
Clouderati on DevOps
Thought leader conversation on DevOps and Cloud. People and tools - good patterns v. anti-patterns
   11 years ago
#devopsClouderati on DevOpsWho will beat AWS in enterprise cloud? Top thought leaders discuss the news around cloud #devops
   10 years ago
#devopsClouderati on DevOps #AWSSpecial DevOps for #AWS Re:Invent yearly cloud event. We will discuss the magic of CrowdChat on AWS
Evan Powell
Why the heck is DevOps happening? What's the single top driver? (marketing? :)
John Furrier
software for a new generation is my angle on this - infrastructure as code; programmable infra
Carmine Rimi
I think Automation is a big driver
what we see is companies wanting to deploy software more frequently, filling your App Store with new updates.
Carmine Rimi
I think it it is automating the last mile
Evan Powell
GitHub might not exist w/o it, right @jfryman? Fixing software dev and ops creates new business - software eating the world level of productivity boost.
indeed, as @carminerimi says, much of DevOps is enabled by automating "everything" in the appdev cycle. Otherwise, it'd just be SlowOps.
James Fryman
I think that DevOps methodologies have been a major in making GitHub more efficient. Enabling Developers to be more agile in launching new features fast == more opportunities to test/launch/maintain revenue streams
John Furrier
@cote SlowOps is good; at vmworld they talked about automation but not much about orchestration
Organizations are incorporating technology into everything they do. Whoever can adapt to the needs of the customer most efficiently wins the market.
Matthew Selheimer
DevOps is happening because business now operates in an on-demand world; DevOps is the best method IT has to respond to this need
Matthew Selheimer
DevOps is happening because business now operates in an on-demand world; DevOps is the best method IT has to respond to this need
François Villain
I think it started mainly because the cloud apis made it possible in the first place. Starting a trend that now touches all IT perimeter. it's like a global awareness raise of (new) possibilities
John Furrier
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great group of tech leaders here in this chat