Chester Karwatowski18
Eventually I will want to have some services that are private...for my business, enterprise IT organization or personal life...but they need to be self service! defined by me
Paul Brody
Sure, but can you do all the programming needed? IFTTT is great, but I need more than If and then
Paul Brody
I think I need if then else and or...
Sumabala Nair
Agree. I wouldn't be comfortable not knowing who is doing what with information gleaned from my devices and behavioral patterns.
Chester Karwatowski
Our mobile phones and mobile apps are in the #IOT today...and they provide lots information... we provide that for free services
Veena Pureswaran
In our new paper users and devices are in control of their own privacy
IBM - Device democracy - United States
Scaling the IoT from billions to hundreds of billions of devices means executives must rethink the technology strategy, at its foundation.
Scaling the IoT from billions to hundreds of billions of devices means executives must rethink the technology strategy, at its foundation.
Gurvinder Ahluwalia
Software cannot "eat the world" unless it becomes essentially invisible to consumer and easier to developers.