
OpenStack Summit
Openstack thought leaders weigh in key conversations at #openstacksummit
   11 years ago
#OpenStackAWS API DebateOpenstack thought leaders weigh in key conversations
   10 years ago
#openstackOpenStack ConversationsThought leaders chatting all things related to OpenStack
Krish Subramanian
OpenStack needs to make containers first class citizens. Any arguments against this?
Rich Miller
I would make a stronger statement: Without acknowledgement and real leadership in embracing containers (& possibly NOT only LXC), OpenStack will fail to gain traction.
@rhm2k Agree Rich.. Containers/ Modular are a must for OpenStack & #EnterpriseCloud
Krish Subramanian
Exactly what I wanted to say but didn't want to appear overzealous (on containers)
Rich Miller
Of the OpenStack 'leaders', which OpenStack vendors in addition to RH would you acknowledge as leaders in 'containerization'?
Krish Subramanian
Right now Red Hat is leading the way but I expect Market pressure to push others. I expect IBM to follow soon because they are good at finding the trends
Krish Subramanian
In fact, HP could have proved to be more visionary if they had built their Helion Cloud based on Containers (would have helped their server business much better)
Rich Miller
OK, that's tantamount to saying "RH holds sway" in addressing OpenStack & containers, and no one else has yet shown its colors.
Krish Subramanian
At this moment, no one else has put their bets but I expect it to change soon.
Rich Miller
Revised question: Who among the OpenStack BOUTIQUE vendors are container leaders? (My start is obvious:
Krish Subramanian
Docker is the leader but I expect more thought leadership to come from some of the ecosystem plkayers like CloudSoft, Stackato, etc
HP is working upstream. Upstream is taking time to try to see where containers fit in with OpenStack. Adopting a single strategy too early would lock out the others. Let it build, the crescendo will be magnificent.
Tim Crawford
Don't vendors like HP need to keep a balance between existing enterprise needs & future changes?
Krish Subramanian
@tcrawford Sure they should but Helion Cloud is supposed to be the strategy for future.
Tim Crawford
Containers are a must, but one can't ignore the existing apps/ svcs too.
Tim Crawford
I'm thinking HP Helion is just the first step to bring existing customers along. I would expect more in short order.
Krish Subramanian
I see containers as the basis for Micro Services going forward
Rich Miller
Re MicroServices, I agree. However, I don't believe many of us have a uniform definition of the term.
Krish Subramanian
@rhm2k Yup. Still early stages. I expect it to develop in the coming year or two
JP Morgenthal
With the likes of Ruby, Java, Node.js, PHP, Go, being the future of appdev, why do I care abt containers as long as I have #PaaS?
Krish Subramanian
@jpmorgenthal Containers has nothing to do with language frameworks per se. It is more about encapsulating the apps for security and portability
Tim Crawford
@jpmorgenthal Good Q: Provides structure for mobility.
JP Morgenthal
Containers are great now as I have to deploy current app stacks, but in 2 years I would expect developers to leverage 1 of 3-4 #PaaS
Tim Crawford
@jpmorgenthal Meant to say that Containers provide structure for Portability.
Tim Crawford
@jpmorgenthal But do you really know which one? And will you come back to change again? Doubtful.
Krish Subramanian
@jpmorgenthal Containers are not replacement for PaaS. Rather I see it as building blocks
JP Morgenthal
@tcrawford I get portability from #OpenShift & #CloudFoundry today, they are a container of sorts
JP Morgenthal
Never claimed container repl #PaaS. Questioned their utility in a mainstream #PaaS world
Krish Subramanian
I also see PaaS to evolve from where it is currently to being the orchestration layer in the Modern Enterprise platform
Krish Subramanian
@jpmorgenthal One use case: Packaging the application environment and wrap the "PaaS" as the orchestration layer on top
Floyd Strimling
Interesting use-cases for applications to be delivered on PaaS
Tim Crawford
MyPOV: #PaaS will be a hotbed of activity for the next 18 months.
Rich Miller
From my POV, containers & multi-cloud infrastructure environments take us closer to 'cloudonomic' arbitrage, mrkt liquidity & (economic) brokerage
Floyd Strimling
App vendors want to package once (container) deploy everywhere
Tim Crawford
@rhm2k That's getting closer to #cloud commodity.
