
Trends in Mobile Apps, Devices
JOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about what new mobile devices and apps are out there to help us work from home during the pandemic. Samsung's new 5G phone is among the pioneers. We'll have expert guest hosts!
   5 years ago
#eweekchatTrends in Collaboration ToolsJOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about what tools we're using in working from home and in teams and whether we're more (or less) efficient. We'll have expert guest hosts!
   4 years ago
#eweekchatNew-Gen DataStorage/ProtectionJOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about new ways we need to protect our personal and business data from bad actors who are using ransomware on an increasing basis. We'll have expert guest hosts!
Chris Preimesberger
Here we go:
Q1: How, in your estimation, has the COVID-19 pandemic changed the usage of mobile devices and apps in the first half of 2020?
Jim Xiao
most of us are confined in and we're seeing big upticks of mobile usage (ie. twilio stock) and new apps innovating on top of Zoom. Carriers are probably seeing down ticks in cellular usage. In healthcare and gov, we're seeing more demand but logistics challenges
Rich Ryan
a1. Clearly the dramatic shift to remote working has clearly changed the demand for the mobile devices and apps that help us connect. The impact of COVID-19 on companies considered essential, particularly warehousing and fulfillment has been substantial.
Chris Preimesberger
Are we going to see some new apps as a result of this lockdown?
Chris Preimesberger
A1: How is this aded bandwidth usage affecting the ISPs? Can they handle it all? Microsoft is investing huge sums to expand Azure.
Jim Xiao
i think so :) with a huge eng force now working from home - engineers by nature have a constant itch to solve problems. how will parents build communities around the new home school? how will families communicate with their loved ones in nursing homes #eweekchat
Rich Ryan
As a hardware company, we are seeing people use established apps in different ways. Companies are using our AR glasses to leverage Zoom and Skype as remote expert tools - increasing their capabilities but of course we should see new apps
Jim Xiao
A1. companies have come together during the pandemic / ISPs have uncapped and made Internet an essential service in a way. how they dance with net neutrality post-covid will be fun to watch on C-SPAN. #eweeknews
Jim Xiao
i imagine microsoft azure and focus on 1.5B+ frontline workers, and how to arm them with custom form factors for various retail/healthcare/manufacturing applications will drive a lot of new startup innovation #eweekchat
Chris Preimesberger
@jimxmeter Sidebar: What are some of the logistics challenges in health care?
Chris Preimesberger
Q2: How will 5G eventually help change the landscape for mobile? One of the (incorrect!) rumors is that once 5G is common, WiFi will go away. Your take on this?
Rich Ryan
A2. Because we focus on enterprise customers - we just don't see wifi going away. The privacy and security issues that Enterprise customers face are far better managed through Wifi.
Chris Preimesberger
Wonder why some people believe that 5G can replace WiFI. Not even similar!
Jim Xiao
A2. i can see private LTE + wifi networks / device 2 device communication and security will be important. 5G gives us a lot more coverage and ability to blitz the number of connected devices, only bottleneck is dev willpower to invent :)
Chris Preimesberger
Q4: How is the increasing use of machine learning and AI natively and through the cloud in our smartphones and laptops changing the way we work and play?
Rich Ryan
It has an enormous impact professionally and personally - to big for 280 characters - but the volume of data available to us in a mobile environment, and the analysis of that data before we receive it, is growing at such staggering rate.
Chris Preimesberger
My question is: Can we actually control ALL that new data coming into systems and use it for good? Lotta companies struggling with that right about now
Jim Xiao
a4. We saw AI-enabled cameras in transportation changed how insurance companies viewed driver policies and now how AI + AR/VR can help maintenance workers become more efficient on the frontlines from F-16s to class 8 trucks, all using devices w/ smartphone guts
Rich Ryan
In regard to using all the data for good, I think the greater risk is having "bad actors" get their hands on enterprise data and use it for bad. That is a big concern for our customer base
Jim Xiao
right now it seems like the wild west. how do you have god mode over the smartphone or laptop your app is riding on? security vulnerabilities make control a challenge. and if you do have all the data, how can you create insights that is commercially valuable?
Chris Preimesberger
Jim can you define "god mode"?
Jim Xiao
where you have full control of the entire stack, from hardware drivers to OS, to how your apps are using resources on your device and to have the ability to change the rules.
Chris Preimesberger
Sidebar: Can either or both of you describe private LTE and what advantage that brings?
Jim Xiao
as mobile chipsets (thx qualcomm) gets more powerful/cheaper + carriers investment in 5G infra, we'll see enterprise adding coverage across licensed (TMO/ATT/VZW band 2,4) + shared (eg. CBRS) + unlicensed spectrum (eg. UNII-3)
Rich Ryan
Private LTE is closer to Wifi in that is is a separate local network - these can be managed independently - giving you the security benefits of wifi in many industries
Jim Xiao
sometimes you need to leverage the carriers' network, and if your enterprise footprint has the the real estate (retail chain) you can create a private network with all the wireless benefits for mobile devices and next gen app delivery
Jessie Keating
IMportant to consider the need for more trustworthy AI across the ecosystem - I work for Mozilla Foundation and we are driving this on many levels: shifting industry norms (how devs and designers build), advocating for better legislation, effective regs and incentive in industry.
Rich Ryan
Completely agree with @jksyracuse (Jessie from Mozilla)


Jessie Keating
And mobilizing consumers through advocacy campaigns to demand better, safer, more private tech
Jim Xiao
we'd love to work with you on this and a big fan of mozilla firefox for android!
Chris Preimesberger
Q3: Working remotely and keeping an airtight security scheme can be a huge challenge. A lot of unknown variables can come between an enterprise system and your home. What are some solutions to consider?
Rich Ryan
Security is a big concern for us given both our Defense work and our enterprise customers who demand tight security. That said, we leverage our secure infrastructure and avoid sharing sensitive information on commercially available apps
Chris Preimesberger
This has been a very useful discussion. Want to thank Jim and Rich, who brought excellent perspective to our community round table today. Normally, we have a lot more interaction, but a change in time/date will impact it, for sure!
Rich Ryan
No worries - I appreciate you asking me and it was great to get Jim's perspective as well
Jim Xiao
Thanks for hosting Chris and great to chat Rich!
Chris Preimesberger
Thank you both and let's stay in touch!
Chris Preimesberger
Q5: Generally, what trends are you seeing in new mobile apps? Suddenly I'm seeing a ton more video collaboration apps, and wondering which one has the best quality! Can't test them all!
Rich Ryan
I agree and believe the jury is still out. Different apps have different strengths depending on what type collaboration. Given the volume of use during this pandemic, I believe there will be some that learn from this and rise to the top.


Jim Xiao
Apps should take less code and manual testing in the future. hopefully this leads to an explosion of new collaboration tech - more samples to try as if we're wandering through an endless costco of new mobile apps
Rich Ryan
Thanks to all. Be safe
Chris Preimesberger
Have a great week, everybody! Until next Second Tuesday, stay safe, wear a mask, take no chances on the roads, and ... CP out!