
IBM Impact Mobile First
Cloud and Mobile experts and thought leaders discuss the impact of the Mobile Cloud for IT
   11 years ago
#IBMImpactIBM Impact Cloud ExpertsCloud & application systems experts and thought leaders discuss the impact of Cloud in IT
   11 years ago
#IBMImpactIBM Impact: Be FirstA discussion of best practices, technical education and roadmaps for business transformation.
John Furrier
What role does IT play with respect to #IoT in a cloud and mobile architecture? Thoughts
Tim Crawford
There is a difference between what role IT should play in #IoT vs. what they will play.
Ed Brill
#IoT is a rapidly accelerating area for enterprise mobility. Connected Cars, sensors, wearable devices.
Ed Brill
All of that requires massively parallel capabilities for scaling transactions and analyzing data. 5 petabytes of data are generated on mobile devices daily.
Tim Crawford
The Q s/b: How to get IT to play a leading role in #IoT within the #cloud & #mobile architecture.
Ed Brill
So, clearly transformational but a lot of new issues around privacy, security, and data ownership
John Furrier
@edbrill wearables are a big consumer trend and sensors etc power businesses.. so interesting to see how the data layer handles
John Furrier
@tcrawford I see IT setting data policies to capture the data and use it as an asset; then enable developers to program with is "play with the data"
Dave Vellante
Architecture, data strategy, workflow,'s complicated w/ lots of headwinds.#IoT
@edbrill we saw a lot about wearables trending last month at sxsw. A lot of interesting technology and innovation!
Crowd Captain
I say the mantra is Built Grow & Monetize the developer environment and underlying infrastructure
John Furrier
What challenges do mobile first environments present for organizations? How are IBM solutions and partner integrations easing the transition to the mobile cloud?
Ed Brill
One of the challenges is being able to build and deploy solutions for all sorts of devices, operating systems, form factors. IBM's MobileFirst Platform takes care of these complexities in build/test/manage/deploy phases.
Jeff Frick
How ready are the larger organizations? More Push or Pull?
Ed Brill
A study we did in Q4 2013 found that less than half of all organizations have a well-defined mobile strategy.
John Furrier
@JeffFrick do you mean how projects get initiated or deployed or both
Anurag Agrawal
@edbrill So what are the key attributes of a successful mobile solution experience?
Jeff Frick
@edbrill -> Is "Well defined strategy?" counter to the the current agile thinking, get started , adjust. How does that fly in large organizations? Where are you seeing early adoption, success?
Dave Vellante
I talk to IT practitioners all the time who say they have a love/hate w/mobile - they are challenged to accommodate users, secure & integrate mobile & at the same time they're mobile users too!
Ed Brill
To @JeffFrick I think there's a way to be agile and have a strategy…mobile devops can help with fast cycle time and iterations of solutions to start with something simple/responsive and move fast. But in the second wave a strategy is important to guide.
Jeff Frick
@dvellante -> those pesky users, and hyperscale companies setting app behavior expectations
John Furrier
Where are we with respect to BYOD (bring your own device)? Are we making progress with consumerization of IT?
Tim Crawford
I heard someone this week suggest that BYOD is leading to the demise of IT. MyPOV: Misplaced perspective.
John Furrier I don't buy that
Jeff Frick -> really? Easy to counter the opposite
Tim Crawford If you think I buy it, you don't know me. It just shows how out of whack some still are.
Ron Favali BYOD has to be well thought out and plan needs to be documented to be successful. @maas360 on boards new devices in 5 minutes
Ian Robinson BYOD is going to become trickier to manage when employees have multiple smart watches, glasses, etc. Once these items become fashion statements, the volumes will go sky-high.
Ron Favali
Consumerization of IT significantly impacts the way firms develop mobile device security plans. @maas360 is taking a leading role in helping clients with this.
Ed Brill
I'd separate the two. We have thousands of customers for our #MaaS360 enterprise mobile management solution. BYOD is here to stay in certain industries and markets.
Michael Keen
still a lot of talk and others that have moved in that direction are using VDI to accommodate users
John Furrier
Question: How would you define Mobile First? How does it fit into the developer & cloud environment?
Ed Brill
Mobile First is a strategy for organizations that recognizes that mobile today is primary, and to adopt transformational mobile enterprise solutions to take advantage of the second wave of mobile.
