John Furrier25

Question: In #SDDC talk about the software piece and the physical datacenter piece..implications to both in new modern IT architecture

Jeff Frick

Love it, Software defined everything, makes sense, much more flexible, easier to evolve

Adam J. Bergh Exactly, all of the innovation will be on software side and not necessarily the hardware side of storage in the future.

Val Bercovici - 2020 Hindsight @jbergh I think there's plenty of room left for HW innovation, but it's now gotta stand out as slave to the new SW master :)

Val Bercovici - 2020 Hindsight
data centers are like the new motherboards. #SDDC lets you think of easily tapping many resources at scale with the same effort you would use for 1 program to maximize a "PC's" resources

John Furrier what about the instrumentation of components in the holistic view of the #datacenter -will that be a big data challenge or #internetofthings

Christopher Wells
Software piece becomes almost the entire pie in a #SDDC. Hardware becomes a small slice.

Ryan Beaty
Physical hardware will always be around. Managing the hardware cohesively will be key as IT departments shrink and tech gets more complicated.

Val Bercovici - 2020 Hindsight
Ubiquitous standardization of hardware is the other consequence. Not so much from a programming perspective, mostly from a management of equip lifecycle at scale

Adam J. Bergh
It's really and exciting time to be involved in datacenter tech. The evolution of the DC is happening at a much more rapid pace then I have ever seen. The push for a truly #SDDC is a big reason why.

Christopher Wells
In the context of VMware, we can think of the #SDDC components like VMs that can be moved around automatically. Call it vDatacenter Motion, in VMware parlance.

Val Bercovici - 2020 Hindsight VM's that can be instantiated, moved, grown, shrunk, repurposed, hibernated, rejuvinated - and eventually killed :)

Ryan Beaty
Internal IT depts will need to start acting more like Service Providers and quickly spin up and down services quickly for internal departments. The need for charge back and gaining pace as well.

Jeff Frick This was the theme at ServiceNow, AWS is forcing internal IT to start treating their constituents like real customers

Adam J. Bergh

The use of flash and 10GBe and soon 40GBe in the DC have been the only real game changing innovations in the DC on the hardware side. Software on the other hand is transforming how entire business are being run.

Jesse Anderson Hardware can only do so much. Software is where the problems are being solved.

Val Bercovici - 2020 Hindsight yes those innovations are visible now. Near-term future is even more exciting with Memory-Channel Storage (MCS) as precursor to full Storage-Class Memory. Think storage literally at memory speeds! Gonna need some even faster interconnects now :D

Jason E. Knight Cisco designed UCS with #SDDC in mind so the plumbing itself becomes static, #NetApp cDOT very similarly does the same with storage.

Jeff Frick Just saw a Gartner / IO presentation on innovation in usage, configuration strategy that yielded giant utilization improvements #IODataCenters

Crowd Captain
The crowd likes this topic and is activated --Nice

Bhumik Patel

So with #VMware and #NetApp, we are integrating at all levels of #SDDC providing customers maximum leverage of their investments https://communities.netapp.com/community/netapp-blogs/netapp-360/blog/2013/10/16/vmware-and-netapp-int

Bhumik Patel This includes #SDDC #automation level integration - leveraging #ONTAP software abstractions to provision key storage services as part of our #vCloud orchestration allowing #IAAS solutions to be delivered

Val Bercovici - 2020 Hindsight great reminder that SDDC/SDN/SDS has some excellent applications today, even as the technology matures to the satisfaction of mainstream and eventually late adopters

Stuart Miniman
a move to a software model does not necessarily mean that hardware is all commodity. Read much more at http://wikibon.org/SLI

Christopher Wells Agree, but the majority of the M&A and R&D money will and continue to be spent on software. Hardware will become more and more general-purposed.

Val Bercovici - 2020 Hindsight
@sockeyes51@ajbergh btw - disk and even tape haven't given up the ghost yet. They're racing Flash down the value chain in their own dimensions of $/capacity and $/TCO for warm and cold data respectively...

Jesse Anderson
It's in the software that is deployed on that which makes the difference. #CDOT, #NetApp, #VMware and #Flexpods are really showing what the software can do for #clouds.

Christopher Wells Imagine going further toward making that software hardware-agnostic and you can really see the agility come into play, the beauty of #SDDC.