JOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about how IT is rapidly evolving into a new phase that may turn out to be as important as, if not more important than, the cloud itself.
I'd like to thank our special expert guests here today: Jason Shepherd, Dell Technologies; Natalia Mackevicius, Microsoft Azure Stack; Ramya Ravichandar, Foghorn IoT! Also to the Stackpathers!
Q5/A5 Just as ubiquitous as AI will become, edge will no longer be a novelty, but a necessity. Use cases will get more sophisticated, and users even more so. Look out for a consumer style disruption to industrial, and it is long overdue...
A3: I think the best architectural case you can make for serverless is for environments that are compute resource constrained. However, this assumes that there are big network pipes over which to access remote compute.
Q2: Computer vision is one of the killer apps for edge computing today. It's expensive to move video-based data over networks so better to process locally and only backhaul meaningful events.
Ability to process multiple streams of different data types and derive an uber-insight as opposed to just a local one, example combining audio, video, and structured data in a smart city setting can help signal a crime occurring
The next wave of computing includes a spectrum from smart devices, sensors, and appliances that enables compute capabilities where they weren't possible before