENGAGE & bring value to the customer that matters most. RELATIONSHIPS!
Karl Ronn
Already happening. TEDx is all incremental to TED. IBM + Twitter will change how we work. The # made everything searchable – disrupting news.
Kelli Cesarz
A4- Consumers want to be heard. Social selling is going to become the norm for cultivating biz sales relationships. Allows you to respond to audience in real time- and be transparent with them. #socbizchat
Diana Wolff
A4 There's no sunk cost in inventory for digital products. As long as the channel infrastructure is sound, you can sell infinite numbers.
Janine Truitt
Businesses are able to engage a larger and more diverse consumer base by merely sharing knowledge and practices.
Karl Ronn
Apple’s App store has changed how most things are done – accelerating mobile.
Social sentiment and product commentary via social media are primary research gold mines for companies. But you have to be able to mine that data for the real insights that are going to help companies grow.
Karl Ronn
The diminimus cost of the next sale is what makes digital a disruption.
Amy Tennison
A4. They connect employees together in ways that weren't possible 5 or 10 years ago. Now we can work anywhere, anytime and with anyone.
Janine Truitt
The brands that are effective at engaging and listening real-time will have the advantage in this digital economy.
Karl Ronn
The added cost is the need to continuously update your message. It is hard work!
Adam Smye-Rumsby
.@IBMSocialBiz I think digital & social technologies turn product management & marketing on their head. Social media is the biggest piece of market research you never commissioned (paraphrasing Andrew Grill)
Brian Fanzo
Create a trusting and transparent culture that fosters collaboration and drives teamwork... WE > ME
Amber Armstrong
#social is a great way to uncover industry specific #talent #hr
Karl Ronn
The google (and other ) algorithms are thinking for us.
Brian Fanzo
@AmyTennison Agree... it's not work from home or work remote its work from Everywhere and Anywhere and collaborate.. Powerful!
Social is how you create a community around your brand/service/product. Keeps the conversation going both online and offline with its large audience reach.
Bob Johansen
@adamjsr "Marketing" in this world will become what we call "gameful engagement." And the work "consumer" will disappear, since it is just too passive.
Brian Fanzo
@bobiftf Agree this will happen as more companies and leaders embrace the power of Community but internal ones with employees and external ones with customers!
@ambarmstrong Social alone can't do that, the data's available in social should be real , its tough decision t make the decision only with data's we get from social!
Phylicia Teymer
A4: Digital and Social Tech allows for more REMOTE workers (doing a lot more/from anywhere) thus allowing a company to increase growth due to less costs of real estate/ more workers / increased productivity / better for environment.
Eric Silva
it's even bigger than business, social and the power of the collective voice has changed the world forever
Daniel Davis
@iSocialFanz @AmyTennison And in doing so they expand our definition of "team"--we suddenly have a lot more collaborators.
Amy Tennison
@danielkdtwt @iSocialFanz So true! I love the present and future.
Adam Smye-Rumsby
.@IBMSocialBiz by providing unprecedented access to new markets but also engaging partners and customers in product design and development in ways that weren't previously possible
John Furrier
connections to hypertargeted topics with the people around them is huge; making new friends increases transactions whatever they are from sales to anything
IBM Social Business
Q6: Some companies are afraid of change and prefer the status quo. How can you motivate them to be disruptors in their respective industries?

Karl Ronn
P&G and GE are the only 2
Karl Ronn
Why, long-term success requires operational excellence plus not being obsoleted plus creating new businesses. These 2 companies did all three.
Daniel Davis
If their sinking bottom line doesn't motivate them to change, nothing will!
Bob Pulver
A6: saw great quote the other day: "even if you're on right path, you'll get run over if you stand still"
Bob Johansen
The companies that most clearly get the need to embrace disruption that those whose survival is being threatened.
Janine Truitt
You motivate companies to become disruptors incrementally. Every company has a threshold for change. You have to measure that pain point and get them to disrupt at their comfort level.
Karl Ronn
85% of effort is on the core, 10% needs to address disruption, 5% to create new industries.
Brian Fanzo
Change doesn't always have to be random... taking small strategic steps that are data backed will help limit risk.... key is teaching them how to evaluate RISK vs REWARD!
Amber Armstrong
disrupt or be disrupted. #innovate
Karl Ronn
The balance of innovation is critical. Keep the goals separate.
Karl Ronn
A6. IBM has thrived because it has a more robust innovation approach. Hardware, software, service became software, service, and now the smarter planet/twitter/Apple/Watson experiments.
John Furrier
disruption is a state of mind; do you play defense or offense? key is every company needs a disruptive enabler or "lever" to move the status quo
Diana Wolff
Disruption isn't in every business model. Following can actually be a strategy (though not for this bunch!)
Bob Pulver
A6: lots of examples of those unwilling to adapt, i.e., Blockbuster
Daniel Davis
The prospect of obsolescence will be the motivation. What they'll need is to be shown the way forward, to be given a road map to intelligent, strategic change.
Kelli Cesarz
Being a disruptor doesn't happen over night. Not everything becomes viral. Show them a long term strategy plan with measures of success, and how it will filter in to current efforts.
John Furrier
@kpronn I would argue that IBM is being disrupted like all the big companies but they are strong enough to handle the "waves" it's all happening faster now than ever before in the industry
Janine Truitt
Companies who are more willing to recognize their discomfort with disruption and move beyond it to innovation will ultimately win.
Brian Fanzo
Focus must be on creating NEW experiences rather than disrupting just cause... New experiences start when by brands embracing social, mobile, analytics and cloud (S.M.A.C.)to be more productive and increase the quality of life.
Eric Silva
IF something causes revenue to improve or costs go down..businesses will eventually act, some are slow to notice the opposite, ie. video stores @pulvereyes
Karl Ronn
Disrupters are experts in agility Kelli
Janine Truitt
@kellcesarz The message shouldn't be hurry up and disrupt, but disrupt as suits your business. Love it!
.@IBMSocialBiz Technology is becoming more prevalent in the biz space. Companies who don't or won't embrace it will fall behind and have to be reactive instead of proactive in new technology initiatives.
John Furrier
@czarinaofhr @kellcesarz disruption requires a "payload" & that is innovation or some enabler; it isn't some magic dust that makes it just happen; plus people have to drive it
Pamela Miller
support them to identify how they are unique, who they are in business for then authentically feature their mission/purpose, to their audience, through exceptional multi media communication.
Jason Poblete
Show clear examples where disruptive thinking broke the status quo and helped create a "new normal" by innovating business models. See: @WarbyParker @airbnb @uber and others