
VMworld '18 A New Cloud Leader
Two years ago, theCUBE/Wikibon left VMworld wondering what was next for VMware: Would it fade in the cloud’s shadow? Or could it transform into a cloud leader? Now, after 75+ interviews with 100+ thought leading guests on theCUBE at VMworld 2018, we have answers (and questions).
Peter Burris
AWS announced that Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) will be available on VMware. What will be the industry impact? https://www.crowdcha...

Yadin Porter de León
Will many really be happy?
Erik Kaulberg
AWS steadily displaces more datacenter infrastructure. Oracle should be scared
Yadin Porter de León
Is AWS creating "data center friendly" cloud connecting services or just slowly building an SDDC?
Mark May
To me it makes a few things clear. 1) Amazon isn't sure everything will go to the public cloud as quickly as they predicted - so they need to take the cloud to the DC
Sarbjeet Johal
it’s a blessing for @Oracle as they get to sit in local DC longer. They have more boots on the ground to sell. Seems like market segments are being carved out naturally....
Yadin Porter de León
@cincystorage Or are they building an AWS DC?
Dave Vellante
1/ recognition by @AWS that #onprem is legit; 2/ AWS understands #database is a lynchpin & strategic leverage point; 3/ RDS on-prem will definitely pick up some meaningful share
The first impact of the Amazon RDS on VMWare Cloud announcement may be
probably taking place in sales enablement at VMware: hiring seasoned RDBMS salespeople to pitch it vis-a-vis Microsoft, Oracle, and IBM's RDBMS for hybrid cloud customers.


Martijn Baecke
Another option customers can choose from. For the industry a seamless solution to deploy the database in public cloud (AWS) or on-prem (VMware stack)
Peter Burris
@cincystorage Also, AWS probably realizing that VMware has more market power than expected. Customers with deep roots still matter.
@porterdeleon I think it's the former.
Tom Poole
@porterdeleon AWS is a SDDC; now they are becoming more open. What RDS + vSphere actually looks like is TBD.
Mark May
@porterdeleon No, they are building a private public cloud on your premises
David Floyer
This is a great announcement - allows some RDS workloads to run on VMware, on-premises or in the cloud. Gives a solution for latency dependent workloads by enabling movement of processing to the data. I expect AWS will offer same capability on AWS stack in the future>
Kurt Milne
Who sells it? Who supports it?
John Furrier
I've said it b4 and say it again..RDS will have long lasting impact and is a big chess move for both AWS and VMware..you're move Azure and Google Cloud
Mark May
2) Amazon sees that customers feel like they can't get out from under Oracle's thumb.. and they might be able to help with that...
Yadin Porter de León
@cincystorage I love the term "Private Public Cloud" - Can you get a copyright on "PPC"
Kurt Milne
Will IT install AWS Software on prem- and then call AWS for support? ??
Exchange Goddess
@cincystorage @porterdeleon just throwing this out there. Azure can run Oracle.
Peter Burris
@kurtmilne Excellent question: Enterprise engagement still matters. Long term, hard to see one company taking all the revenue and another taking all the costs. Hard to sustain. Even for Wintel.
Exchange Goddess
A serverless world still requires a host of some sort to run the container or service correct? so is it truly a serverless world??
Martijn Baecke
Serverless on bare metal!
Anthony Bartolo
How does that definition reflect the fact that the bare metal is not managed by the organization operating the service / container?
Exchange Goddess
@baecke BUT it's still a host! :-)
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
serverless not a "hardwareless" world for sure!
Martijn Baecke
Really!?! You mean it does not run on thin air? *shocked*
Dave Vellante
yes - bad term serverless
John Furrier
Next big wave is Storageless
Dave Vellante
but great concept
Erik Kaulberg
@dvellante I like this shirt from re:Invent last year... "There is no cloud, it's just @Werner's computers" https://twitter.com/...
Yadin Porter de León
I thought servers were dead.
Mark May
Like most things its a bad marketing term
It's not an ideal term for the approach. There's always a hardware layer--server-side--in all such cloud deployments.
Mark May
@dvellante Really what they mean is that you don't have to think about he compute layer...
Greg A. Lato
Serverless just refers to application design abstraction level. Servers will always be needed, who buys and runs then just shrinks in serverless world.
Stuart Miniman
There is no serverless – it’s just someone else’s fully managed execution environment that I only pay a fraction of a cost for whatever my function is run. < I have the shirt https://wikibon.com/...
David Floyer
Serverless environments are not necessarily compatible - there is still a different PaaS overlay for every "server less" environment, and a migration cost when movement is required.
Mark May
There is no storage, only @deepstoragenet
Sarbjeet Johal
#IaaS multi-cloud is more of a noise from technology point of view. It’s more of a SCM strategy. Why will you do multi -cloud? Twist vendor’s arm for better pricing? Better DR? Vendor Viability?
Dave Vellante
I feel sometimes with many orgs that multi-cloud is a symptom..."cloud-creep" versus a strategy
Kurt Milne
+ data gravity, unique services, local team preference etc.
Peter Burris
remember, multi-cloud includes SaaS. Cloud types will follow the data.
Exchange Goddess
@dvellante inherited project to undo
John Furrier
Multi-cloud is a cost issue the people, operations cost, and overall security issues loom large classic shark fin or iceberg TCO challenge and opportunity
David Floyer
Use the best tool for the job, and closest to the data source.
Kurt Milne
@furrier I read SCM as "supply chain management"
Donald C. Klein
Multi-cloud is more than options to access just lowest cost provider, its access to strategic services, whether AI or edge integration.
Multicloud is not noise, but it's--defined as at least two public clouds--still a minority of cloud deployments. Most cloud deployments remain either unitary (private only or public only), or mildly hybrid. Perhap supply chain mgt is a core multicloud use case.
Kurt Milne
I can tell you from 1st hand experience - multicloud IaaS includes alot of "down in the weeds" tech issues. VM naming, networking constructs, authentication etc. Clouds are all different.
Sarbjeet Johal
@furrier SMC as Cloud supply chain management.
@kurtmilne That's where #VMware has a potential strategic lever: using their growing portfolio of multi-cloud SDDC tools to simplify the "down in the weed" whacking from an edge-to-edge perspective.
Erik Kaulberg
@jameskobielus @dfloyer @furrier most of the above are tactical issues. Strategic issues motivating multicloud are things like 'is AWS going to be my competitor'. Applies to retail and healthcare now, what's next?
Dave Vellante
@kurtmilne and cloud is complicated...
Sarbjeet Johal
The money you save on multi cloud negotiation will be sucked by multi cloud management people and processes. Believe me on that one!
Tom Poole
@furrier @dvellante as techies we often over think these things. Everyone wants/needs options. Team one likes .NET, team two likes Linux; hyper-v vs esx; Use Cisco for this and Brocade for that. M&A brings heterogeneity.
Dave Vellante
it's one of those zero sum games when it comes to negotiations
John Furrier
@ekaulberg agree with the strategic positioning and think that competing on value will be the table stakes for cloud; so VMware has to ante up with great tech/product value to win the long game
John Furrier
@tom_poole I would add to your point about heterogeneity that standards even defacto drive more industry adoption as a general rule..new dynamic is not just multi cloud but opensource drives lots of this
Greg A. Lato
@jameskobielus I agree that we need to define the aspects of mutlicloud, very few apps could truly run across multiple clouds. For Enterprise, multicloud is more flexibility for app needs and classic vendor management tactic