
Fourth Wave of Healthcare
How can healthcare organizations create real-world evidence and deliver it in a contextual way back to physicians? How will contextual data shift the provider/payer paradigm?
   6 years ago
#DXCTechTalkDXC LabsExploring the future for business today
   6 years ago
#DXCTechTalkDigital DirectionsDigital transformation is entering a new phase. Let's discuss how the next phase of digital transformation is playing out across major IT domains, including cloud, security, analytics, applications, workplace and delivery.
Lisa Braun
Can you talk about doctors' comfort level with being more data-driven? How are we helping them adapt? How does their role change?
Robert Wah
Docs are data driven; we have so many new sources of data now. Tech can help make the right, actionable info available for better decisions
Femi Ladega
One area we are seeing is the adoption of quantitative clinical quality measures to determine adherence to protocols of care, outcomes, patient perception of value of care delivery. It is now easier to have computable measures, adherence and variances pre-curated into EMRs
Dan Hushon
@RobertWahMD agreed docs are scientists, the problem becomes one of dimensionality... how can AI help bring a complex system to understanding in the clinical community?
Femi Ladega
the open source community is very active in the area of CDS Hooks. In essence, its lots easier to have computable clinical research (via AI) turned into computable workflows or pathways in EMRs. We are doing that now.
Dan Hushon
@femiladega - but how do we even show people that there are more dimensions "available" when certain people percieve low dimension contextual evaluations?
Lisa Braun
What are your thoughts on crowd-sourced healthcare? That is, people getting help from each other in health and wellness communities online, sharing their stories and problems. Is this data also ripe to be mined by the larger ecosystem, or is it too casual?
Dan Hushon
I'm concerned with confirmation bias... which is to say we don't yet understand all the dimensional differences in persona...
Dan Hushon
not as easy as saying "this shirt looks good on me, would look good on you too"
Robert Wah
This is another new source of information and has great potential. There has been a lot of interest in "real world data" to fuel new medication or treatment discovery. This would be in addition (not replacing) controlled studies
Femi Ladega
I think we are seeing the beginning of the trend that redefines what is health with pervasive use of social media showcasing alternative provider driven outcomes
Lisa Braun
Redefining "what is health" makes me think of the shift to wellness and that is so important. It's really a cultural shift (at least in the US) as much as an industry shift.
Dan Hushon
What are some of the coolest #AI / #ML insights that you've seen in #Healthcare4.0?
Dan Hushon
still remember seeing @jhalamka put his #autoid chip in to carry his longitudinal health record... linked data is key
H Higgins
Coolest #healthtech: #AI in radiology... still a long ways to go but the potential is fascinating... https://healthitanal...
Robert Wah
if you add analytics to this list; then the ways we can use digital data is very exciting; having the data "speak to us" instead of us "asking the data" has great promise; "hypothesis free" analytics where new patterns emerge that we would never think to ask about.
Lisa Braun
@RobertWahMD Any examples of a new pattern we wouldn't think to ask about?
H Higgins
@RobertWahMD Are med schools adding #dataanalytics/#datascience to curriculum? Should they?
Robert Wah
@LisaAnneBraun Simple example is finding that people with good credit scores are very high in compliance taking their medications; makes sense in retrospect but who would have asked if there was a connection?
Dan Hushon
really excited to hear @stroker report out on @lefep session on #DigitalHuman https://leadingedgef...
Lisa Braun
@RobertWahMD Good point. And I guess the corollary is those with low credit scores *might* be less compliant and worth watching...?
Robert Wah
@danhushon Med School curriculum is changing; 1 of @amermedicalassn is accelerating change in medical education and has just had several medical schools put new curriculum on technology and digital tools in healthcare
Dan Hushon
If a patient is in control of identifiable information wouldn't they share more... how do we do it?
Dan Hushon
does #Blockchain have a role in holding the "links" between pieces of health data to basically provide the maps/keys to personal context [vs deidentified]?
Femi Ladega
We are now able to tag data at a field level based on sensitivity and have patient opt-in/opt-out to who can see the data.
Femi Ladega
even extend with patient consent stored on blockchain
Dan Hushon
I believe that this.. identified/deidentified "switch" is incredibly important to support the trust [when you need to know it's me] and the broad usage [when it's deidentified but not decontextualized]!
Femi Ladega
Blockchain is increasingly being adopted now for key domains such as Med Rec and Care planing where distributed patient info can be constrained by BC.
Sharon Stencel
Is Dr. Wah's slide(s) available?
Dan Hushon
yes absolutely... will be on digital explorer shortly.
Femi Ladega
I wonder if trainees going through Med school now need to well equipped next gen technologies out of the gate...
Dan Hushon
@femiladega if you were the #dean.. what pre-requesities would you set for pre-med?
Lisa Braun
@femiladega talks about connecting real-world data with real-world evidence. Can you say more about what you mean by evidence, and why this is important?
Dan Hushon
@femiladega what about a chronic disease like diabetes... how can that patient/coordinator relationship change thru social data?