IBM Social Business68
Q3: How critical is change management to driving effective communication and collaboration? And what is the biggest challenge?
Shawn Murphy
A3: Org change mgmt. helps #leaders intentionally shift ppls behaviors that lead the way to change adoption.
Wendy Arnott
There's nothing more important than change management. We ensured partners were involved and excited right from the start, e.g. Biz, HR, Tech, Legal, Compliance.
Shawn Murphy
A3: #leaders who ignore change mgmt. risk failure of their comm + collab projects.
Martin Jones
@A3 Often times when a new initiative or project fails - the root cause can be traced to ineffectiive communication.
Warren Whitlock
The right way to keep up with change is to get on the bleeding edge and jump forward. Otherwise, you won't keep up
John Furrier
I've found that the operational aspect crossing organizations that have "older processes" makes it very hard to implement new technologies - horizontal integration is hard when everything is vertically organized
A3: One of the bigger challenges may be making people take the time if they're not inclined to do so. Reaarange the way we work to embed collab.
Mark Babbitt
Change ain't for sissies! #newwaytowork
Brian Fanzo
Change is scary for many.... Including the teams in the decision making and allowing them to understand why your changing and investing in training as more than a one time event will make change easier to embrace!
Wyatt Urmey
Culture is the obstacle. Change management can burn the bridge to old behaviors that limit success
Daniel Davis
Slapping together a #collaboration solution with a without a thoughtful implementation plan is a recipe for failure.
Warren Whitlock
work is scary for many. :)
Wendy Arnott
@furrier @iSocialFanz We agree, but we found that to be successful we needed help from our employees. At TD we have a ton of peer-to-peer coaching through our ambassador program. We have over 2k ambassadors that we call Connections Geniuses.
Chris Yaldezian
@Wendy_Arnott Because change, and effective change communication is based on TRUST
Shawn Murphy
A3: Research shows 70% of change efforts fail. Why? #Leaders fail to bring ppl along the way.
Mark Babbitt
Failure to change in the Social Age is acknowledgment of our obsolescence. #newwaytowork
Brian Fanzo
@Wendy_Arnott Love to hear that... ambassadors to help drive adoption, show value and cheerleader can really make change easier compared to a manager telling an employee they have to because they said so!
Warren Whitlock
a company that changes is the company that iill win
Shawn Murphy
A3: A big challenge is focusing on the wrong ppl to help w/ change adoption.
Amber Armstrong
Effective change mgmt requires transparency. #esn can aid that transparency
Brian Fanzo
@TheShawnMurphy I'm curious do they also fail because leaders don't understand that failure is part of the learning and change processes and to really change you must eliminate the fear of failure from those scared of change..
Mark Babbitt
Change does not have to be a top-down process... we're seeing many "middle-out" examples.
Brian Fanzo
@ambarmstrong Love it... to change well you need transparency, trust and leaders who lead by example not just talk!
Chris Yaldezian
Yes, agreed really nice, creative idea
Amber Armstrong
@MarkSBabbitt Change is often best received when led by the soldiers - not the captains. #social #tech makes that possible
Martin Jones
Agree @TheShawnMurphy As with any communication - You must know your audience.
Daniel Davis
@iSocialFanz An employee in that situation might change for as long as their manager is watching, but then they'll revert to their old solutions and practices.
Shawn Murphy
@MarkSBabbitt Often top down is a slow infuriating process. Grass roots and middle is also a place to start.
Mark Babbitt
@ambarmstrong I am so stealing "Change is often best received when led by the soldiers - not the captains."
Mark Babbitt
How to you bring change results to the CEO? "Here's what we're doing... here's the change... care to join us?"
Warren Whitlock
change management is an oxymoron
Amber Armstrong
@MarkSBabbitt it's your's!
Warren Whitlock
@MarkSBabbitt better would be "here's what we did"
Shawn Murphy
@iSocialFanz Yep. The pressure and ambiguity of change, I think, makes failure scarier than in other cirucmstances.
Mark Babbitt
Change is only scary to the resistant. Those who embrace change thrive.