
The Intelligent Data Platform
The Intelligent Data Platform is a set of unique infrastructure capabilities leveraged by HPE partners and customers
Peter Burris
How will hybrid cloud impact your storage architectures?

Patrick Osborne
Customers will place an increasing importance on services that tie together complex workflows, security and most importantly data outcomes
Jorge Maestre
In this new world of EaaS the need for flexible, resilient, & mobile (most important probably) storage platforms becomes critical. Customers MUST have the ability to deploy agile on-prem platforms that allow data mobility ANYWHERE.
Sandeep Singh
bi-directional data mobility and app workload mobility along with multi-cloud flexibility become critical for unlocking agility and innovation across hybrid cloud
John Furrier
#HybridCloud is real and changing the entire IT game for sure
Peter Burris
How are the requirements of digital business affecting data management in your enterprise?

Sandeep Singh
the first area is every digital business needs to be always on and always fast and data is essential to this
Patrick Osborne
data mobility and the ability to move compute and functions to the data without multiple copies, silos and bifurcation is becoming a real challenge at scale for my customers
Digital business is creating need for data to be persisted, secured, and optimized in place at a wider range of mobile, embedded, and other edge nodes.
John Furrier
This question teases out the #hybridcloud challenges of making data horizontally scalable for a particular workload
Vish Mulchand
data is the key to enable intelligence so data management becomes paramount and even more strategic in the enterprise
Jorge Maestre
Different use cases require different deployment and access models. Data management needs to have the agility to keep up with all of them. Mobility between these disparate models enhances the requirement
Sandeep Singh
a digitial business is also creating lots and lots of data and AI/ML become paramount to unlocking hidden insight for uncovering better customer experiences and new revenue streams
David Wang
data management can't simply be about storing and protecting it, it's gotta be about getting value from it, new business models, breakthrough innovation
Stuart Miniman
being DATA driven is one of the keys of #digitaltransformation - IT needs to work closely with the business and allow data to be turned into insights and even new opportunities without compromising security
Sandeep Singh
agility is another area that customers continue to reinforce to us. A digital business needs the agility of cloud, and it's important to have that both on-premises and in the public cloud
Patrick Cozzens
Included in data management, is being able to quickly analyze data and generate insights regardless of it lives on the edge, the cloud or on prem
Peter Burris
And, as market changes accelerate, just keeping up!
Rahul Prasad
Ultimately, intelligent storage is about offering relevancy to the business -- whether to an app owner, a VM admin, a cloud admin, storage admin, etc..
Chris Tinker
True -- it is a balance which depends on many factors .. scale, volume, lifecycle, etc .. It is for this reason our Intelligent Data Platform spans our portfolio, offering with ever evolving capability with our machine learning from the install base.
Peter Burris
What changes are you making to your IT strategy to handle exploding data volumes?

