
Social Chat HPDiscover
Digital Social Media Thought Leaders in the crowd share their thoughts about HP Discover
   10 years ago
#HPDiscoverHPDiscover BarcelonaCrowd conversation with influencers at HPDiscover in Barcelona
Bert Latamore
David Scott, SVP & General Manager, HP Storage live now on #TheCUBE http://live.silicona... Join the conversation at https://www.crowdcha...
John Casaretto
Here comes Flash! - #3PAR
John Furrier
David Scott is answering the question their competitors say re: their "flash storage" offerings..he's answering the FUD live on #theCUBE
John Casaretto
There was a mention of $2/GB enterprise storage in the news. Wow
Dave Vellante
the 3PAR all flash array has a full stack - the ? everyone asks -is it a "bolt on" or a true all-flash design...
John Casaretto
'First flash array ever to be suitable' - enterprise use case 99.9999999% great tidbits in this interview
Crowd Captain
HP systems highly optimized for flash says David Scott leader of @hpstorage
John Casaretto
Are 3PAR flash arrays the answer to datacenter bottlenecks?
John Casaretto
How does HP's 'converged storage' stack into this storage portfolio
Bert Latamore
Q: What about the noisy neighbor problem?
John Furrier
Flash startups can't get escape velocity fast enough a crash is comign
Bert Latamore
They are gunning for EMC customers. Scott says customers looking to refresh their EMC Tier 1 arrays now have an alternative at attractive price, performance & 5 yr warantee.
Bert Latamore
Erik Papir, Director, Global Technical Marketing, HP Networking AND Jason S. Cohen, CIO, DAS Group of Companies, Omnicom live on #TheCUBE now http://live.silicona...
Bert Latamore
Join the conversation, post comments & questions at https://www.crowdcha...
Social Chat HPDiscover
Digital Social Media Thought Leaders in the crowd share their thoughts about HP Discover
Bert Latamore
HP networking & the new announcements will let Omnicom to service its internal customsers -- 25,000 individuals -- better says Jason Cohen on #TheCUBE.
Bert Latamore
SDN moving network management from months or years to minutes in reconfiguring, reacting to changing loads or issues. Mobility is a key driver of SDN says Eric Papir on #TheCUBE.
John Casaretto
Another SDN programming app that is market-ready.
Bert Latamore
Content has to be delivered real time to almost any device – laptop, tablet, TV, not just smartphone. It must be delivered where you are in the form you need says Eric Papir on #TheCUBE
John Casaretto
@ESPatHP Hybrid SDN environment by and large in the enterprise, but a SDN is a game changer for small and mid-size businesses right now
Cohen says that he sees CIOs as becoming business oriented people instead of technologists. The day-to-day jobs of CIOs have changed from tinkering to putting together sate-of-the-art systems from box.
John Casaretto
Are SDN applications able to operate in heterogeneous network environment? compatibility?
Bert Latamore
Dominic Wilde, VP of GPLM, HP Networking AND Alex Munroe, AVP Corporate IT Enterprise Technologies, Pacific Life Insurance live now on #TheCUBE http://live.silicona...
Bert Latamore
New HP virtual networking and 7900 switches let you create ad hoc virtual networks with one click from central control panel. Integrated into Heleon says Dom WIlde on #TheCUBE.
John Casaretto
HP's app approach to SDN networking sounds like a turnkey product
Bert Latamore
Pacific Life runs a couple of apps in cloud & bursts to cloud for some HPC-type calculations but keeps core data on prem.
Bert Latamore
Network always blamed first for problems, so customers want mean time to innocence -- to say this not a network problem, says Dom Wilde on #TheCUBE
I am hugely amused by "mean time to innocent" when it comes not just to discovering the problem, but proving the network is not at fault. A lot of IT is about troubleshooting a current problem and you can fall into habits about the origin.
John Casaretto
Saving on programming of SDN with networking apps sounds like a cost saver
John Casaretto
Are there partners within that SDN application ecosystem
John Casaretto
@kytsune I just left a place that blamed every problem on DNS, every time, even applications... lol
Bert Latamore
HP did a complete internal IT infrastructure transition, from 60 data centers to 6, in 11 yr because open standards gives you interoperability between generations of infrastructure.
