
August 25 CSCTechTalk
CSCers: Join our Tech Transformation Leaders for a lively discussion about all things #csctechtalk
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#csctechtalk8/21 TechTalk SoundbitesA Field Guide to Data Science - Join us and jump-start your education in this hot skill area
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#csctechtalk8/28 Tech Talk SoundbitesBuilding CSC's Next Generation Skills Base
Dan Hushon
How do use #AgileMethodology to change the way that #csctechcom interacts for complex bids... today we do a blanket divide and conquer (fork:join) tomorrow we use high performance teams against user-stories?
Jerry Overton
Start with the smart use of tagging for automated alerts. Move on to a true enterprise wide search platform. Think of it as automated testing for enterprise communication.
Dan Hushon
Sure Jerry, but how do we actually change the structure/cadence of the response?
Jerry Overton
One bid response at a time?
eddie satterly
We really need to put a large deal team in place to review approach and get the right teams in for deals over some limie $MM This works really well at other places I've been
Dan Hushon
Do we train Bid Managers as #ScrumMaster, and even then how do we share the practice of #agile
Sue Cronizer
I recommend that you educate the sales force in Agile to truly get a full emersion of the process. This would allow for a better partnership between the sales and tech community as well
eddie satterly
Starts with training a few of them and setting thresholds and then success drive behavior.
Steve Touw
let's get crazy and store our responses in git, and fork changes to specific tech responses
Ernesto Diaz
I believe we have a gap between Success Cases, History behind them and Sales (Challenger?) approach. All of them needs to converge in a Use/Business Case sales process (Why instead of What)
Raghu Chandra
Getting the Bid Teams Agile is a good idea.. I will let the the tools guide their process... JIRA Agile and Confluence will be a good fit.. we got to get these teams off emails and collaborate and provide one stop visibility to bid progress..
Dan Hushon
@ernestoldiaz yes, definitely a gap... requirement->design->evidence of success/not!
Ernesto Diaz
@eddie_satterly Agree..there is a gray area between technology knowledge + industry knowledge that is difficult to frame, specially for next-gen.
Rick Wilhelm
Starting with the inventory of the bid's user stories is important. Often the true purpose of the system gets lost in the noise of the RFP/proposal process.
Raghu Chandra
we got to get the continuous feedback loop in bid process.. stage gated process that exists today can't unearth solution risks
Dan Hushon
@rickwilhelm my thought exactly.. .inventory! we have money under mattresses here, need a bank, or at least checkin process
Jeff Ely
@rickwilhelm Yes, we do seem to spend a lot of time recreating RFP/Proposals that we could just harvest for future activities.
Jerry Overton
These CrowdChats are great. But they leave my head spinning. We need a way to summarize key takeaways. Suggestions?
Rich Reba
I think both the "Outside In" Sensing and Response thread and the Vibrant Technology Community work stream in Program 1 ought to take that question on, since crowd chat is one of our key sensing channels . . . (who leads that Program 1 anyway? :)
Rick Wilhelm
@richrebajr I've heard that our Program 1 lead is amazing. ;-)
vittal krishnasamy
twitter analytics? to get the data
Jerry Overton
@vittalmadurai Oh yeah. In fact, I think CrowdChat provides us with some capabilities we should be making better use of. Will look into that.
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
Jerry, let me know what you learn!
Jerry Overton
We need a primer on terms and concepts so that the entire company can understand the tech. Suggestions?
Rich Reba
I'd like to see Soundbites on each of the topics we just discussed in the weeks ahead - that will get us into the next level of depth. I think beyond that we'd need to understand which areas we need to zoom in on the most.
Jeff Ely
@richrebajr I agree Rich, more soundbites on each topic as it progresses.
hayley smith
@richrebajr lets get it in the calendar
Jerry Overton
@richrebajr Great idea. I personally would like a 2-minute "for dummies" intro.
eddie satterly
I would love to do soundbites for each of the components of the BDPaaS leading up to Sept 15th release date
Rick Wilhelm
Primer could be crowdsourced via tagging blog posts and articles with a defined tag?
Mark Nebreda
We need ot integarte sound bites with CSC uncieristy as part of Study Halls we are dring
Mark Nebreda
Part of Induciton rpogram shoudl be elcome to our Tech Startegy and cvision supoprted by You Tube videos braking down each of the lements
Rick Wilhelm
@marknebreda Can you elaborate on the Study Halls?
Jeff Ely
Yes, a common framework of terms and concepts that is linked with CSC University collateral.
Rich Reba
@marknebreda agree - can work stream 4b (technology talent development) take this on?
Dan Hushon
How do we best make our strategy elements available to the global tech community? How should we communicate artifacts to this extended team?
Soren Helsted
Keeping a repository with critical info and then hold a session with youtube/crowdchat to present and Q&A
hayley smith
I would like to see more personigrams, short bite-sized videos, much nicer to see the person talking than reading content
Rick Wilhelm
@hayley_smitty Yes, words around pictures communicate a lot more.
Jeff Ely
I think that Technology C3 Community is a great start and the SoundBites series
hayley smith
Any of the technology community want to be involved with our personify pilot?
Home Site | Personify
Personify provides immersive teleconferencing and video conference solutions. Create a deeper sense of presence in live meetings with web conference solutions from Personify.
Jerry Overton
This would make a very good topic for Bob Donnelly's Technology Leadership Council.
Sue Cronizer
First we need an overarching pic (possibly an info graphic) that ties each of the components together driving toward one goal. Mass communication is difficult because we don't have one place everyone goes so email is the only way right now.
Rick Wilhelm
@hayley_smitty Let me know... in our crew, we have plenty of opportunity to help with the pilot.
Jerry Overton
@scronizer I think the Big Red Diagram might work for this.
hayley smith
@rickwilhelm Will get you on board, thanks Rick
Hugh Brooks
have we ever done group user case solutioning? Start with overview and have a team work a common solution design? Might be a way of using material vs reading
Sue Cronizer
What I'd really like to see if the tech strategy tied to the CSC strategy @DanHushon
Doug Neal
@hayley_smitty Personify is way better than just talking heads. I lets you act like you are having a one on one conference and using gestures to convey openness
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
@scronizer Totally agree. Would be great to have a "formula" that works for our tech community. Right now that just means covering every single channel we can think of. Not effective.
Mark Nebreda
Part of Induciton rpogram shoudl be a Study hall that contains Tech Startegy and vision supoprted by You Tube videos breaking down each ofthe elemts plaus a taxonomy of who to go doof the lements
Mark Nebreda
Maybe we intodiuce to Elarning and it becomes a CBT like Etchic Brefging and a fundamental foundation plank
Mark Nebreda
Develop an apps that alerts people to key update tOwn hals create a vibe and diff channels liek Twitter on how to difuse updatwes
Mark Nebreda
Gwet the Gen U's and Mienuials to desiign and lead how do u want receve and dcnusme informaiton on our Tech Startegy
Mark Nebreda
challnge the nomr and teradiutonal channels we use
Dan Hushon
@scronizer do you feel that the strategies are divergent... for me they are the same... modernize the worlds apps on cloud platforms, securely?
Sue Cronizer
They are the same but we're depicting and describing them differently. I've seen corp dev docs that discuss each of the areas differently than the tech ones do. It would be great if we did an overlay and had one everyone could connect with