
Canada DevOps Community of Practice
Question #7
What are the key #software #trends which will help to #accelerate the #pace of #innovation?
#DevOps #DevCommunity
Garima Bajpai
Open Source, Data Intensive Application, Artificial Intelligence
Mark Peters
telemetry everywhere, zero-trust, remove vendor lock in through integrated platforms
Mark Peters
automated scanning, automated patching, and real-time continuous monitoring at every step of the process
Garima Bajpai
diluting traditional organization boundaries
Garima Bajpai
continuous compliance
Mark Peters
@bajpaigarima1 can we dilute organizational boundaries through software? My new app option will AHFA (Aaah Faaa) Adminstrative HydroFluouric Acid. As soon as any email goes through more than two steps of administrative review, it deletes, and blocks approver email for 2 days
Vishnu Vasudevan
Move towards Opensource, plug and play solutions which can help scale the product. Allow the product development teams to focus on their product innovation rather on the devops/environment.
Mark Peters
at which point does everything opensource limit my ability to provide secret sauce?
Garima Bajpai
@TinyCyber automation and zero-trust are some tiny steps - we need to look at a Marco view
Mark Peters
start small, expand big If the strategy is innovation, deliver through small steps, if we think too big, we are back to working on too-large features What are the factors we can bake in today and innovate tomorrow?
Canada DevOps Community of Practice
Question #6
**Which #capabilities will be most #important for #DevOps to #adopt in #Innovation?**

#DevOps #DevCommunity #Innovation #Adoptation #AnythingisPossible
Vishnu Vasudevan
Tool chain automation, Key KPI's that can give insights to the team on what they lack and what are the new technical debts.
Mark Peters
Innovation means finding new ways to adapt. Removecon
Garima Bajpai
Measurement of innovation ?
𝓐𝓷𝓾𝓻π“ͺ𝓰 𝓒𝓱π“ͺ𝓻𝓢π“ͺ
Measurement, reduce wateragile adjacent processes make work more visible and enabling tooling/platforms to create more share understanding
Mark Peters
removing constraints may occur at any section, toolchain, infrastructure, even better processes to adapt and innovate
Garima Bajpai
gamification around DevOps Capabilities - Scores/Ranking ..
Mark Peters
@bajpaigarima1 Measurement of value, understand your value, and move forward when data supports decision, from dev to ops, and then profit from the customer
platform is the key. as quoting @botchagalupe Needs to move from Platform as service to Platform as an Interface. #DevOps #DevCommunity #DevCommunityIN #DevCommunityNG #Innovation #ContinuousImprovments
Garima Bajpai
Describe the state of innovation in 2021 #DevOps
#Innovation to me will always include an #OpenMind and a #Plan
Garima Bajpai
We are going through disruption in various dimensions - we relook into our current state
William Szepesi
Innovation in DevOps is continuous but lately being driven by the pandemic. Business is being drastically affected which has a direct affect on the IT services required.
Mark Peters
I like to remember the industrialist quote, sometimes attributed to Tesla, Innovation without execution is hallucination
Garima Bajpai
Prioritize your product according to the non-linear choices of consumers #DevOps #Product
Mark Peters
@WSzepesi Directed innovation or generic innovation? DevOps sparks directed innovation through feedback and experimentation
𝓐𝓷𝓾𝓻π“ͺ𝓰 𝓒𝓱π“ͺ𝓻𝓢π“ͺ
more on human-centric innovations, Digital payment will in demand considering contactless
Mark Peters
Like disruption to spark directed innovation, working better and smarter
Garima Bajpai
not enough experimentation
Mark Peters
@christined3396 read a great section from holacracy - prediction is guessing about the future, projection is establishing a firm base and throwing options forward
William Szepesi
@TinyCyber Yes directed innovation is however driven by business needs which are not linear. Think of the food industry challenges lately, or schooling for children etc. These needs are testing scalability of many solutions.
Mark Peters
@WSzepesi Agreed, scalability is part of solution. Physical innovation talks back to physical constraints, lean manufacturing and the Andon cord. Schooling has had months to consider issues.
Garima Bajpai
Do you think we need to look at Continuous Innovation as a Practice?
Mark Peters
If you use flow feedback and experimentation, you are already there! Good scrum practices include time for innovation
- It's a big part of our success.. can startup fund continuous innovation? it varies
Vishnu Vasudevan
Scrum brings great discipline across matrix organization and also help the product team to think through innovative feature in advance.
Garima Bajpai
What about co-creation model ?
- co-creation brings lots of innovation in many form
focus on continuous improvement & learning is the key. Innovation will then take its own due course. #DevCommunity #DevCommunityIN #DevCommunityNG #Innovation #ContinuousImprovments #DevOps
Garima Bajpai
@vishnube Gamification .. its fun!!
William Szepesi
Innovation can happen spontaneously, can also be promoted with the right culture and infrastructure. This can happen on a large scale as in the pharmaceutical industry or in small continuous improvements
Mark Peters
@_YEG All creation should be co-creation -think retrospective and moving ahead
𝓐𝓷𝓾𝓻π“ͺ𝓰 𝓒𝓱π“ͺ𝓻𝓢π“ͺ
I personally believe we should have continuous learning and continual innovation as a practice β€œLearning gives creativity. Creativity leads to thinking”
𝓐𝓷𝓾𝓻π“ͺ𝓰 𝓒𝓱π“ͺ𝓻𝓢π“ͺ
In terms of innovation we should be very careful atleast for few years until we recover/learn from COVID19. Speed of innovation sometime led you to create Google Glasses. Create something more human centric instead shiny toys
Mark Peters
@_YEG Do startups fund continuous innovation or drive innovation? Culture drives innovation and experimentation builds off value judgements based on results
Canada DevOps Community of Practice
What advice do you have for the leadership team?
Garima Bajpai
make it safe to experiment
Garima Bajpai
@canada_devop create as many as prototypes
Garima Bajpai
investment for innovation
𝓐𝓷𝓾𝓻π“ͺ𝓰 𝓒𝓱π“ͺ𝓻𝓢π“ͺ
Humanisation is more important over Robotisation. You should give time to people for innovation remember Gmail and Gmap once upon time was side project
Mark Peters
objectively value innovation without judgement, value the person with as many ideas that don't make it into features as the ideas which generate value today
Vishnu Vasudevan
Leadership has to invest money based on the data and facts and not invest because they like something. to be precise be a grass root level leader.
Mark Peters
@vishnube Two different thoughts, 1. invest in innovation, 2. invest in ideas resulting from innovation Leaders need to invest in the process, and then deliver data to invest in specific ideas