John Furrier34
How do you determine digital reputation in a new era working on digital? Is data used? Peer review? HR? #FutureofWork
btw: love these digital talks! Thanks
btw: love these digital talks! Thanks
Faisal Siddiqi
Pitch for open source contributions on #github - very visible, easy to measure could be one factor
Dave Vellante
@Faisal_Siddiqi that measures quantity of to measure quality?
Dave Vellante
@Faisal_Siddiqi community votes?
John Furrier
@Faisal_Siddiqi totally agree but what if repos are private do people share those? What about community data?
Jerry Overton
I think Open Badges are a good start. I'll be talking about DXC's Open Badges in AI in just a bit.
Srini Varadhan
@Faisal_Siddiqi how do we ensure the contributions are actually used? Is there a way to measure?
Dan Hushon
like most markets... it's whether your open reputation can establish a relative value both in skill and potential
Faisal Siddiqi
@dvellante Exactly - reputation is a complex equation, internal and external factors all contribute
Dan Hushon
@dvellante quality is hard to measure quantitatively.. but your participation in high quality projects (internet scale success) can be a measure of quality and potential?
Dan Hushon
we're going to have @Faisal_Siddiqi talk about #blockchain and reputation soon ;)
Faisal Siddiqi
@srini_varadhan Contributions to existing popular #opensource projects tend to be more highly used. All - ask me how to contribute
John Furrier
@JerryAOverton Is open badges open source code?
Dave Vellante
@DanHushon contributions and associations with high value projects - this can be quantified
Srini Varadhan
@Faisal_Siddiqi contributions to the Open Group workgroups can also help build our digital reputation. BTW DXC is a Platinum member of Open Group..
Dan Hushon
@dvellante just ask the team to "recount critical contributions" and then ML can do the rest