What will be the impact of IBM’s acquisition of Red Hat on the journey to multicloud? https://www.crowdcha...
Randy Arseneau
Sorry, gotta sit this one out. :)
David Floyer
The IBM vision of an open source hybrid cloud stack and management is excellent, and very ambitious!
Kurt Milne
OpenShift will soon support IBM cloud. Non of the OpenShift solutions support IBM cloud currently. Per my review of documentation.
Eric Wright
I predict it will incrementally accelerate things. Not a 10x opportunity. There aren't too many 10x things left in the multicloud journey story.
IBM/Red Hat will dominate enterprise IT customers' on-ramp to the public cloud.
Eric Wright
@discoposse the 10x opportunities are within the layers. Security, cost, and performance will be the battleground for orgs to properly keep on path to aggressive cloud adoption.
Dave Vellante
https://wikibon.com/... - my take
Sarbjeet Johal
It's great form IBM. For industry in general, net-net it won't have much effect, as some positive effects will be negated with negative effects as one key CSP-neutral vendor is taken out.
IBM/Red Hat will have one of the dominant K8s software and managed services platforms.
Dave Vellante
I think this is a services deal for IBM - IBM has a captive base of legacy apps through its services business at which it can aim Red Hat offerings - imo it's why Ginni keeps stressing the deal is not backend loaded...