James Maguire30
A8. The future of low code? Where will we be in 3-5 years?
James Clark
@jamesmaguire A8 #eweekchat The future of low code is handling more complex and sophisticated use cases in ways that are even easier, faster, and lower code to implement (and maintain) in an almost ‘Moore's law’ type progression over time…
James Clark
@jamesmaguire A8 #eweekchat I think we will continue to see more and more defined ‘use case libraries’, sophisticated ‘recipes’ for various functions and workflows, and more seamless and ‘out of the box’ integrations without requiring custom coding to make it all happen.
James Maguire
@jamesbrightspot So the level of software sophistication written doubles every, oh, 18 months or so?
James Clark
@jamesmaguire A8 #eweekchat Longer term I think much more targeted and vertically oriented solutions to the unique challenges of Marketers, Sales Teams, Media Organizations, Corporate Comm, HR and others who need to move their own complex solutions forward autonomously
Llanor Alleyne
A8: Digital transformation is an ongoing, constantly evolving process for enterprises of all sizes. That means that the need for and use of low code and no code approaches will also evolve and grow. Improvements are needed and ongoing.
Nick Brackney
A8 #eweekchat Last year we had Dr. Michio Kaku at an event and he talked about the move towards AI and machines driving activities. And in that world a premium is placed on soft skills in this world. Imagination, empathy, critical thinking... more so than the technical chops.
James Clark
@jamesmaguire that's roughly what we see, yes -- and it has been accelerating not slowing down
Prince Kohli
A8 The future has endless possibilities for leveraging low code/ no code and it is only growing in popularity. It will accelerate true digital transformation as business users look to automate processes and make improvements easily and simply
James Maguire
@NickBrackney I think that point gets lost in the rush to grow.
Vinod Iyengar
Like I mentioned earlier, we'll see widespread adoption for even 'hard' problems, more customer facing use-cases - like low-code apps and models serving end-users, higher confidence in IT to manage deployments at scale
Mike Fitzmaurice
A8: You'll see low-code everywhere. Every SaaS offering of any complexity will have an automation or orchestration facility, and that'l be low-code.
James Clark
@mikefitz low code everywhere -- yes!!
James Clark
@pkohli2 endless is a great way to describe it, for sure
Vinod Iyengar
@NickBrackney Exactly, we are building AI to do AI to enable customers to focus more on the impact, domain, value questions
Mike Fitzmaurice
A8: You already have see specialized business process suites that are low-code. Data mining options. You'll see specialized low-code tools emerge for custom solutions to any of many specialized problems and industries. Code will be the fallback when things get weird
Chris Ehrlich
A8: Low-code vendors are part of app dev discussions from start. No-code tools are used across most departments for stakeholder-facing work.
James Clark
@mikefitz @jamesmaguire 100% agree on the low-code solutions for specialized business processes -- that's a key part of how they will continue to evolve, specialization +integration
James Clark
@Llanor_A evolution and growth are critical for sure -- as any organization knows that has survived the last 2 years, who knows what you will need 2 years from now!
Llanor Alleyne
@JamesBrightspot A lot of this evolution is coming out of unexpected social and tech changes.
James Maguire
@llanor_a The rise of the citizen developer -- how knows what changes this will create.