Q9: How critical is change management to the future of work? What are the biggest challenges? #NewWayToWork http://www.via-cc.at...
Denise Holt
A9 Hyper critical! Need to destroy old mindsets & foster innovation architects within organizations
Jerry Overton
I'm hoping the future moves us beyond managing change to embracing it as a normal part of progress--agile all the way!
Wayne Hendry
A9) Change is the only constant if you want to succeed! It is adapt or you will die.
Robert Oseth
@deniseholt1 I agree, imperative for growth... Do you suggest a top down approach or bottom up?
Amy: Digital Royalty
Crucial. We need to be willing to get comfortable w/ being uncomfortable.
Ariana Gradow
@DeniseHolt1 I agree. Successful managers allow their employees to think creatively
Jason Poblete
@DeniseHolt1 +1, this are big strategy shifts currently underway and in the future, and they MUST be managed effectively and efficiently. Destroy old mindset, yes, but we must do it without alienating valuable resources that developed under the old guard
Wayne Hendry
@RobertjOseth Whatever works for the situation Robert.
Denise Holt
A9 , Fostering creativity & flexibility = breakthrough innovation & high adaptability to change
Matt Morrison
@DeniseHolt1 Great answer Denise! Need digitally refurbished or new management
Amy: Digital Royalty
"That's not how we've always done it." should be banned. Those innovation allergies are everywhere.
Denise Holt
A9 Change resistance = stifled innovation
Robert Oseth
@amyjomartin I agree totally!
@deniseholt1 I agree - if there's one takeaway from this thread, I move that #adaptability is key to innovation
Matt Morrison
A9: One big challenge is changing the non-believers into believers, then into practitioners/advocates
Wayne Hendry
@AmyJoMartin Yes at is part of the comfort complex that humanity suffers from.
Jerry Overton
@MattRMorrison Agreed. Very difficult to get + movement along that adoption curve.
Matt Morrison
@DikBiz Yes! I like to say Adapt or be Adapted
@MattRMorrison great way to put it!
Robert Oseth
@MattRMorrison well done... #adaptorbeadapted