7 years ago
#ILEADITModern InfrastructureDiscussion around Enterprise Technology
IBM Systems
In the context of technology. What immediately comes to mind when you hear "modern infrastructure"? #ILEADIT

#IBMz for sure! 😉
Juan Petersen
Quantum technologies?
Craig Mullins
A1: DevOps and automation for rapid app delivery; AI and machine learning for business insight; all supported by a hybrid multi-cloud environment

Steven Dickens
A1: obviously biased and would say IBM Systems hardware! But seriously cloud native, subscription charged and built for open source!
future & innovation.
Modern hardware that can meet today’s challenges and that allows innovation in every line of business.
Craig Mullins
A1: Also polyglot persistence with multiple database systems (relational and NoSQL) and a data lake for big data analytics
Steven Dickens
@craigmullins agree - AI is certainly at the core of 'modern infrastructure'
Ryan Bares
Speedy data insights and keeping the customer experience top of mind
Jacklyn Allgayer
Storage that is build with AI initiatives in mind.
Alex Jimenez
In addition to Steven's answer, enterprise-wide capabilities built on open platforms. In the past we have had too many silos built around organizations, products, use-cases, channels, partners, and vendors.
IBM Power Systems
To have modern infrastructure means to have cutting edge technology, focused on both reliability and advancements in things like AI. #ileadit
John Furrier
To me it's multicloud and data that is horizontally addressable and full blown API based model with microservices and containers
Craig Mullins
@juanpetersenv Quantum is more future than modern, isn't it?
Steven Dickens
@IBMZ where is the vote x100 button!
Steven Dickens
@furrier agree multi-cloud and hybrid, cloud is not a place more a technology mindset
Paul Krappman
Leverage - Leverage of cloud environment. Leverage of big data. Leverage of AI. All to provide a platform for efficiency and innovation.


Craig Mullins
Another twist on this would be an integrated approach to people, processes and technology
@furrier multicloud for the win! ☁️
Alex Jiménez
@craigmullins Absolutely. Who has quantum computers in all of their data centers? ;)
Laura DeAtkine
agile cloud infra that adapts, flexes, and grows as your client and markets and needs do
IBM Systems
Describe an infrastructure hurdle you face when managing oceans of data #ILEADIT

Steven Dickens
A2: ability to drive real-time analytics for an ocean of rapidly changing data - how do you manage around ETL?
John Furrier
From what I hear is the big challenge for future is active active replication from data that is working across clouds to avoid lock in
Craig Mullins
Confusion due to the large quantity of technology pieces that are needed to build and manage a modern IT infrastructure...
Craig Mullins
And It Is not just tech that causes obstacles; It always boils down to an Integrated combination of people, processes and technology
Alex Jiménez
@furrier I'd like to have that problem, but that's a different story.
Steven Dickens
@furrier active/active is the future... getting to 0 for RPO/RTO is the dream
Jacklyn Allgayer
We've probably all heard the 80-20 rule. 80% of a data scientists time is spent just trying to locate the data they've like to work with. Only 20% of the time is really spent running the models they've been hired to do. Metadata management is a huge problem.
Craig Mullins
Metadata management Is Imperative to understand the vast amount of data that orgs must keep and manage today - how can u manage it if u don't know what it is?
Paul Krappman
Not just infrastructure, per se... But the biggest hurdle is overcoming the inertia of existing processes and infrastructure investments.
Craig Mullins
Yes, Jacklyn, that is a great point!
IBM Systems
How do you overcome that "inertia" @PaulKrappman?
That's true @StevenDickens3, the ability to capture insights while they’re fresh is of great importance.
Jacklyn Allgayer
@craigmullins It's awesome to now have Spectrum Discover as part of our portfolio because that was really the missing piece of a solution set that touches every phase of the AI pipeline.
Neil Cattermull
@furrier True John - do you have an answer?
John Furrier
There is one company that I found that has the solution WanDisco but they built the technology for datacenter disaster recover but it's perfect for data in cloud and portability
Paul Krappman
- Typically, it's a "show me" issue. Start small, usually using big data and analytic tools that are readily available in the cloud. Then the argument can be made for a bigger investment.
Craig Mullins
Yes, Spectrum Discover is a great tool for managing and understanding large amounts of #data
Laura DeAtkine
how to tap into it to gain insight that lets you disrupt and innovate but at the same time, keeping it secure in a multi-cloud world?
IBM Systems
What is your, or your client's, key IT priority this year? We want to hear about them all! #ILEADIT


Steven Dickens
multi-cloud and hybrid - how do I move my workload on or off premises
Jacklyn Allgayer
Our clients want "future-proof" infrastructure that can scale with new workload demands.
Craig Mullins
The high level priority of most every org I work with Is growth, so IT's priority is to support that
Steven Dickens
scale is vital for many, how do I ensure we can scale to unknown requirements...
Alex Jiménez
A5 There are too many to list. The main ones are transforming the function from being focused on specific solutions to enterprise-wide capabilities. We talk about platforms a lot. The move from waterfall to agile is on its way so that is also high on priority.
Jacklyn Allgayer
@IBMZ So true! Security, security, security!
Craig Mullins
Taking it down a level or two, digital transformation is still a priority among my clients
Craig Mullins
Intelligent automation with AI and ML seems to be a nascent but Increasing priority
We're seconding @IBMZ on this one, security!
Neil Cattermull
its all about the app! how they can use it and fast!
Craig Mullins
And yes, @IBMZ and @IBMLinuxONE #security must always be a top of mind priority
IBM Storage
@StevenDickens3 So true! IT solutions must be able to scale with the growth of data.
Craig Mullins
Mainframe customer have a leg up on managing security with pervasive encryption on the IBM Z
Jacklyn Allgayer
Data security is still the #1 business priority for the next 12 months. There's a great Forrester report on this:
Neil Cattermull
A secure data management platform with governance - GDPR and also the Brexit nightmare has attributed to that #ileadit