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IBM Social Business
Q4: With the emergence of technology and social platforms, do you feel less or more productive working remotely in an environment of your choice? #NewWayToWork

Cheryl K. Burgess
A4. According to the last census data, the telecommuting workforce increased 80% from 2005 to 2012, even as the total workforce declined. http://globalworkpla...
Mark Burgess
A4 All workers need to connect with their peers whether in person or remotely -- the social tools exist to bond a remote workforce
Cheryl K. Burgess
A4. Habit is a slippery slope, 6a.m. alarm, office coffee. BUT when you work at home you choose your own adventure – world is open to you.
Mark Burgess
@IBMSociaA4 The freedom associated with work-and-life balance makes working remotely a wonderful choicelBiz
Cheryl K. Burgess
A4. Working From Home Is Awesome—If You Do It Right. Working from home is not for everyone.
Cheya Cunanan
A4 Definitely more productive. The difference is significant as I also feel more fulfilled.
Mark Burgess
A4 A “happy” employee is motivated to succeed -- an unhappy one :( is not
Mark Burgess
A4 The key word is “choice” -- @socialemployees are versatile and productivity will follow
Bill Wentworth
A4: I am much more productive and happier when I work remotely. The company gets more out of me.
Athar Afzal
A4 - working remotely & only having to go into the office, tradeshows, events, seminars I would say is the perfect WORK LIFE balance. Working only in office or home is not a balance :)
Rebecca Wissinger
new tech saves time & social tools enable collaboration, def more productive.
Mark Burgess
@bwentwor Nice answer -- agree!
Athar Afzal
@mnburgess and Mark I think key is for a manager to know how to make it 'happier' for the employee - how to inspire them to make the most of their opportunities.
Mark Burgess
@atharafzal Nice point on balance!
Brian Fanzo
If technology adds steps or makes things less productive the technology might not be the problem... its more than likely a culture and people problem!
Mark Burgess
@rjwissin Yes, the tech makes the diff -- the enabler
Athar Afzal
@bwentwor you raise a valid point - at the end of the day - to each their own - let employees work where they see themselves most effective!
Bill Wentworth
I can understand, however, if your team is co-located then remote might cut into collaboration of face-to-face
Athar Afzal
@mnburgess Thank you - much appreciated on your compliment :)
Mark Burgess
@iSocialFanz It's about creating a social culture
Bill Wentworth
Letting employees work remotely shows trust between the employee and the manager.
John Ridgeway
more productive.
Mark Burgess
When we're happy -- we're more productive
Athar Afzal
@iSocialFanz or the fact the person is on the wrong seat - and need to have another position/job responsibilities/role, etc.
Jacqueline Saenz
Just heard a great quote earlier today from #SMTLive webinar: "Empowering the employee rather than the technology". Trust employees to make the decision!
Brian Fanzo
Do Brands and Leaders care about their employees Quality of Life? If so they must trust and provide flexibility in the workplace !
Cheya Cunanan
A4 Im sure I was also productive when was working in the ofc, but working remotely makes me feel like I have the trust of my employer, and so I end up doing much more than what is expected.
Daniel Davis
@atharafzal Working from home almost all the time, I look forward to events where I get to see my co-workers in person! (But that's just b/c I like my co-workers.)
Matt Morrison
As a remote employee, social media has been key for me in my sales and now marketing role. I am better connected to coworkers in far away lands
Bill Wentworth
As long as I have a @Starbucks drink on my desk at the remote location, I am good. ;-) I really need to buy stock...
Brian Fanzo
@jacq6says Thanks Jacqueline I think that was from me on the #SMTlive webinar :)
A4: Both, to be brutally honest. But it has to do with too much incoming data simultaneously vs being able to focus
Wayne Hendry
A4) I prefer a mix as some tasks (writing) require less interaction and others require collaboration,
Athar Afzal
@danielkdtwt haha - good one - I can say for sure when u work from home - you REALLY value your co-workers even more! :)
Molly Lawton
Definitely more productive, without the distractions commonly found in the workplace. However, it makes impromptu collaborating difficult.
John Ridgeway
@rjwissin you just need to know when to power-down or are we all 24/7?
@Korenlis MY comment applies to any work setting; remote or office. No difference.
Mark Burgess
The "incoming" a challenge indeed
Athar Afzal
@MattRMorrison yes & we have each other as evidence that we started our relationship & keep it going only because of social media :)
Cheya Cunanan
There are also employees who work better in an ofc environment where there's physical collaboration.
Daniel Davis
@JohnRidgeway @rjwissin 24/7 is bad! You need to know when to power down and take time for yourself.
Jeff Frick
@Korenlis > And has the presumed response timing reduce to unreasonable?
Jeff Frick
@Korenlis > The other challenge, is the multi channel aspect, text, IM, email, DM, Tweets, voicemail, etc. Tough to monitor all
Matt Morrison
@atharafzal When I travel to sales events/training it's like "This is your Life" where connecting in person is the final piece to the puzzle. I love starting social then moving to personal #NewWayToWork
Jeff Frick
@rjwissin > I've moved so many docs and spreadsheets from word/excel to shared google docs
@JeffFrick Bordering on absurd.
Athar Afzal
@MattRMorrison yes so do I - it's surprising how many ppl I end up tweeting at events & I get asked - "hey are you in the room, maybe we can grab coffee", then I know my tweeting has gone so far! :)
@JeffFrick Yes, all expected to be done near simultaneously.
Jeff Frick
@Korenlis > and that's a problem
Jeff Frick
@jacq6says ? we had a fantastic interview on this very topic. You hired them because of who they are, don't remove that when they start.
Jeff Frick
@ckburgess > And depends if school's in session ... ;-)