Bert Latamore41

Raj Yakkali, Director of Data Infrastructure, adMarketplace live now on #TheCUBE from the HP Vertica user event.

John Furrier
Raj talking about the difference between #predictiveanalytics vs #prescriptiveanalytics great conversation on #bigdata

Kit Dotson
Complimenting Google, Yahoo!, and Bing's admarket and userbase -- Raj says that the search market is highly fractured, as search is everywhere, even inside apps, not all search is on any single search engine.

Kit Dotson
I agree with Furrier when he said that much of search is about user experience -- when people have too much data in front of them, display becomes king when it comes to prioritizing, organizing, and giving context to information.

Bert Latamore
Searching ephemeral experiential things is a totally different problem than searching for sdtatic info.

Bert Latamore
So Google can tell you ford instance, how to spell a product's name. It can't tell you how many people are looking at tdhat product online right now.

Bert Latamore
Both are valuable for different purposes.

Kit Dotson
Real-time analytics is a very big and important part for DevOps as well (noting Furrier's question on Business Intelligence) as with everything having smarter automation to provide real-time insight can mean quicker reactions to early trends.

John Furrier
@oxidizingangel Facebook retargeting is killing me if I have to look at that damn Sheraton ad again i'll go crazy

Bert Latamore
AWS (and other global IaaS) can provide precisely dthe same stdack anywhere worldwide, so your software runs exactly the same if you want to move a copy to a new geography.

Bert Latamore
@furrier The downside of Cloud advertising!

Bert Latamore
@furrier A problem with that is u have made ur purchase but Facebook is still sending the ad to you. That is ineffective advertising and it annoys the customer.

Kit Dotson
@furrier There's also a personal aspect to user experience (and business intelligence) especially when users think of websites as people and websites target ads at them -- that relationship means users get frustrated by aggressive or dumb ads.

Kit Dotson
There's also an element that unlike more passive advertisement methods (TV, radio) the ads are harder to escape/ignore and they're tailored "thoughtfully" by a BI algorithm. Part of that thoughtfulness really may need to judge user reaction.

Bert Latamore
Another issue with that is sometimes you are not a customer at all. I do lots of searching on things like flash arrays to check product names for articles. Then I get ads for flash arrays.

Bert Latamore
@oxidizingangel I can't fast fordward throu them certainly, which is what I do with TV ads most of the time. I do ignore them often.

Dave Vellante
interesting concept re: prescriptive analytics

@dvellante @oxidizingangel it would be great if FB could sense the speed that I pass over the ads as I scroll and learn from that