
Transforming the Work
Enabling digital transformation through BPS and next-gen, double-deep skills.
   7 years ago
#DXCTechTalkRaising Your ResiliencyManaging Enterprise Risk in a Connected World
   7 years ago
#DXCTechTalkBuilding a Digital WorkforceHow do you re-skill and up-skill in a fast-changing and competitive market?
Lisa Braun
Can we talk about how the work shifts as automation is introduced and the need for re-skilling / up-skilling.
Mahesh Shah
I do see work shifting - for the most part, the more routine work is being eliminated. This has its challenges, but can be good as well, as it frees people up for the more complex decision based work
Tushar Patwardhan
@Mahesh_K_Shah The folks impacted by this change will need to get reskilled or risk being left behind.
Venu Pamulapati
I do see there is a need for skill upgrade for people. This could be as simple as, data entry operator may need to know, start or stop or troubleshoot an automation job.
Lisa Braun
Yes, learn and adapt: more focus on analytics, data science and solving business problems.
Mahesh Shah
agree with both comments..some reskilling will be needed (skill shifts). Don't forget, it will create many new jobs in automation as well that don't exist today...
Carlos Lopez-Abadia
Skill upgrade is always easy to state but hard to achieve. It requires deep commitment by enterprises and individuals.
Daniel Spithout
@Mahesh_K_Shah When as an IT guy you can shift from routine jobs to helping people improve how they work, jobs will be more fun... you hardly get noticed for keeping the mail server running ... but help someone automate a tedious job and you will be the office hero
Carlos Lopez-Abadia
Historically the jobs automated away tend to be the most repetitive and burdensome. For each job automated away several have been created (time and time again)
H Higgins
@Spithout Automating tedious jobs is great. How about closing the #gendergap; diminishing biases with automated hiring process?
Daniel Spithout
@HJHtweets I think that's a really important issue... but also in automation biases will not automatically disappear. For instance with applying machine learning in hiring process it is vital to train with good data sets otherwise the algorithms will learn from existing bias
Glenn Augustus
for most areas I would suggest that re-skilling should already be a core competency, ensuring access to opportunity needs its focussed share of AI and opportunity to put the right people in the right place to grow.
Carlos Lopez-Abadia
As always the next generation does not have a problem, but as velocity of change increases the agility to re-skill oneself and for an enterprise to upskill itself and its people can become a differentiating competence
Dan Hushon
@Spithout I think that bias is in the current process because of the people, not from the rules... by and large - therefore I have faith that the automation can optimize for outcome e.g. the most talented and strongly functioning digital team
Arin Dey
What are some of the challenges of implementing an Intelligent Automation platform? @Mahesh_K_Shah
Mahesh Shah
-we see a few: one is understanding the real process, two is automating the right things (the ones that will really drive impact), and three is the ability to then scale the automation over time and turn it into a core capability...there are other challenges of course
Dan Hushon
I'd imagine that we will begin to bump into the natural - how to link log/monitor data to a core TXN / process problem... but machines can learn this pretty quickly with a bit of data
Darryl Hoffman
Mahesh I see another one which is working with a resistant workforce who feel threatened by the move to automation.
Carlos Lopez-Abadia
Resistance to change and to new tech in general is not new. It is a human reaction. We need to consider the human impact if we are to be successful.
Tracey Williams, PMP
Yes, @Darryl Hoffman, I agree, a resistant workforce is definitely a consideration.
Darryl Hoffman
Absolutely agree, the way to approach the change is what presents the new opportunity here. The way to encourage and drive change and the direction we take in working across the silos that Mahesh mentions is the key.
Joe Champlin
I would add the fear of breaking something. Revenue generation usually reigns supreme, so need to expertly articulate how the expected business value add outweighs the risk, and even further the risk of inaction and being left behind
Daniel Spithout
I guess we need a new rule ... if you introduce a new process you have to delete 5 old ones ...
