
IT as a Service Provider
Join a panel of industry experts to discuss how to best align IT with the business.
   11 years ago
#NetAppChatYear of the Hybrid CloudJoin a panel of industry experts to discuss how to best take advantage of the hybrid cloud in 2014
   10 years ago
#NetAppChatFind Your WinIT is in a state of transition – how do you win during these challenges and navigate these changes?
Data Definer
Q7: What are some of the top reasons for using a Hybrid Cloud instead of a public cloud-only approach? Security? Control? Performance? What else?
Unless I am starting from scratch, I already have some kind of infrastructure. I need to use what I have to its fullest and bridge the public cloud into it. As an industry our biggest risks for security and performance are as much internal as external.
Jesse Anderson
Hybrid cloud comes down to control. The customer controls some aspect of security, performance, vendor selection that they might not get with a public only solution.
Nick Howell
With control comes security and performance. They beget each other. Flexibility. Choice. There are a finite number of options to choose from that offer all three today, but opening the conv to adopting hybrid cloud presents a wealth of add'l opportunities.
Sean Luce
For the time being, I think it is performance. Many tier 1 applications still need low latency to provide the experience users are accustomed to.
Data Definer
@seanluce Yep, I sit in LOTS of discussions about performance and role of tier 1 apps with hybrid cloud.
John Furrier
I am hearing data and SLAs are tops. The ability to "look under the hood" for the stack of technologies. that being said interoperable between purpose built and open software solutions is ok norm
John Zemonek
Manufacturing companies still maintain their mainframe environments which have been around forever almost forcing IT's hand unless they can commit to a big change while exploring the big scary cloud. :)
Sean Luce
Tell them the cloud is just like the mainframe, just lighter, more robust and more flexible :)
Security is the number on thing. CIOs need protection. The vendors that provide the protection will win the game
Data Definer
Q3: We all know IT has evolved to support a highly-mobile workforce, ever-expanding data storage, and security threats. How have sources outside Enterprise IT transformed the role of IT delivery?
it's not just the highly mobile workforce, the challenge extends to who our customers are and how they interact with out services.
Nick Howell
NetApp is an excellent example of this, specifically with FlexPod. Removing complexity and standardized CapEx spend allows IT depts to predictably plan budgets for years in advance, while eliminating weeks and months of "rack-n-stack"
Jesse Anderson
There is a whole new generation of IT workforce who see flexibility as a perk for working. Consumer product technology advancing at a rapid pace has really pushed for a younger workforce to have control of how they work.
Nick Howell
There are many sources from hacker guilds testing security, to VARs bringing extra value svcs after the sale, and helping guide the business into more of a ITaaS model.
Consumer services have set very low expectations around the cost of storage and services. Gmail's "unlimited" storage, other photo services and their "free" 1TB, even cheap 1TB drives sold at department stores all set unrealistic cost expectations.
Ed Morgan ☁️🦄
People are used to the App Store and Google Play as a method for delivering a service (or software), they expect this from the IT department as well..
Data Definer
Q6: What are the advantages of having your data center model span private and public clouds?
Simple... get my cake and get to eat it too.
Nick Howell
True public cloud offerings seem to be focused on the consumer market, but I believe we'll begin to see Enterprise apps move there as well. Eventually you get a choice of moving data between, or going "whole-hog" and working out of the Cloud directly.
Ed Morgan ☁️🦄
A lot of companies aren't ready to put all their data in the cloud - a hybrid model enables them to keep physical ownership on what the business decides is too valuable to trust outside of their hardware... Still lots of trust issues around cloud storage..
Data Definer
By having a common data platform, it enables entirely new capabilities such as automatic translation between VM formats whenever data is moved. What else?
Sean Luce
Geographic redundancy; being able to maintain SLAs during site disasters or maintenance windows.
Nick Howell
Advantages of a hybrid model include moving CapEx spend o OpEx "subscriptions" with pay-as-you-go, off-site DRaaS, and the removal of the need to maintain monolithic datacenters and the required staff.
Nick Howell
Focus on DevOps, and shift staff accordingly.
John Zemonek
Having the flexibility to choose which applications reside in which environment gives IT leaders options they may not have otherwise.
John Furrier
handling the diversity of workloads becomes a concern for CxOs and there is no one solution.
Data Definer
Q4: As CIOs begin to manage cloud services and look at internal IT as a service option, what does this mean for customers and solutions?
Nick Howell
Two-sided question that's a win-win. CIO's have more of a "buffet of a la carte svcs" and customers receive better and faster response than "It's going to take 6-8 weeks to get your new server."
Data Definer
I've heard some CIOs say this is an opportunity to funnel resources away from maintaining legacy systems and accelerate the development of new systems. Agree?
