
Unifying Clouds
Enterprises dream of hybrid applications across on-prem and public clouds. However, the cloud divide is real and inhibits enterprises from getting leverage in a hybrid cloud world. Join us for a conversation about how enterprises can unify their multiple clouds.
Peter Burris
What has been your experience restoring data from the public cloud? https://www.crowdchat.net/s/45qso

Kunal Kapoor
Its sloooooow and very expensive (especially if restoring the data back on-prem)!
My credit card melts....
Josh Fidel
agreed. Glacier is glacial.
vaughn stewart
unfortunately restoring data with in the public cloud is slow and if it has to be restored on-prem can also be costly (due to egress charges). Technologies like StorReduce from @PureStorage can help reduce the time and costs associated with both restore types.
Kunal Kapoor
@vStewed So can Cloud Snap!!
GETS can be more than half your object bill.. suprising
Peter Burris
What cloud myths do you most often have to dispel when shaping your enterprise’s cloud strategy? https://www.crowdchat.net/s/95qre

vaughn stewart
#1 myth - is that customers need to go all-in with on-prem private cloud or all-in with public cloud. The world is multi-cloud.
“That it just exists everywhere and quickly accessible.” Understanding zone/region design is critical for on-premises to public cloud success. Latency is your planning metric for cloud success on apps/services.
David Floyer
The greatest myth is that everything can be can processed in one cloud, without regard for latency, cost of moving data, and government/corporate compliance. Hybrid cloud bringing together distributed nodes is an essential evolution of enterprise computing.
vaughn stewart
#2 myth - Containers or VMs. It's both. Containers are cloud native and easier to move between clouds. VMs provide backwards compatibility - until enterprise apps are released as containers. MS SQL Server - now in a container. This will move some deployments out of VMs.
Kunal Kapoor
IMHO the strategy of moving "all your applications" to the Cloud (CTO/CIO mandate :) ) has gotten a reality check in the recent years. Capabilities available in the Cloud vs. on-prem are very different, which translates to on-prem, Cloud and hybrid apps that we see today
David Floyer
The requirement for true hybrid cloud architectures is growing stronger as an IoT data tsunami descends.
vaughn stewart
#3 myth - There is no such things as a steady state for IT. The faster you adopt cloud-native formats, the more fluidity your IT department will have an infrastructure and applications technologies advance.
Colin Gallagher
That cloud is always the cheaper option. It can be hard to tally all the costs of moving to and running in the cloud. There are cases where it is the most cost effective and others where it is not
"people go to the cloud to save money"
Calvin Nieh
Myth - "Public cloud services aren't for enterprise workloads." Of course Enterprises are using the public cloud. @PureStorage (and many others) are strengthening / complimenting public cloud capability for greater Enterprise adoption.
Dave Vellante
Myth - Cloud is cheaper...#It_Depends
Josh Fidel
@vStewed how about containers ON vms. I'm seeing that regularly as well.
vaughn stewart
@jcefidel great point. Lots of value in hypervisor ability to preserve the running state of a VM with a persistent application (ala SQL server in a container)
vaughn stewart
@dfloyer the experience of the early pub-cloud adopters showed a change in terms of moving data to compute to moving compute to where the data is. Data gravity seems to have some pull ;)
Peter Burris
What data services does your enterprise value the most? https://www.crowdchat.net/s/35qs9

availability is #1
Dave Vellante
database-as-a-service; storage-as-a-service, transcription and translation, real-time streaming
vaughn stewart
resiliency is the new availability.
Portability of data to Run Anywhere at Anytime.
Kunal Kapoor
Availability and Resiliency for the win!!!
vaughn stewart
expanding on resiliency. Public clouds infrastructures are very different than on-prem, thus designing resiliency in the app is how availability is accomplished.
Colin Gallagher
Interesting to see "availability" called out as as data service.I find that many people take it for granted.
Calvin Nieh
Companies value agility, but at what cost or compromise?
Josh Fidel
@WorldC3 they take it for granted until the thing they want isn't available. Then it's all gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes.
Howard Marks
@vStewed I see people underestimate this difference all the time. Cloud applications are resilient by running across many less reliable pieces
vaughn stewart
@DeepStorageNet just because the evolution has begun, doesn't mean we're all on the same page.
Howard Marks
@vStewed ain't that the truth. "The future is here, it's just not evenly distributed"
Peter Burris
How do you explain the concept of “hybrid application” to business leadership? https://www.crowdchat.net/s/85qqm

