
Internet of Things Chat
#IoT Chat for #IFA2014 featuring Paul Brody, VP of Mobile & Internet of Things
   10 years ago
#ibmifachatInternet of Things ChatInternet of Things Chat for #IFA2014 Featuring IBM Electronics Expert Sanjay Panikkar
Chester Karwatowski
Eventually I will want to have some services that are private...for my business, enterprise IT organization or personal life...but they need to be self service! defined by me
Paul Brody
Sure, but can you do all the programming needed? IFTTT is great, but I need more than If and then
Paul Brody
I think I need if then else and or...
Sumabala Nair
Agree. I wouldn't be comfortable not knowing who is doing what with information gleaned from my devices and behavioral patterns.
Chester Karwatowski
Our mobile phones and mobile apps are in the #IOT today...and they provide lots information... we provide that for free services
Veena Pureswaran
In our new paper users and devices are in control of their own privacy
IBM - Device democracy - United States
Scaling the IoT from billions to hundreds of billions of devices means executives must rethink the technology strategy, at its foundation.
Chester Karwatowski
@pbrody I can't do all of the programming but there needs to be a continuum of services from self service to full services. No one person can define all of the innovations possible in the #IOT. Think #IFTTT and #Zapier, etc..for self service...
Gurvinder Ahluwalia
Software cannot "eat the world" unless it becomes essentially invisible to consumer and easier to developers.
Chester Karwatowski
Right now security and privacy are less important than innovations around "what could be" with #IOT
Paul Brody
Agreed, but without security and privacy, the internet elite won't adopt.
Paul Brody
Everyone's view has changed in the last two years, and innovation is still key, but security is close behind.
Gurvinder Ahluwalia
Trust and security is intrinsic, peer mediated, and highly distributed in Block Chain technology #IFA2014 #IoT @IBMIBV
Veena Pureswaran
I would argue that without security and privacy even the best innovations would struggle for adoption
Sumabala Nair
The stack being proposed for the new #IoT model in the paper is all about peer-to-peer, decentralized and naturally makes trusting and knowing every peer unnecessary.
Burak Kircali
Who do you think in the ecosystem will be better positioned to provide the compelling value if billions and billions devices are coming and if we still do not see the compelling value
Sumabala Nair
Whoever understands the scale and builds to address it. Whoever stops trying to own it but instead works towards enabling the billions of players to work together seamlessly and help build marketplaces.
Burak Kircali
So it is not the manufacturers then, will it be Apple? Google? Best Buy? Amazon?
Q2: What are the security and privacy implications of an #IoT world? #ifa2014
Paul Brody
Oh, you want privacy with that connected toilet seat? Sorry. No can do. :)
Paul Brody
The reality is, it's not so great. Too much of #IoT is about serving advertisers, not customers.
@pbrody LOL right no can do...
sanjay b panikkar
IMO a new set of security concerns are emerging, where your devices could become the means to steal and snoop
Sumabala Nair
To add to sanjay's point, how can you help your device become smart enough to handle that?
Suresh Subbanarahari
IoT makes securing the enterprise more complex and may call for new privacy law??
sanjay b panikkar
@SureshNarahari interesting thought ... smartphones suing each other :-). Jokes apart, good point
Sumabala Nair
@psanjay13 IMO the more capable you make the devices themselves, the more you empower the owner / user to make decisions, the less complicated laws have to be.
Sumabala Nair
#IoT Analytics has to scale to the billions of devices. Analytics has to grow and evolve with the #IoT
Andrey Galitskiy
Good point! I think it will come from the analytic's side, rather than from devices. We can create ton's of different devices, but if you don't know how to operate with them - it is useless. You should explain how to get a value from these devices.
sanjay b panikkar
Perhaps it will evolve to a point where there is a little bit of analytics in every device; self servicing washers anyone?
Chester Karwatowski
I think that the #IOT is something we haven't yet fully understood...nor yet can experience. Services like #IFTTT and others are making it a bit more of a real world experience
Paul Brody
I love @ifttt I wish everything was so elegant online
You can See some practicals, like analytics on IoT
Burak Kircali
What is different at IFA this year on IoT than previous years?
Paul Brody
More realism, perhaps, but still IoT not yet showing really compelling user value.
sanjay b panikkar
I felt IoT represents a natural evolution from the era of smarter products. Still early stages, and we need to see how the services and devices can scale
here you can see what IBM customer say:
Q1: Is the Internet of Things #IoT a fad or a reality of the future? Why? #ifa2014
Paul Brody
This is definitely not a fad. Billions and billions of devices are coming. The question is when? We're still waiting for evidence of compelling value.
Suresh Subbanarahari
It is not a fad. Connected things going to be future. I see today in the news that Adelaide govt signed with Cisco on IOT for smartercity project. So things are moving.
Welcome everyone - please feel free to chime in and introduce yourself! We'll start with the first question.