JP Morgenthal
CF has been implemented on Docker, which is the way I'd want to consume it in the future
Rich Miller
@tcrawford That's getting closer to infrastructure commoditization, then platform & service comparability. Comparability != Commoditization.
Tim Crawford
@rhm2k I like the idea of getting closer to comparability...not commodity.
Krish Subramanian
@jpmorgenthal CF is not implemented on Docker. However, a small project to port Docker to CF is in early stages. Stackato has built docker support.
Tim Crawford
I'd look more toward @activestate Stackato for CF/ Docker.
JP Morgenthal What is Decker & Warden then?
Decker = Docker + Cloud Foundry | CloudCredo
Software is eating the world. From the web as we know it, to the Internet of Things, to Microservices, software is taking over. The ability of businesses to deploy, manage, and iterate on their software is becoming the key determinant in their succes...
Krish Subramanian
@tcrawford I would say it will take a push by IBM before Docker gets anywhere closer to being a first class citizen on CF.
Krish Subramanian
@jpmorgenthal Exactly what I said. A small project by some SI.
Stuart Miniman
Docker on #theCUBE
Solomon Hykes - Red Hat Summit 2014 - TheCUBE
Solomon Hykes, Docker, at Red Hat Summit 2014 with John Furrier and Stu Miniman @thecube #RHSummit Solomon Hyke, Founder and CTO of Docker, discussed the com...
John Furrier
IBM is talking to us about containers on #theCUBE
Dave Vellante
is this an pre-requisite to interoperability b/tween OpenStack clouds?
Krish Subramanian
@dvellante Containers will be a pre-requisite across not just OpenStack clouds but across multiple platforms
Ryan Wallner
@jpmorgenthal decker is like cloud-foundry + docker, it allows dockerfiles to by used with cf push. Essentially allowing docker and warden based containers to be used in parallel. = more flexibility/option
JP Morgenthal
@RyanWallner 'Tis accurate, seems @ActiveState's a lot closer to actually deploying apps in docker containers but using LXC for now (good 'nuff for me)
John Furrier
Evan Powell, CEO, StackStorm live on #theCUBE
Crowd Captain
he figured out the software defined angle for storage
Bert Latamore
He saw an opportunity for a new leqder in operations automation.
Stuart Miniman
Project Mistral is Workflow as a Service led by @stack_storm and @mirantisIT
openstack community has only about 100 customers; says Evan while Nexenta is doing 100 net new customers a month
Stuart Miniman
"Trying to out Red Hat to be the RH of OpenStack is recipe for disaster" @epowell101
John Furrier
Evan Powell says a business model competing with @redhat is a recipe for destruction .. openstack sales are a business model issue #openstacksummit
John Furrier
Evan says Openstack is one of the great communities of his lifetime.. it's not a product it's a platform that is the mistake many make #openstacksummit
Bert Latamore
Notion of a fully API-drivenvcloud is revolutionary.
Bert Latamore
100% Open Source. The workflow engine is Mistral.
Bert Latamore
OpenStack users want us on prem. Amazon users comfortable with us in the cloud, on Amazon for instance.
Bert Latamore
Open Stack's everyware. The people at VMware see it as a real issue & an opportunity.
Bert Latamore
Build the world's best solution for what we do. OpenStack is a big enabler. It is a platform and a community, notba product.
John Furrier
Embrace your skeptics is the key to success during massive transitions like cloud #devops
Bert Latamore
Startups have to be the best at something. Find a pain-point and fix it in a way that's disruptive.
Crowd Captain
Evan Powell is worth following on Twitter @epowell101 ceo of stack storm
Stuart Miniman
Operations Management - DevOps vs Legacy (incl VMware vCloud) by @epowell101
DAY FOUR: A DevOps Friendly Architecture Is Fundamentally Different Than Legacy Products - StackStorm
by Evan Powell There is a huge amount of DevOps washing going on right now, and for good reason. As CA pointed out in a recent blog, most CIOs now understand that DevOps, done right, is revolutionary. And, what is more, they understand they need to d...
Tim Crawford
@BertLatamore Enterprises and Svc Provs should alike should see the opportunity in OpenStack.
Bert Latamore
We need to be careful about over-selling with promises that it is easy today.
Jeff Frick
What Changed to enable Software to eat the world? Agile and DevOps.
Brian Fanzo
@JeffFrick Shadow IT helped drive the change.. Forced CIO & Biz to embrace a faster & scalable compute solution!