Sean Luce
I think we will begin to see more "self-service" solutions as well. If the application development team needs a new server, they will be able to spin one up themselves.
Nick Howell
Completely. It's the futuristic form of the "tech refresh." Some will want to maintain control of all their own gear, sure. But I believe a lot will soon reach a point where the "cost-effectiveness" conversation must be had. Bang-for-buck, etc.
Jesse Anderson
The hope would be customers don't see anything on their end. Hybrid cloud solutions will leverage both internal control as well as leveraging advanced mobility options with going to a cloud solution. Flexpods and Cluster ONTAP are examples of solutions.
Ed Morgan ☁️🦄
That's true, our company slogan is "let us manage and maintain so you can change and improve.."
If done right, makes everything faster and cheaper. Unfortunately politics and the status quo too often prevent the win from being achieved the first time around.
John Zemonek
The IaaS model changes the way a CIO can support their internal customer. Nick nailed it on speed to market and the way it affects your strategy.
Data Definer
Q2: What advantages does using internal IT as a service option offer businesses?
Nick Howell
Moving away from the "cost center" model that so many IT depts have become, to a more robust, dynamic ITaaS model really moves the ball in the direction of business servicing the business in a more granular and rewarding way, not just IT spending CapEx.
Ed Morgan ☁️🦄
Flexibility - spin up/decommission services as the business requires, not ladened with heavy expenditure on kit/hardware
Nick Howell
The agility to act when necessary. The security of being self-contained, not using consumer services in a secure Enterprise, with ever-changing ToS and uncertain lifespans. Maintaining control also allows the best ITaaS experience.
In our case we use similar delivery models as external cloud systems but are able to deliver with cost efficiencies through a combination or staffing, software, hardware, and data center.
John Furrier
to me it's about developing a core competency with the ability to differentiate it's capabilities to be poised to lead the next wave of services - catalog based dashboards !!
Specifically in our case flexpod. NetApp storage, Cisco UCS, KVM Hypervisor, and OpenStack as the magic.
Data Definer
@furrier This is a topic that I could spend hours upon!
Data Definer
Q5: How do you see the Hybrid Cloud continuing to evolve in 2014? And beyond?
In the same way apache accelerated web deployment, great open source cloud tools for both internal and external clouds take some of the cost penalty of the cloud out of the equation and open new opportunities.
Jesse Anderson
I believe we will see more robust offerings with hybrid clouds instead of trying to get a pure cloud solution. This gives customers local control yet still leverage cloud services as needed. Heavy apps can still run in house and off load other services.
Nick Howell
Companies will dip their toes in the water. I believe we'll also start to see some crossover from some of the consumer platforms into the enterprise, with different offerings. I've always believed BizCon and DR would be the 1st entry for most.
I see a number of companies moving away from commercial hypervisors and towards kvm and openstack. As NetApp and Cisco have embraced openstack it starts to break some of the assumptions people were making even a few years ago about the future of Cloud.
Jesse Anderson
@datacenterdude I see DR cloud installs now while keeping a main data center in house. I think we will see more of that as people offload the DR in the cloud for an "as needed" approach.
It is also not just the infrastructure. I think there are new companies as service layers to connect apis and services and replace things we all have had as whole teams to do in house in the past.
Sean Luce
I think we are going to see more automation and intelligence. Remove the decision making process when provisioning new services. Let the "system" decide where to place resources to meet target SLAs.
Data Definer
@mpclark3 I like this analogy!
John Furrier
automation and orchestration is the key to the cloud hybrid equations one that has to enable #devops; apis will be table stakes
Data Definer
How has the role of the CIO evolved over the years? How will it continue to evolve in the future?
Data Definer
Unlike traditional capital models where assets are purchased for individual projects, the service delivery model entails agencies deploying their IT like a business.
Nick Howell
"CIO budgets have not increased since 2002." -Gartner, Jan 2013. The role of the CIO has morphed exponentially into how to do more with less. Virtualization and eventually Cloud will make that even more of a reality.
Data Definer
Driving those cost savings is a shift away from "stovepiped, capital IT investments" in favor of a cloud-based model.
the role of CIO used to be about control and containment, now and going forward the role is building the backbone of their business where there is no control nor containment.
Ed Morgan ☁️🦄
CIOs also looking to move IT away from a cost centre, and more into a business enabler. *aaS/Cloud platforms can assist greatly in this...
John Furrier
at the RedHat Summit we are hearing that the CIO has to think about data instrumentation outside of IT like internet of things; using opensource
John Furrier
I would also add the "single pane of glass" dream is finally upon them and it's a planning process for them to figure out what that means