What level of granularity of metadata is required to drive data automation?
What level of granularity of metadata is required to drive data automation?
David Piester
This is something unique about Io-Tahoe - the discovery of CRE and apply business glossary
with no manual effort
with no manual effort
Yusef Khan
Actually, with data automation you can start with no metadata. In reality though there usually is some, the quality of which may be mixed. In which case, data automation will make full use of BUT not rely on what you have.
Lester Waters
Understanding your data begins with a basic catalog of what you have: databases, schemas, tables, and columns. From there, you can do basic exploration and annotation. But really effective data analysis involves examining the data itself. This is how you find what you don't know.
Senthilnathan Karuppaiah
Io-Tahoe goes much deeper than metadata; it inspects the data at row-level / column vs. column comparisons to identify Critical Data Elements (CDE) and Real Matches to find the true flows