
HP Vertica Big Data Conf.
#BigData thought-leaders discuss the happenings at HP Vertica BDC 2014
   10 years ago
#HPBigData2014HP Vertica Conf PreviewPreview of the upcoming HP Vertica #bigdata conference in Boston Aug 11-14th
Terry Timko
CrowdChat Q:How are you seen enterprise clients, not those born in the cloud, adopting/migrating #BigData Solns 2 the #cloud
Jeff Kelly
58% of Big Data practitioners using public cloud in conjunction w/ analytics projects - most PoC, pilot projects
Terry Timko
are you seeing internal projects moving to the cloud?
Jeff Kelly
big question is whether cloud Big Data PoCs stay in the cloud or not when they move to production
Jeff Kelly
not as much - most cloud Big Data analytics projects are net-new apps and workloads
Ricardo Lopez
Any thoughts on Vertica running in Azure for non PoCs
Terry Timko
#HPVertica runs in HP ES Virtual Private Cloud for PoCs & production today. Ditto #Hadoop#HPBigData2014
Terry Timko
#HPVertica runs in HP ES Virtual Private Cloud for PoCs & production today. Ditto #Hadoop #HPBigData2014 #Helion
Amy Miller
BDC is where to be! Crowdchat is awesome Does crowdchat use Vertica as its database?
John Furrier
no it uses AWS right now
Jeff Kelly
Data first strategy -> data and insights as competitive differentiators
Following the announcement on HPs Hortonworks investment, what is the convergence strategy for Vertica with Hadoop?
HP Vertica
thanks to @cselland for helping us understand how Hortonworks will fit in our ecosystem
HP Vertica
Welcome to the stage @dvellante and @furrier!
John Furrier
this is a great way to ask questions from the audience
Jeff Frick
-> Nice to see John and Dave out from behind the Desk.
Jeff Frick
@joysking727 's on stage getting things kicked off on the main stage!
Danielle Sandahl
Can't wait to see our CrowdChat stream on the big screens!
Dave Vellante
ready to rock the data angle!
John Furrier
yes we are ready to roll
John Furrier
Hadoop is moving into production & cost to operationalizing it as a DW is becoming apparent. Does the up front cost to purchase Vertica vs open-source worth it? Thoughts?
HP Vertica
Welcome back everyone to day 3! We're kicking off this morning's keynote in just a few minutes
Bert Latamore
@dvellante & @furrier Is Hadoop the key to realizing the “single version of truth” and “360° view of the business” that enterprises have striven for for more than two decades?