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IBM Social Business
Q9: How critical is change management to the future of work? What are the biggest challenges? #NewWayToWork

Denise Holt
A9 Hyper critical! Need to destroy old mindsets & foster innovation architects within organizations
Jerry Overton
I'm hoping the future moves us beyond managing change to embracing it as a normal part of progress--agile all the way!
Wayne Hendry
A9) Change is the only constant if you want to succeed! It is adapt or you will die.
Robert Oseth
@deniseholt1 I agree, imperative for growth... Do you suggest a top down approach or bottom up?
Amy: Digital Royalty
Crucial. We need to be willing to get comfortable w/ being uncomfortable.
Ariana Gradow
@DeniseHolt1 I agree. Successful managers allow their employees to think creatively
Jason Poblete
@DeniseHolt1 +1, this are big strategy shifts currently underway and in the future, and they MUST be managed effectively and efficiently. Destroy old mindset, yes, but we must do it without alienating valuable resources that developed under the old guard
Wayne Hendry
@RobertjOseth Whatever works for the situation Robert.
Denise Holt
A9 , Fostering creativity & flexibility = breakthrough innovation & high adaptability to change
Matt Morrison
@DeniseHolt1 Great answer Denise! Need digitally refurbished or new management
Amy: Digital Royalty
"That's not how we've always done it." should be banned. Those innovation allergies are everywhere.
Denise Holt
A9 Change resistance = stifled innovation
@deniseholt1 I agree - if there's one takeaway from this thread, I move that #adaptability is key to innovation
Matt Morrison
A9: One big challenge is changing the non-believers into believers, then into practitioners/advocates
Wayne Hendry
@AmyJoMartin Yes at is part of the comfort complex that humanity suffers from.
Jerry Overton
@MattRMorrison Agreed. Very difficult to get + movement along that adoption curve.
Matt Morrison
@DikBiz Yes! I like to say Adapt or be Adapted
IBM Social Business
Q5: With more organizations placing a greater emphasis on social collaboration, do you feel email is dead? #NewWayToWork

email isn't dead - it just needs to evolve
Denise Holt
A5 Email communication as we’ve known it is so outdated. I’m excited for new innovations in email like IBM Verse.
Rebecca Wissinger
email will never die....but we can definitely make it better #NewWayToWork #IBMVerse, can't wait!
Amy: Digital Royalty
Not dead but I have decreased my email volume by about 70% by adopting Slack. @SlackHQ.
Denise Holt
@DikBiz Yes! And long overdue
Robert Oseth
@DikBiz Agreed, I think it's too ingrained in everyone's life to be dead, needs to integrate with social channels better. Not so SILOED
Matt Morrison
A5: Email is not dead, getting better with #Verse :)
@deniseholt1 I agree - from what I've seen, IBM #Verse is the #futureofwork
Samantha Klein
Email as we know it is dead. Email reimagined is what excites me! The possibilities are endless. #socbizchat #newwaytowork
Rajesh Gajula
communication starts with email...
Matt Morrison
A5 You will always have a need for internal and external social tools
Amy: Digital Royalty
It's tough for email to keep up with today's pace. Email has jumped the shark.
Athar Afzal
A5 - probably not dead - I think we'll still need it as we still use faxes. Maybe till EVERYBODY becomes comfortable with other collaboration tools - might email 'fade' (not die out) #newwaytowork
Denise Holt
Email needs to understand intuitively what matters to me
@RobertjOseth Agreed - its like saying #phone is dead. How we use it may be...
Amber Armstrong
Email as we know it is dead. #analytics will hopefully return it to usefulness
Athar Afzal
@DikBiz ahh nice way of saying it - I was thinking more on the lines of *fade*
Denise Holt
Email needs an AI function that "learns" based on my use and needs.
Athar Afzal
@raj1094 True Rajesh - but now people are beginning communication w/ establishing trust on an informal basis via Instagram, Twitter, etc. Email is when it becomes formal - your thoughts?
Matt Denning
@DeniseHolt1 everyone's interaction with their email platforms are different, the ones that will last as a 'go-to' collaboration tool will identify what matters to you when it's used
Elizabeth Kvedar
@MattRMorrison that is true, and those tools will always evolve and change, making it important to grow as well
Wayne Hendry
A5) Email has been written off so many times but like the evil dead it remains. It will stick around as we need all kinds of communication to target our audiences.
Robert Oseth
@DikBiz Totally... Communication avenues will constantly be changing and evolving
Amber Armstrong
Email will eventually combine with other social comms. we need them to all live in one place
Rebecca Wissinger
@RobertjOseth exactly! integrate social, make it easier to navigate w/ better UI, and of course make it mobile
Tamara Gunter
waiting @IBMSocialBiz eMail is not extinct, just waitint to evolve. Welcome, #IBMVerse
Jason Poblete
@ambarmstrong Agreed! Email in it's historic function of latent communication is dead, but it's future as an analytics-driven workflow prioritizer is not! #IBMVerse is a prime example of the potential the future of email holds
Ariana Gradow
My dad is still learning email. It can't die yet... he doesn't even know what social media is.
Matt Morrison
Interesting read--> In Era of #Email, Some Senators Do Just Fine Without It