David Floyer
First that the term hybrid is widely used in different ways. Hybrid is often used to describe what many would call multi-cloud.
vaughn stewart
simple - a hybrid application is code that runs across the collective services - public and on-prem - that best deliver the intended business outcome.
Portability. Ideally apps can quickly and easily exploit the best of both onprem and pub cloud innovations along w/ cost optimization
Kunal Kapoor
May options!! on-prem Datacenter, co-locations, SaaS and multi-cloud available as platforms it is important to leverage the best of each of these platforms for your application needs. Building an application that can leverage the best of all worlds will be critical!!
Hybrid application is an app that pulls data and microservices both from on-prem and from a public cloud.
David Floyer
One useful characteristic of hybrid is in helping move code to data - i.e., latency aware distributed storage, enabling orchestration of hybrid cloud applications.
vaughn stewart
One could take the explanation one step deeper by stating a hybrid application is a collection of disaggregated services - function, API, AI, compute, network, storage, etc - that is dynamic, extensible and spans multiple clouds.
I look at hybrid from less of an “application top down view” and more of an API focus. Design your application/service with independence in mind then you can deliver, hybrid, multi, etc. solutions. The focus on design the framework allows for ultimate flexibility.
Calvin Nieh
@dfloyer Yes, the terminology can be confusing. In my mind, hybrid is used for data or apps that span clouds (private and/or public). Multi simply means you are using many clouds.
Régis Rocha
It is done by native and web app. A hybrid app is made for easier maintenance and lower app maintenance costs, whereas multiple native apps can be costly to update, repair and expand.
Calvin Nieh
@451research paper "Businesses are Shifting to a
Unified Hybrid Cloud" talks about this. https://www.purestorage.com/content/dam/pdf/en/sol...
Peter Burris
The microservices approach to app delivery generally decomposes code into minimum viable sizes managed by minimum viable teams. How will that approach change requirements for data technologies? https://www.crowdchat.net/s/85qqa

Howard Marks
Hopefully it will lead to more collaboration between those teams
Josh Fidel
@DeepStorageNet the siloed team is definitely still a thing in most large orgs, and it really bottlenecks progress unless there's excellent open communication btwn teams.
Peter Burris
@DeepStorageNet But what will be the basis for that collaboration? The goal is to benefit from separation. Orchestration technologies will be important, of course. But will data emerge as a glue that ties services together?
This design principle is straightforward for new application (or service) development. Cloud born, developed and scaled. Taking existing apps/services is a bigger challenge and converting to a micro or serverless model. Could mix on-premises APIs with Cloud APIs.
vaughn stewart
true - the micro services approach reduces the data required in terms of OS and app binaries - but that amount of capacity is minuscule compared to the capacity required to store the data being serviced, collected, etc by the app.
Howard Marks
Because every team become customers for the services the other teams' services.
Everything must be fast..ideally silicon speed, non-stop, secure, shared, and deeply integrated w/ common orchestration frameworks like K8s, docker, rkt.. Intent based deployments for developers/devops to declare what attributes they want for their apps, builds + pipel
Essentially, this is what I call a "cellular" approach to building microservices with microdata. That requires a federation architecture at both the services and data levels, with the zones being federated going out to the edges.
vaughn stewart
the stateless nature of micro services requires the provisioning or access to data storage to be automated. This is trivial with a single cloud, more complicated when connecting to multiple clouds.
Colin Gallagher
@jcefidel Are you seeing walls being broken down between teams in larger orgs? I am not yet.
@vStewed In many ways, this architecture requires automation of data storage/access through a pub-sub topic-oriented architecture in which microservices request and are provided with the most relevant data for which they've been permissioned.
Howard Marks
@WorldC3 Hence my hopefully. Siloization is the enemy of efficiency
Josh Fidel
@vStewed but what if we have the same control plane across multiple clouds?
vaughn stewart
@jcefidel currently universal control planes - typically provided by 3rd parties - is the only way to unify cloud services.