John Casaretto
That Network Optimizer SDN app seems like it's saving a bunch of effort. Would be great to hear some numbers around that throughout the day.
@zrotech Every place I have done IT or tech support at there was a "boogeyman" -- be it the network, a particular server, or even a system. "It looks okay!" but we have a problem so it must be broken.
Bert Latamore
Seamus Dunne, VP, Technology Services, Support, HP now live on #TheCUBE http://live.silicona... Discuss, post questions at https://www.crowdcha...
John Furrier
flex capacity is a great word; i think of back to the future flux capacitor :-)
Bert Latamore
HP's view is it's a hybrid world & we are building service arrangements that go beyond on-premise with HP Heleon says Seamus Dunne, HP VP services on #TheCUBE.
Bert Latamore
Heleon is built around an open source model, so open source support & standards is in our DNA says Seamus Dunn, HP VP services on #TheCUBE
Bert Latamore
HP will put the infrastructure, software, & any needed services into a plan with a monthly bill for customers, says Seamus Dunn, HP VP services on #TheCUBE
John Furrier
@dvellante HP Cloud is a bridge to #hybridIT security is huge issue and data governance
Bert Latamore
Customers with Hp Heleon on prem who connect to Heleon in the could for hybrid will have the same platform with the same security, audit, etc., on both ends says Seamus Dunn, HP VP services on #TheCUBE
Bert Latamore
And HP is partnering with cloud-agile third-parties who will also offer Heleon in the cloud, giving Heleon an ecosystem.
Dave Vellante
HP (with 3PAR) said "we don't need to go out and buy an all flash array company" (a la EMC and IBM) - "Our 3PAR architecture is modern and adaptable for flash - do you buy that angle?
Bert Latamore
I think the proof is in the pudding. See what products they bring to market & how those compare to the competition.
I don't buy that angle they have to buy someone
John Furrier
https://www.youtube.... If you want to know if @hp is serious about #openstack watch this video with Monty Taylor and Eileen Evans #leaders
Monty Taylor & Eileen Evans - Openstack Summit Atlanta 2014 - theCUBE
Monty Taylor and Eileen Evans, HP Cloud, at Openstack Summit Atlanta 2014 with John Furrier and Stu Miniman @thecube #openstacksummit
Crowd Captain
Monty and Eileen are amazing people #linux and #openstack wins with these guys
Bert Latamore
Scott Weller, SVP & GM Technology & Support, HP, live on #TheCUBE now from #HPdiscover http://live.silicona.... Chat about it here https://www.crowdcha...
Bert Latamore
Hybrid is a way of live. "Our customers say ... we will always want more than we can do on site says Scott Weller on #TheCUBE
Bert Latamore
Customers value that we know what enterprise-grade means. So when we launch Heleon that means it is not just something spun off OpenStack, it is fully supported, says Scott Weller on #TheCUBE.
John Furrier
HP has to keep innovating otherwise they will be an also ran says Scott Weller SVP Technology Services
Bert Latamore
Weller says HP is cranking up the innovation machine. They made tough choices to invest more than ever in their internal labs.
Dave Vellante
Services are where the rubber meets the road. Not sexy but that's where the value lives
Crowd Captain
. @AnuragTechaisle says @TSatHP Scott Weller - break-fix will become a very small percent of support services, focus will be on preventive & pre-emptive
Bert Latamore
New style of IT means to me hybrid. I have to support customers living & breathing hybrid better. We're there, says Scott Weller, Hp SVP on #TheCUBE.
John Casaretto
Watching the Weller replay - services built around hybrid cloud and challenges is spot on. +1!
Dave Vellante
I wonder if @kimstevenson of Intel is here at #HPDiscover - first time we met was on #theCUBE at this show...
Dave Vellante
Will HP emerge as the leader of the #OpenStack community or will it share the mantle with IBM, Rax, Dell and others?
Bert Latamore
At Hadoop Summit nobody ever once mentioned HP on #TheCUBE. Is that a sign that HP lacks mindshare in Big Data??
Dave Vellante
No vertica mentions? I think ppl talk about HP's #bigdata as Vertica....
HP has an opportunity to be more like Red Hat in that their customers want bullet proof software from #opensource