
Keynote Crowd Chats
Live in Las Vegas keynotes
   10 years ago
#IBMInsightInsightGO InfluencersDemo of CrowdChat for Social media lounge big data professionals at #IBMInsight
   10 years ago
#IBMInsightSMBs Big Data & AnalyticsSpecial Influencer Crowd Conversation from onsite social influencers at IBM Insight in Las Vegas
Dave Vellante
What makes the killer data scientist? Kirk Borne, Prof of Astrophysics at Geo Mason U says what really matters is the ability to problem solve, have insatiable curiosity & great comms skills (comm's, creativity, curious)
John Furrier
Love the three C's of identifying data science
Questions for Kirk Borne; how are regular biz line people, not PhDs going to understand "astronomical quantities of data seems hard for the average joe line guy making daily decisoins
"Human Factors"
John Furrier
area of research on storytelling with data is important says Kirk; Semantically oriented; this is cognitve analytics
Dave Vellante
Kirk Borne is an astrophysicist...always love to have the alphageeks on #theCUBE
John Furrier
Astrophysics is great metaphor the "milky way" is out there !!
John Furrier
Love Kirk Borne analogy Lord of the Things in #theCUBE
Crowd Captain
he called it the "Twin Powers"
Lord of the Rings and Star Trek are always mentioned on #theCUBE we need Game of Thrones now
Crowd Captain
Prescriptive is rear view mirror but using predictive analytics is good must add cognitive analytics to complete cycle says Kirk
John Furrier
Kirk says Human are the last mile in data analytics - decisions are where the humans lie
John Furrier
Question: Did IBM deserve the beating by Wall Street or are they solid? Commentary now live on
IBM is positioned perfectly now need to focus on execution
John Furrier
Talking about the realities of @IBM business and tech oppty with @dvellante
John Furrier
IBM Services business impacted by cloud and mobile where cycles of deploying are faster with #agile
Tim Crawford
MyPOV: There is still a large disconnect between the relationship of #Analytics.
John Furrier
We are live on #theCUBE kicking off the live two day coverage in the social lounge
Tim Crawford
The #mobile devices in our pockts have 100x the processing power than the average satellite.
John Furrier
Internet of Things is the world and people are things too not just machines
Tim Crawford
There is still much to understand around #IoT. It is barely in it's infancy.
John Furrier
IBM really understands live events & how to bring tech to users. Flaw in execution is not understanding the Long Tail

Crowd Captain
Interested in the new innovation of CrowdChat Ray Wang @rwang0 interviews the new social crowd engagement tool
Coffee @ Actian with Ray: From #Hashtag to Cash – How to Influence the Social Media Influencers
In the next five years, every business will have a social presence. How do organizations effectively use social channels to influence their audience to make ...
John Furrier
Amazing video by Ray Wang on the mega trend of Crowd Conversations worth a watch for all social media business pros
#socialbusiness is a great concept which Ray Wang nailed in this video
Tim Crawford
Key: Need to move to individual and intimate relationships with customers.
Tim Crawford
Need new process models to accomplish this. #CIO head's up!
Tim Crawford
Key term: Market of 1.
John Furrier
Segmentation is key but many businesses don't understand the "Long Tail" distribution which is a why webscale companies are kicking butt in engagement
John Furrier
In the moment is what she's talking about .. immersion - experience based data & content