
The Edge: IT's New Greenfield
JOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about how IT is rapidly evolving into a new phase that may turn out to be as important as, if not more important than, the cloud itself.
   6 years ago
#eweekchatEdge Computing: IT's Newest GrJOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about how IT is rapidly evolving into a new phase that may turn out to be as important as, if not more important than, the cloud itself.
   6 years ago
#eweekchatExtracting Value from Big DataJOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about how IT is rapidly evolving into a new phase that is making high-end data analytics available on a widespread basis—through the cloud, edge computing and web applications. How will your company use this function?
Chris Preimesberger
I'd like to thank our special expert guests here today: Jason Shepherd, Dell Technologies; Natalia Mackevicius, Microsoft Azure Stack; Ramya Ravichandar, Foghorn IoT! Also to the Stackpathers!
Chris Preimesberger
Yep, I'm thinking edge will meld itself into the background, like XML, Java, cloud and IoT have done and will do. We'll just take it for granite!
thats the way good technology should be - if it's working you won't know its there
Q5/A5 Just as ubiquitous as AI will become, edge will no longer be a novelty, but a necessity. Use cases will get more sophisticated, and users even more so. Look out for a consumer style disruption to industrial, and it is long overdue...
Laz Vekiarides
A3: I think the best architectural case you can make for serverless is for environments that are compute resource constrained. However, this assumes that there are big network pipes over which to access remote compute.
Jason Shepherd
Q2: Computer vision is one of the killer apps for edge computing today. It's expensive to move video-based data over networks so better to process locally and only backhaul meaningful events.
Chris Preimesberger
Hmmm. Will this eventually knock off VDI? That legacy IT has survived a long while.
Agreed! Use cases are getting more sophisticated - sensor fusion is a key trend that we see now
Chris Preimesberger
@FogHorn_IoT Thanks. Can you define sensor fusion for us?
Ability to process multiple streams of different data types and derive an uber-insight as opposed to just a local one, example combining audio, video, and structured data in a smart city setting can help signal a crime occurring
Chris Preimesberger
@FogHorn_IoT That was for Q4, I take it!
Sensor fusion definition
Jason Shepherd
Of course we've been computing in various edges for some time but the overall influx of data from
trends like IoT is driving a greater need.
Natalia Mackevicius
Sensors and devices are providing a massive amount of data and intelligence. This can help with scenarios like disaster relief
Joshua Krammes🏄🏼🌮
which has very broad (and important) implications in the Smart Cities realm
Laz Vekiarides
I think its about distance and more specifically latency. You bring efficiencies and capabilities by reducing latency
not to mention things that require immediate response time like autonomous cars
Natalia Mackevicius
Yes, absolutely. We hear about that all the time, especially with IOT.
Laz Vekiarides
@StackPath that use case is a poster child for low latency. Milliseconds matter greatly for these applications


Natalia Mackevicius
The next wave of computing includes a spectrum from smart devices, sensors, and appliances that enables compute capabilities where they weren't possible before
Chris Preimesberger
What will this do, in general, for moving data from Point to point, besides being faster?
Natalia Mackevicius
It's not about faster movement of data, but about getting quicker insights for decision making
Chris Preimesberger
This is all a great resource for me in covering IT on a daily basis. Thank you all for offering us your time and expertise!
Natalia Mackevicius
Q5 A5 We consider this to be the next wave of computing of intelligent cloud with intelligent edge. AI insights will be pervasive.
Chris Preimesberger
Have a great week, everybody! Until next Second Wednesday, CP out!
Natalia Mackevicius
Thanks for the great conversation!
yes thanks! Great and important topic.