We are coming to the end of the live part of this Crowdchat! To our hosts and everyone here: What are your key takeaways? What is your main piece of advice for customers looking to empower their data ops teams? https://www.crowdchat.net/s/164n0

We have build a very versatile storage dense server, that can enable innovations in your business or your department and still rely on the well known product quality and features of the PowerEdge Family such as config options, support, security, systems management and etc.

Sanjeev Gupta
Check out our XE product page for more info: https://www.delltechnologies.com/en-us/servers/spe...

PowerEdge XE Servers – Enterprise Servers
Dell EMC PowerEdge XE servers are purpose-built to support complex, harsh and compute-intensive workloads
Dell EMC PowerEdge XE servers are purpose-built to support complex, harsh and compute-intensive workloads

Dell Technologies Forum
For those who want to read up on the product announcement, please also see here: https://blog.dellemc.com/en-us/unleash-innovation-...

Unleash Innovation with PowerEdge and OpenManage | Direct2DellEMC
Innovation is more than just getting there first. It is about understanding what it takes to deliver flawlessly and consistently. Importantly, it requires
Innovation is more than just getting there first. It is about understanding what it takes to deliver flawlessly and consistently. Importantly, it requires

Sanjeev Gupta
And also see our coverage on CIO.com: https://www.cio.com/article/3584921/embracing-data...

CIO.com - Tech News, Analysis, Blogs, Video
CIO.com delivers the latest tech news, analysis, how-to, blogs, and video for IT professionals. Covers apps, careers, cloud computing, data center, mobile, outsourcing, security, social media, hardware and software.
CIO.com delivers the latest tech news, analysis, how-to, blogs, and video for IT professionals. Covers apps, careers, cloud computing, data center, mobile, outsourcing, security, social media, hardware and software.

And specific product details can be found here: https://www.dellemc.com/en-us/collaterals/unauth/d...

Stephen Daborn
And don't forget when it comes to deployment we can really help automate and simplify the processes with OpenManage Enterprise.

Dell Technologies Forum
We would like to thank our hosts and participants for a lively and insightful discussion today! The chat will remain open for 24 hours, so please come back, ask questions or leave us a comment. Many thanks, it was a pleasure!

Suhela Dighe
Thank you very much everyone. This has been really useful and insightful.

Stephen Daborn

OpenManage Enterprise
Empower IT with simplicity and intelligent automation with OpenManage Enterprise
Empower IT with simplicity and intelligent automation with OpenManage Enterprise