Sandeep Singh
there is a massive data storm coming towards every organization. Uncovering hidden insights from this data becomes important for driving a competitive advantage. AI/ML are key technologies in this journey.
Vish Mulchand
intelligence around data copies where and how it is placed is crucial. An average production database makes 8 to 10 copies
Patrick Osborne
our customers are seeking a Data Lake 2.0 strategy
Many enterprises are building hybrid-cloud data lakes to handle the exploding compute, storage, and I/O requirements for the AI/ML pipelines that are bursting with huge data volumes.
Srikanth Seshu
Copy data management is crucial to taming data growth. Taming data growth means understanding value of data and placing data at the right location for the right amount of time.
Stuart Miniman
quick plug for Wikibon's Hybrid Cloud Taxonomy - data is of course a big piece of the discussion
Hybrid Cloud Taxonomy - Wikibon Research
Hybrid Cloud Taxonomy - Wikibon Research
Hybrid Cloud Taxonomy Premise Wikibon research shows that large and midsized enterprises have mostly rejected the model of moving all data processing to a single public cloud for a number of reasons: Many applications require better and more consiste...
@patrick_osborne What are the issues with their Data Lake 1.0 strategies that they're addressing as they seek 2.0 alternatives?
John Furrier
Based upon the many conversations across all our event and industry coverage the #1 thing that I hear is "don't just put data into a data lake".. create abstractions to get real time insights with software and enable it to workloads/apps
John Furrier
@stu David Floyer nailed that #hybrid analysis. He's ahead of all the research out there
Patrick Osborne
The first Data Lakes were very batch and capacity oriented. Now customers are asking about efficiency, resiliency, and distributed and disconnected operations
Patrick Osborne
We also see customers and applicaitons quickly moving to streaming and realtime decisions, especially when it comes to AI/ML data needs
Storage Godfather (HPEStorageGuy)
Looking forward to the #crowdchat today!
Sandeep Singh
yes excited about the conversation coming up
John Furrier
I'm excited to be on this awesome thread
HPE Data Storage
@storagesandeep Great to have you here! Join us now if you're not on the #CrowdChat
Patrick Osborne
any thread with @furrier is by default awesome
John Furrier
. @CalvinZito Great to see the storage innovation continue at HPE and @sreekanti getting promoted to SVP and CTO
John Furrier
the HPE storage team has always been very innovative
Stuart Miniman
I'm wearing the polo from Discover years ago with my Twitter handle on the back and HP logo on the sleeve 🙂
Sal Maita
@stu that's pretty cool
Storage Godfather (HPEStorageGuy)
@furrier I think the leadership we have over the last year has made a huge difference. The mojo is definitely here!
Storage Godfather (HPEStorageGuy)
@stu I gave my original "HPStorageGuy" shirt that I made with an iron to Craig Nunes when I bumped into him at VMworld a few years ago.
John Furrier
it's because you guys know how to do "community"
Gary Foote
Good high level discussions; are there webinars describing the actual product offerings as they relate to these concepts?
Patrick Osborne
This is a great video on what we are doing for AI/ML workloads
Chris Tinker
A great white paper which highlights actual products --
Lauren LeBlanc
Great blog post. Thanks for sharing! #dataplatform
Storage Godfather (HPEStorageGuy)
Hey Gary - I do a lot of videos I call "Chalk Talks" that give short 5 minute overviews of our portfolio. Here's a link to a playlist of all my videos (also demos and other videos).
Storage: HPEStorageGuy vBlogs - YouTube
Storage: HPEStorageGuy vBlogs - YouTube
You've read his blog, now check out HPEStorageGuy's video blogs.
Patrick Cozzens
Calvin's "Chalk Talks" are a must watch. Great insight into the HPE portfolio and how each solution fits within a customer's strategy.
Lauren LeBlanc
yes! Calvin nails them everytime!
John Furrier
I love the intelligence positioning but every other suppliers are trying to say the same thing. What's the big differentiation from @HPE_Storage
Jorge Maestre
Great question. It starts w/3 things: Years of collecting data from every corner of the data center, Data is collected & compared from multiple platforms--meaning different workloads/use cases, & years of understanding how to leverage that Data into the actual product (1 of 2)
David Wang
@furrier Yea any vendor can talk about AI. But differentiation in AI is all about experience. Would you trust a self-driving car with 10 miles or one with a 100 million? HPE InfoSight is the AI with 100 million miles.
Jorge Maestre
HPE has been collecting telemetry data from platforms such as Aruba, 3PAR, Nimble, etc for years. When it comes to intelligence Data is king & if some is good, more is better! Different types of data, different usage patterns & making it actionable over time is the real key
Jorge Maestre
And as we compare that to the industry as a whole, HPE simply has a massive head start. It's not exclusive BUT it is unique to companies that have the type of Infrastructure experience that only HPE has
Ryan Brooks
Hello Gary. Another place you can go is and search under HPE Storage. You will find several HPE storage presentations about HPE storage products that we have recorded.
BrightTALK – Discover and learn with the world’s brightest professionals
BrightTALK – Discover and learn with the world’s brightest professionals
Free online events showcase the latest ideas and insights from world-class experts, innovators and visionaries
Good resource - thanks Ryan!