
OpenStack Summit
Openstack thought leaders weigh in key conversations at #openstacksummit
   11 years ago
#OpenStackAWS API DebateOpenstack thought leaders weigh in key conversations
   10 years ago
#openstackOpenStack ConversationsThought leaders chatting all things related to OpenStack
John Furrier
Evan Powell, CEO, StackStorm live on #theCUBE
Crowd Captain
he figured out the software defined angle for storage
Bert Latamore
He saw an opportunity for a new leqder in operations automation.
Stuart Miniman
Project Mistral is Workflow as a Service led by @stack_storm and @mirantisIT
openstack community has only about 100 customers; says Evan while Nexenta is doing 100 net new customers a month
Stuart Miniman
"Trying to out Red Hat to be the RH of OpenStack is recipe for disaster" @epowell101
John Furrier
Evan Powell says a business model competing with @redhat is a recipe for destruction .. openstack sales are a business model issue #openstacksummit
John Furrier
Evan says Openstack is one of the great communities of his lifetime.. it's not a product it's a platform that is the mistake many make #openstacksummit
Bert Latamore
Notion of a fully API-drivenvcloud is revolutionary.
Bert Latamore
100% Open Source. The workflow engine is Mistral.
Bert Latamore
OpenStack users want us on prem. Amazon users comfortable with us in the cloud, on Amazon for instance.
Bert Latamore
Open Stack's everyware. The people at VMware see it as a real issue & an opportunity.
Bert Latamore
Build the world's best solution for what we do. OpenStack is a big enabler. It is a platform and a community, notba product.
John Furrier
Embrace your skeptics is the key to success during massive transitions like cloud #devops
Bert Latamore
Startups have to be the best at something. Find a pain-point and fix it in a way that's disruptive.
Crowd Captain
Evan Powell is worth following on Twitter @epowell101 ceo of stack storm
Stuart Miniman
Operations Management - DevOps vs Legacy (incl VMware vCloud) by @epowell101
DAY FOUR: A DevOps Friendly Architecture Is Fundamentally Different Than Legacy Products - StackStorm
by Evan Powell There is a huge amount of DevOps washing going on right now, and for good reason. As CA pointed out in a recent blog, most CIOs now understand that DevOps, done right, is revolutionary. And, what is more, they understand they need to d...
Tim Crawford
@BertLatamore Enterprises and Svc Provs should alike should see the opportunity in OpenStack.
Bert Latamore
We need to be careful about over-selling with promises that it is easy today.
Jeff Frick
What Changed to enable Software to eat the world? Agile and DevOps.
Brian Fanzo
@JeffFrick Shadow IT helped drive the change.. Forced CIO & Biz to embrace a faster & scalable compute solution!
Nagaraju Bingi
i would like to see openstack upgrade in this summit
John Furrier
Upgrade in terms of code? which portion
Tim Crawford
Upgrading within OpenStack is one of the largest challenges for adopters today.
Tim Crawford
MyPOV: Only commercial distros will include upgrades like enterprises are used to today.
Brian Fanzo
Upgrading in the Cloud or any software that is API centric is difficult.. training & guidance is a must!
Tim Crawford
Key Question: Can such a complex solution like OpenStack survive if it remains community driven?
Thomas Bryant
I think it can, but it really needs amazing leadership
John Furrier
@kix1979 I don't think the community alone can do it; the IBM HP RedHat roles are compelling if they don't pull the vendor tactic of "stalling" to much at stake
Tim Crawford
MyPOV: OpenStack will remain more experimental and less (broadly) commercial until a leader emerges.
Rich Miller
It requires not a single leader, but a small leadership group w/diverse agenda. This keeps it from being 'jacked by one strongman, but vital. (Viz. Hadoop)
Tim Crawford
@rhm2k Yes, but: What is a small leadership group. Otherwise, it goes back to community.
John Furrier
@rhm2k I agree we don't want to be strongarmed
Rich Miller
3 is my favorite number.
Krish Subramanian
I think a strong leader will help drive the community focus to technology than marketing. Right now more focus is on marketing and it is not helping the project much.
Brian Fanzo
Leadership is key but training & understanding the community is important.. Without an open dialogue with the users, coders and customers the solution will only become more difficult.. Must define a training strategy and work as a group!
JP Morgenthal
I'd like to see some numbers illustrating # hrs to support OSS #OpenStack vs. Vendor OpenStack vs. VMWare
Tim Crawford
@jpmorgenthal Most still think #OSS is free. It's not. There is a real cost. #rinserepeat #openstacksummit
JP Morgenthal
Regarding my earlier tweet about # hrs to support, it can survive if Vendor OpenStack <= VMware
OpenStack will survive only if it upgrades its pitiful security model... the solution needs to better address organizational and personal control using open standards like OpenID Connect and UMA. Keystone needs a lot of work.
Tim Crawford
OpenStack could really use a strong leader that 1) remains objective and 2) builds the community/ solution.
Stuart Miniman
@troytoman said that the boards and community can help drive without someone telling everyone what to do
Tim Crawford
@stu That *may* be possible, but it is the harder path.
John Furrier
gr8 pt @tcrawford I give Rackspace the credit for not "bogarting" the position of leadership they didn't want to be perceived as land grabbing kudos to them for that
Brian Fanzo
Strong leadership or "Dictatorship" as said in the keynote is a hard sell with a group that believes in the power of a community and everyone having a voice.. Leadership can be strong without it being just one person right? @tcrawford @furrier
John Furrier
Troy Toman, Cloud Architect, Rackspace on #theCUBE right now
Troy said that the Technical Committee and BOD of Openstack went well last night - trust is there
Jeff Frick
-> Interesting discussion on "Trust" and difficulty in managing a community with this elephant in the room. What are everyone's agendas?
Crowd Captain
@stu just asked if @rackspace fumbled the ball with #openstacksummit leadership position.. hmm maybe
Tim Crawford
Rackspace got dinged by being "too close" to OpenStack. They pulled back, but maybe too far.
John Furrier
@tcrawford I think they pulled back yes and lost the leadership #opencloud
Jeff Frick
-> John, ask Troy when the financial markets will value $RAX 's #OpenStack activities. Seems like they don't get it.
Stuart Miniman
Co-Creating OpenStack by @troytoman $RAX
Co-Creating OpenStack
As we go into this week of work together at OpenStack Summit Atlanta I want people to remember that what we are doing is no small thing. It requires real coordination, cooperation and sustained effort to build this interoperable cloud operating syste...
Stuart Miniman
Event started as a design summit - now about bringing operators, users and developers together via @troytoman
Bert Latamore
"The confusion started with cloud washing. Everything was cloud. It confused people. Now its devops." Troy Toman on #TheCUBE
Bert Latamore
"Make sure the people building Open Stack build it so support doesn’t rquir heroi work." Troy Tomanvonv#TheCUBE