
The Future of AI is Now
Go from possible to Ready with AI, simplified by Dell EMC. Hear from Tom Burns, head of Dell EMC Networking and Solutions, who will explain how Dell EMC is helping organizations win with AI. Then, join AI experts as they discuss the implications of AI for a data-driven world.
Stuart Miniman
Hi and welcome to the event - please hit play above
Dave Vellante
thanks stu - nice to be in MA in August!
John Furrier
AI is the new big data holy grail
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
good morning! Ready for #AI?
Nick Brackney
some great hold music! I need to shazam it
I'm clicking in from the hot/humid precincts of Fairfax County VA, just a quarter mile walking distance from the concrete wall that shelters us from Capital Beltway noise.
John Furrier
#CubeNYC is our new name for #BigDataNYC event this year bc it's not #bigdata it's all data and #ArtificialIntelligence we live in a great time in tech
Amol Choukekar
nice muzzac... :)
Stuart Miniman
@dvellante much warmer than SF ;)
I should note that Wikibon will soon have a research study published on the topic of "Building AI Optimization Into Your Cloud Computing Infrastructure." Authored by yours truly.
John Furrier
@RobertCallery How bout them red sox sweeping the Yankees
Rob Callery
@furrier Doesn't get much better than that..
Dave Vellante
Every CEO is trying to get AI "Right" #AI #Machines #ML
Dave Vellante
@furrier you'll have to come to Bos for the playoffs!
Robert Stober
The solution provides a version compatible set of popular deep learning frameworks along with all the libraries and dependencies
Robert Stober
And it's commercially supported!
Jonathan Siegal
Now comes the part of how Dell EMC makes AI real with Nick Curcuru from Mastercard
Dave Vellante
.@jon_siegal I had an amazing conversation recently with Nick about his thoughts on #Blockchain and #Crypto
Armando Acosta
It's all about our customers, I could listen to Nick talk for hours, his depth and knowledge is incredible
Evelyn de Souza
In the future I see #AI and #blockchain as critical in helping with integrating data flows with user consent and preferences in order to maintain appropriate privacy!
Varun Chhabra
@e_desouza That's a really cool idea!
Dave Vellante
.@e_desouza good one - users taking back control of their own data with #blockchain tech
Philip Hummel
@e_desouza Are you looking at doing AI on blockchain generated metrics?
Evelyn de Souza
@GotDisk I had not thought of that. That would be cool! I thought of using AI to help users build their own #smartcontracts in the same way that you can build your own burger
Philip Hummel
@e_desouza That's how we got burgers with bacon :-)
Peter Burris
https://www.crowdcha... Where do you stand in your adoption of AI?

Dave Vellante
.@plburris we use AI daily in our data ingestion system - curating video content and identifying the best "gems"
Michael Pomatto
Most of my current clients are still working on understanding what it means in their organizations. There are a lot of things being labeled AI that are not.
Many enterprises are at the start of their AI adoption. What that means is that they've adopted machine learning as an evolution of their advanced analytics practices, and are using it for focused apps: chatbots, intelligent search, security incident ad event mgt, etc
Dave Vellante
I'd put it in the category of NLP - but humans are still critical to our workflow - so I'd say we're still in the very early days
Mike Leone
nearly 20% of organizations are depending on AI/ML to deliver significant measurable business outcomes immediately
Jonathan Siegal
While AI is a strategic priority for most CIOs, the trick is to offload data scientists of any mundane non-data science tasks
Varun Chhabra
@jameskobielus we're seeing the same. There's also a lot of interest in image and video recognition capabilities in multiple verticals.
@jon_siegal The strategic priority should be to build data science teams of specialists for the various functions--statistical modeling, data engineering, programming, etc.---necessary to drive the entire AI DevOps workflow.
@broomio Yes. We're seeing plenty of activity in AI-driven computer vision. Check out my recent #SiliconANGLE piece re this trend: https://siliconangle...
Robin Holden Wolf
As the leader in @NVIDIAAI GPU technology, NVIDIA is looking forward to strengthening our partnership with Dell #GetReady4AI with our joint Ready Solution for Deep Learning. Check out this website for more details:

Jonathan Siegal
Thanks for the great partnership
Philip Hummel
@jamonascone Machine Learning Knowledge Center featuring the latest developments in artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning
Jim Franklin
Thanks for the partnership
Keith Drummond
If Your Data Is Bad, Your Machine Learning Tools Are Useless - see video series on this from @TomRedman...
If Your Data Is Bad, Your Machine Learning Tools Are Useless
The first video in the series on the importance of Data Quality and Machine Learning and what you need to do!
Michael Pomatto
This key point seems to get overlooked WAY too many times! It was a point that we tried to stress on my last few international consulting assignments. Especially with the GDPR rules in place, the data has to be accurate.
Dave Vellante
Yes Keith... #AI doesn't solve GIGO problem #DataQualityMatters
Yes. here's my discussion of the quality conundrum surrounding this data in an AI/ML development context, from a few years ago in another life. Data quality for social media analytics: sentiment or sediment? http://www.ibmbigdat...
Joe Bailey
Data Preparation can be 2/3rds or more of the total effort/time in an AI/Deep Learning project! Need to account for that!
Dave Vellante
Burris talks about having data reside where it makes the most sense. Here's last year's Wikibon True Private Cloud report - updates to this coming next week
Wikibon 2017 True Private Cloud Forecast and Market Shares - Wikibon Research
Cloud computing offers businesses infrastructure plasticity, faster change, lower administration costs, and superior matching between costs and utilization. A true private cloud (TPC) option provides cloud benefits on premises, for comparable costs o...
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
#data has gravity, compute doesn't. Bring compute closer to your data.
Nick Brackney
couldn't agree more. We have really been focused on telling the #DataCapital story to help organizations think through the data platform at the same time they think about digital transformation. https://www.dellemc....
Nick Brackney
@vGazza whatever people want to call it. If people are not prioritizing it they'll have limited success with their advanced use cases, and miss a lot of opportunity.
Varun Chhabra
@vGazza Yes! We've heard that data is the new oil, data is power, the list goes on. Point is, data can increasingly be a critical competitive advantage if utilized properly (or a disadvantage if not harnessed). AI is helping redefine what data can do for organizations.
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@NickBrackney exactly! There is no good #AI without good #Data and mastering the use of it will define the winners
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@broomio "Data is the fuel, #AI is the rocket" said @MichaelDell at #DellTechWorld
Robert Stober
Bright 8.2 will provide Bright Edge, which will facilitate provision and management of the cluster and many edge locations as a single cluster. Check it out at SC18 in Dallas!
Varun Chhabra
@vGazza Couldn't have said it better :)