Where do you see enterprise progressing their cloud strategy in 2014? Do you already have one on place? How's it changing?
Kailas Jawadekar
Lot of enteprise will start looking at Cloud Service brokers to deliver IT-as-a-Service
John Furrier
I am seeing and hearing mass acceleration especially this current quarter with deals being done fast (budget flush) but 2014 should be a busy year of building out and refreshing architectures.. hybrid cloud is no brainer for IT
ScottLindars hybrid direction was loud in clear at Gartner Symposium this fall
Krish Subramanian
I am hearing about enterprises thinking about how they can innovate on top of cloud more than whether they should go that route
Chip Childers and that's an important shift in thinking!
Krishna Subramanian
Hybrid cloud models across public and private, leveraging clouds to go beyond greenfield use cases to traditional enterprise apps are two topics I hear about a lot from customers.
Michael Keen
CIOs that I speak with are taking a very holistic approach as part of larger outsourcing/nearshoring strategies #netappchat
Aaron Delp I agree with Michael (hey dude!) on this one. As the pieces come into focus Ent's are stepping back and thinking bigger and longer term
John Furrier
I brought up #sdn in cloud bc this might be a pacing item in deployment on services Cisco, and Juniper have to move fast because mobile apps and byod pressure is bursting at the seams
Aaron Delp The big push and interest around SDN stems from networking being the last frontier of automation. Storage, compute, virtualization all solved already. Network (network services LBaaS, VPN, FW) are hard
Richard Denyer SDN becomes a bigger play as more people move to cloud as its pretty hard to deploy hardware in the cloud
Ryan Beaty
Outsourcing is in all industries. A hybrid cloud solution will start to become more popular. I believe the DevOps will be the ones to push this move.
Michael Keen exactly Ryan. These CIOs r putting "cloud" of all flavors into their larger sourcing strategies #netappchat
Dave Vellante
I see a bifurcated enterprise - those w/head in the sand "no public cloud" and those that embrace
Krishna Subramanian This seems to be changing - most CIOs I speak with now are looking at hybrid cloud strategies. The challenge I hear is that a pure public cloud doesn't work in many situations - security, compliance issues.
Aaron Delp
I would add that I see "pockets" of cloud based on workloads in most large Enterprises. "One Cloud to rule them all" for an entire Enterprise is unlikely
Kailas Jawadekar
Per Gartner.. 2014 will be an inflection point year in which the early phases of cloud adoption will come to an end and organizations will get serious about using public and hybrid cloud services
Dave Vellante
@cloudKrishna when you say "doesn't work" (security) what do you mean?