IBM Social Business49
Kare Anderson
• A.1 Cultivating a relationship with WSJ lawyer when I was a WSJ journalist helped me get his backing in writing about a cover-up
Joel Comm
A1 : @IBMSocialBiz I don't believe in random events. However, there was this time...
Joel Comm
A1: It seems that most of the really cool things that happen to me are seemingly random.
Lindsay Malloy
A1: Getting this job was definitely an unexpected opportunity, especially with my educator background!
Kare Anderson
Frans Johannson of Th Click Moment doesn't either. Here's to serendipity @joelcomm
Joel Comm
A1 - but I was introduced to a guy who was building a multiplayer game site. Ended up partnering with him and selling to Yahoo!
Amy Tennison
A1. A happy hour lead to me getting hired at IBM. Just perfect timing and connections.
Laura Wolf
there have been instances of being in the right place at the right time to meet the right person which has led to opportunities
Paige Sandhu
@AmyTennison No way!!! I want to know more about this hiring story :P
Lindsay Malloy
@AmyTennison Interesting! A friend of mine works at IBM and they said they needed someone with an education background! So random
Colleen Stone
@LindsaySkarda Wow! That sounds awesome. Why was it random?
Kare Anderson
The greater our clarity of mission the more serendipity happens Laura Wolf
Wyatt Urmey
Business conferences lead to unexpected opportunities, discussions. Content is important but business happens in the margins of meetings.
Bob Pulver
A1: I experience serendipity regularly but it's not random; need eyes and eyes open, always
Amy Tennison
@paige_sandhu @LindsaySkarda Yes, it's crazy how sometimes things just work out.
Colleen Stone
@joelcomm It's always pretty exciting when it's totally random!
Paige Sandhu
I think being tagged in a job posting on facebook about a certain open position at IBM was the most random event, similar to yours @AmyTennison :)
Lindsay Malloy
@CollMStone I used to teach elementary school... I never thought I'd change my career to digital marketing
John Furrier
Social is very karma driven you have to gravitate toward affinity and let the world take you where it wants to go. Clustering around "gravity" is natural in social and why content is the new connection oriented frequency for connecting
Colleen Stone
@AmyTennison What perfect timing!
Joel Comm
Steve Jobs decided to create an iPhone. So I randomly created an app that went to #1. Never saw that coming.
Colleen Stone
@paige_sandhu Jobs over social, I like it! :D
Kushaan Shah
A1: Commented on a blog post out of the blue once for a non-profit and then got contacted by the head of the non-profit to blog for them. Totally unexpected! #TedAtIBM
Rebecca Wissinger
@joelcomm I totally agree, always have an open mind & heart & opportunity will find you
Courtney Smith
ha a random happy hour in wash DC led to me meeting @bryankramer - rest is history!
John Furrier
I did live video at EMC randomly which created our flagship product @theCUBE never would have happened without @dvellante now my business partner and friend
Colleen Stone
@kushaanshah That's awesome! Forward me the blog, I'd love to take a look.
Joel Comm
@cshasarrived ah... that fateful day. ;-)
Daniel Davis
More than once I've become unemployed at just the right time for a better opportunity to come along. #Serendipity !
Joel Comm
@kareanderson PERSONIFIES mutuality. #blamblamblam
Kare Anderson
@cshasarrived love & biz mix well @BryanKramer = mutualitymindset
Amy Tennison
@cshasarrived I love those types of love stories. I met my husband at an engagement party. We had the same major and minor at the same school, but never cross paths until then because he was 4 years older.
Joel Comm
@danielkdtwt when I lost jobs (back when I had jobs), it was the BEST THING EVER!
Seems my life is all unexpected cicrumstances. Go with the flow.
Colleen Stone
@danielkdtwt When one door closes another one opens!
Paige Sandhu
I love how almost all the random events commented have led to a new job opportunity! The best kind of opportunity :)
@Korenlis Circumstances. Can't type today.
Daniel Davis
My wife found $20 floating in the surf at Waikiki. That led to the opportunity for a slightly nicer dinner.