IBM Storage68

Brendon McCaulley @HeartlandHPY talks live on #theCUBE about virtualized infrastructures using #IBM #XIV http://www.siliconan... #IBMEdge #IBMStorage

IBM Edge: May 19 – 23, 2014 (Las Vegas, NV) | SiliconANGLE TV
theCUBE will be in Las Vegas, NV at The Venitian Monday May 19th & Tuesday May 20 to cover IBM’s Edge2014. Use hashtags #IBMEdge & #theCUBE.
theCUBE will be in Las Vegas, NV at The Venitian Monday May 19th & Tuesday May 20 to cover IBM’s Edge2014. Use hashtags #IBMEdge & #theCUBE.

John Furrier
I love this next guest he's a IT Pro

IBM Storage
Last five years #IT budgets flat but experiencing explosive growth says Brendon McCaulley @HeartlandHPY #IBMEdge #IBMStorage #dataeconomy

IBM Storage
#IT budgets flat but experiencing tremendous growth says Brendon McCaulley @HeartlandHPY #dataeconomy #IBMEdge

John Furrier
. @IBMStorage The innovation shift is amazing; virtualization made this happen; invested in VMware to get the ball rolling; now #devops is winning formula #SDDC #cloud

IBM Storage
Platform infrastructure is important. No more silos. Lots of integration at Heartland #IBMEdge

IBM Storage
Infrastructure matters. No more silos at Heartland. This is important for future growth #IBMEdge

John Furrier
Developers are going back to the notion of consumerization of IT; apps is driving innovation

John Furrier
Virtualizing SAN is key thing for #devops POCing flash and big data