
Predictive Marketing
Why now? Recent articles written about RelateIQ & Salesforce points towards predictive...why?
Which companies will be swimming with the fishes in 2 yrs? Who will make it?
John Bara
the company that has the most open, easy to use platform usually wins. No black boxes.
Leah Fairman
The companies that use #predictivemarketing as a tool to understand behavior in order to better the community and those that will bridge the gap between the online and offline social divide.
John Furrier
to me it has to be #devops born in the cloud; horizontally scalable, data driven, global, and real time #futureofdigital
John Furrier
I see two vectors (opptys) 1) outbound and 2) inbound; Outbound are conversations public data integration and CRM is inbound to systems of record
Sophia L Wong
the company that can articulate and account for increased engagement that is EASY TO USE!
Kia McClain
Any company that refuses to integrate, partner, and team up with other companies. As I said in an earlier post, the way technology is going today, team work makes the dream work. No one single company will be the "leader" must work together!
Companies that have simple message and value prop then scale up; legacy guys like Marketo are at risk
Tony Yang
@John_Bara @furrier agreed. in addition to open, integration to daily workflow solutions & app channels make it stickier & value driven
Leah Fairman
@KiaMcClainBiz Great point Kia. Love it. The social platforms will make it so.
Kim Beasley
I wonder how predictive marketing would affect joint ventures between competing companies. Would they be able to swim together?
John Furrier
Ok I'm totally geeking out on this CrowdChat; 13 mins left; go vote the best comments so when it ends the content is sorted. Great group of people here #amazing insights
John Bara
crowd chat is pretty hot stuff
Leah Fairman
I'm geeked out too. Great discussion. Awesome content!
Amanda Maksymiw
I'd like to say we're all nerding out here. :) #MKTGnerd
Crowd Captain
@amandamaks click on names in chat notice we are capturing all the signals and create auto networks; we can predict many things; great for measured content marketing; Someone called CrowdChat the DVR for active conversations across LN, FN,TWTR
Kim Beasley
@amandamaks who me nerding, I have no idea what you are talking about. LOL!
Kia McClain
Best crowdchat by far!!! I get to be super nerdy without weird stares LOL!
Sophia L Wong
great marketing insights to #EliminateAwkward marketing moments!
D'narius Lewis
With More #Predictivemarketing will it elivate the social media industry and help apply knowledgeable marketing strategies for individuals who seek to become a leader in this fast growing industry?
John Furrier
Like the #datascience market predictive tools and platforms will abstract away the complexities and enable relevent faster and more targeted value transactions. It's early innings big time
Kia McClain
I will simply say that team work makes the dream work, in today's setting, there is no single winner. Companies that refuse to integrate and be a team player towards overall success will sink fast. No one company is going to be in charge here.
Steven Moody
In a world where every company uses #PredictiveMarketing how would you disrupt the market?
John Furrier
for vendors it's a tried and true formula; reduce the steps to do tasks; make it easy to use; simplify the ability to get value; look at successful companies in the world wide web and social networking mega growth inflection points
John Bara
everyone uses CRM, social, MAP and you disrupt with branding, new product innovation and delivery model. predictive is an important tool, not a panacea.
Steven Moody
@John_Bara these are different though arent they - CRM, MAP about operational efficiencies
Sophia L Wong
Complete #DataTransparency and mutual understanding of how the #PredictiveModel was built (and why)
Kia McClain
Yes I agree simplify, and this is why Salesforce continues to win despite naysayers from day one. Doing everything from mobile no matter where team or I are located is priceless. He who simplifies the fastest wins. Integration is king
Steven Moody
@John_Bara social is new channel, playing field
Sophia L Wong
different goals, require more specific model, especially in the instance of #PredictiveLeadScoring
Kia McClain
Too many moving parts are just inefficient and too time consuming
Steven Moody
@John_Bara done right #PredictiveMarketing is a new level of insight internal and external
Sophia L Wong
yes, beyond behavioral and even traditional lead scoring...
Ariel Geifman
Here is an interesting infographic that shows how #PredictiveMarketing is changing marketing. http://www.mintigo.c...
John Furrier
#DataAnalytics vs #PredictiveAnalytics are they the same thing? Discuss.
Sophia L Wong
I think folks in the space sometimes use the term interchangeably....but predictive has implications of data mining and machine learning
Zubin Tavaria
To me they are closely related, but not the same. Data Analytics show you the past (trends, patterns) so you can plan strategy and Predictive Analytics help you plan for future tactics (who to target and why)
John Bara
similar but subtle difference. data analytics gives patterns, predictive takes it further to recommended action i.e. which contacts will be most likely buyers.
Kia McClain
Yes I agree very subtle John Bara explained perfectly.
Steven Moody
difference is part of larger trend moving from Information systems to Decision Support (DSS) systems
Steven Moody
before big data just getting the data out of the system was the win
Steven Moody
there was sense that the in-house data priests would be able to make sense of it all
Steven Moody
data ETL and ISM no longer interesting as IT moves to lines of business
Steven Moody
we now have these data consumers who lack the training to make sense of it all, and the priests have left the temple
Cat Posey
@sophialwong I agree Sophia, great point.
Steven Moody
but the risk is of a new kind of marketing fundamentalism, which takes the data literally and lacks the benefit of experienced insights to separate signal from noise
Kia McClain
Do you think that predictive marketing will finally bring offline strategies back into the picture, so many have been separating the two when what consumers do offline is equally important to what they do online. Example, death of traditional TV sets.
John Furrier
Kia this is huge question; the web in the 90s had same trajectory; web was laughed at; no ROI; tons of naysayers cc @pmarca talks about this
John Furrier
social is moving faster; yes digital will be social no doubt imo; key is solutions that scale and deliver value (content); minimize steps; simplification; #tablestakes for vendors
Leah Fairman
as some point it will. What businesses must realize is marketing hasn't changed. It just has more platforms. I do believe that this is starting to be realized.
John Furrier
for us old folks remember @IBM ebusiness that was the web now its socialbusiness soon we won't be even talking about social it will be standard
Kim Beasley
to be a well-rounded plan, I think it would be great for predictive marketing to incorporate online & offline analysis.
John Bara
great question Kia. Marketing is like a symphony w many instruments. Apple is the best at on-line + offline.
@leahfairman its amazing what B2C have been able to do (see section in infographic)http://www.mintigo.c...
Kia McClain
Yes I agree, cannot ignore what is happening offline when consumers are shifting every six months it seems now. There is not longer a "standard" that consumers can be tied down to anymore, tech changes too fast. Giants like Tower Records did not listen.
Sophia L Wong
75% of Netflix recommendations are from #PredictiveAnalytics
Kia McClain
And now are closed as a result, I think on an enterprise level predictive may be what is needed to get past antiquated ideas. Remember the saying, the customer is always right?
Amanda Maksymiw
35% of Amazon's revenue is driven by its predictive recommendation engines