Crowd Doc
Having less that 5 function approach for an App. Solving only one purpose and doing that Good within the small real-estate.
Ron Favali
if dev right for mobile it will work across multiple channels. It's mobile first, not mobile only
Crowd Captain
@edd what is that second wave of mobile
Ian Robinson
MobileFirst developers have the freedom to use cloud and/or on-prem resources, and develop native or hybrid mobile apps.
John Furrier
@CrowdDr great point there is a distinction between web vs mobile for sure; as a developer what are the key issues
Ian Robinson
The next wave of mobile apps will integrate wearables - watches, glasses, belt buckles and shoelaces.
Ian Robinson
Web apps allow developers to target more devices, but native mobile apps can take advantage of the latest cool device capabilities - so there is a trade-off between dev productivity and app uniqueness.
John Furrier
How has this shift in how businesses approach enterprise IT and the mobile cloud changed the role of CIOs?
Crowd Captain
I would add is it different by vertical mkt or solution?
Dave Vellante
imo it's energized the role of the CIO. It shifts the focus from keeping the lights on to adding new value that is much more easily funded...with a common (mobile first!) architecture. Great opportunity for CIOs to innovate
Tim Crawford
According to a recent report, IT spending is slated to increase 3.2% in 2014 driven by #mobile & #cloud.
John Furrier
@dvellante I think that driving top line revenue is a great opportunity for CxO to flex the value muscles
Ed Brill
I don't think it's different in verticals. The key for the CIO is to define a strategy and governance as they do in other areas. For mobile, though, it needs to be able to operate with speed and flexibility like never before.
Tim Crawford
The shift from traditional #CIO to transformational #CIO has sparked new opportunity and excitement around IT.
John Furrier
@tcrawford here is the link for IT spending stats you shared
Gartner Says Worldwide IT Spending on Pace to Grow 3.2 Percent in 2014
With the global economy showing signs of a gradual recovery, worldwide IT spending is on pace to total $3.8 trillion in 2014, a 3.2 percent increase from 2013 spending, according to the latest forecast by Gartner, Inc.
Anurag Agrawal
It is clear that IT & business perspective on the mobility journey is shaped by their context, business objectives, requirements imposed by the size of their organization. What is the best way to select a starting point & to ‘connect the dots’ from there?
John Furrier
How do customers consider mobile apps a success? Is there models of TCO or is it revenue? both? Thoughts
Ian Robinson
A key metric to indicate whether a moile app is successful is continued usage - more than 80% of apps on most smartphones get used once after downloading.
Ron Favali
ROI is a key metric. Worklight customers have generated up to 363% ROI on mobile app projects.
Ian Robinson
It is important to iteratively improve mobile apps to encourage repeat usage.
John Furrier
Question: Can #mobile developers be #agile? If so how? Web it's easy to push code anytime with mobile it's harder. Does this change the #agile game?
Ron Favali
Moble devs have to be #agile, mobile apps are updated on a monthly or even weekly basis. quick release cycles is key to successful mobile apps
Megan Irvine
I think the tools we have, like IBM Worklight make it easier to be more agile with mobile development.
Ron Favali
New mobile cloud services like IBM Bluemix also help with agile development
John Furrier
@rfavali great point this is key distinction; liked the comment mobile first isn't mobile only
Ian Robinson
Sure - effective mobile development is inherently agile, since it uses rapid iterations in response to customer feedback --> not doing it this way would be fragile rather than agile.
John Furrier
What do you think is the best approach for an organization considering a move to mobile in both on premise and cloud environments?
Ed Brill
They have different approaches. In cloud, like IBM's Bluemix project, an individual developer - say in line of business like a power user - can assemble an app from components and deploy on the spot.
Crowd Captain
both environments are abstracted away but will coexist bc the data and other systems will be critical in rolling out interoperable data and apps in the enterprise
Ed Brill
On-premises, like IBM's Worklight platform, provides the full lifecycle of capabilities for building/managing/deploying multiple applications, especially useful in business-to-employee scenarios but also effective in B2B/B2C
Ron Favali
organizations need holistic business plan for moble supported by c-level, LoB and IT. Determine goals and then best approach to implement cloud or on Prem. IBM can help with both