John Furrier27

Quesiton @hphelioncloud I overheard someone say that CF is the .NET of the cloud; implying very silo'd for lockin or semi successful at best; in context to msft older dev framework

Sriram Subramanian
is that person wearing hat red in color ?

HPE Cloud
I don't see it that way, CF is an open source alternative offering CHOICE, perhaps you are thinking of something related to a certain Krishnan

Matt Stine
I'm having a hard time following the analogy honestly. :-)

Mark Atwood
it's so easy to spin up your own CF on any infra, its already more lockin free than any other environment

Sriram Subramanian
@mstine there is some clique-y comments going on here

John Furrier
@mstine it was an analyst who was implying .NET failure to reach critical mass or any mass outside of msft can be said for CF. Implying a land grab. I'm just messenger

John Furrier
Mark Atwood said it best..openstack is fighting the lockin question which is good.

Matt Stine
Got it...funny thing to say when you look at the mass ecosystem of companies represented at #CFSummit

Crowd Captain
@FallenPegasus says "it's so easy to spin up your own CF on any infra, its already more lockin free than any other environment" - majority agree with him

Sriram Subramanian
I would say with OpenStack and Cloud Foundry, HP Helion Development Platform has best shot at non-vendor lockin

John Furrier
@sriramhere all vendor tactics aside composite development is winning combine that with #opensource lock in is the thing of the past; choice wins; open is the new lockin i guess