Tushar Patwardhan
may be 5 is overkill...2 for 1 is plenty!
Daniel Spithout
I was actually going for 10.... and brought it down to 5 ... but I would settle for 2 ... but for most companies could do with a lot less processes as they accumulated over years...
Cullen Johnson
It's not just reducing processes, it's streamlining the processes that are required.
Daniel Spithout
Required processes need to be as streamlined as possible, fully agree, but before optimizing, the first question should be "do we need this process" and the second question should be "do we REALLY need this process"..... then start optimizing.....
Cullen Johnson
Well, yes, of course. Those have always been the first questions that needed to be asked in any automation effort.
Daniel Spithout
and some how.. most of the time new processes appear but seldom old processes disappear ... so although it's kicking in an open door to tell people to really think about the need of a process, it is kind of needed ... that's why I proposed the rule 1 new process = 5 old ones gone
Heather Simpson πŸŒˆπŸƒ
Hello #DXCTechTalk 'ers! We're excited to kick off the chat with @danhushon, @Mahesh_K_Shah And Carlos Lopez_Abadia in just a few minutes! Thanks for joining us!
David Quint
My CrowdChat page still says "Waiting on DXC Technology. Is this correct?
Radka Rusovich
Please try refreshing and pressing play.
Dipankar Ray
or - use another browser like Chrome instead of IE
Heather Simpson πŸŒˆπŸƒ
How is it now? Let us know, we're trying a new approach here
Tracey Williams, PMP
This system kept insisting that I log into Crowdchat via Facebook but would not let me do it via the new DXC Workplace Facebook. The only way I was able to get in is by using my LinkedIn account. What good is DXC workplace if we can't use it to access these session
Heather Simpson πŸŒˆπŸƒ
That's an interesting question/idea, Tracey. You're meant to log in via twitter (works best), LinkedIn or Facebook (actual public Facebook). I'm not sure workplace would work since its a private/internal tool. This is an external, social chat.
H Higgins
Tracey - Workplace is an internal channel accessible by DXC employees only. While it's a Facebook product, its design and use are completely different. Currently, there is no integration between Workplace and Crowdchat.
Vishal Savajiani
Understanding thoroughly Client's Business Process is challenging and Time consuming. If we need to improve their processes , Do we need to understand thorough Enterprise Architecture ? Any suggestion ?
Carlos Lopez-Abadia
Need to understand our client's business if we are to effectively help them transform
Dan Hushon
I am certain that there are some pro forma business processes that as we look across industries and geographies will create scaffolds
Joe Champlin
Reengineering business processes are interesting in part because they inherently are not only IT problems, nor business problems, but a hybrid. Are you seeing businesses push IT to create efficiencies & automation? or are CIOs often trying to sell them?
Carlos Lopez-Abadia
You can see both. Most successful companies are those that lead with business outcomes and engage full enterprise in the transformation.
Dan Hushon
-> they're all information problems, the question is whether the information silos are busted or not???
Rich Reba
Is "front office veneer" vs. "digital back office" per Carlos' overview a way of segmenting digital transformation / BPS work?
Mahesh Shah
Like most things, I believe it starts with a digital strategy first typically, that strategy should be decomposed into what needs to be in place in front and back office...i do believe back office is key though to net full dividends
Lisa Braun
Good post by @danhushon on back-office transformation: https://blogs.dxc.te...
Dan Hushon
front office is a "view" the "model controller" do the work... the business processes!
H Higgins
Talking about tech talent, @SHRM's survey found that 21% of 2,600 #CIOs across 26 major U.S. markets intend to increase staff levels https://www.shrm.org...
IT Hiring Expected to Grow in 2018
Organizations in the U.S. plan to add more full-time information technology (IT) staff to their payrolls in the first half of 2018 than they did last year, according to the Robert Half Technology IT Hiring Forecast.
David Brooke
wonder if that implies a move away from out-sourced IT partners to in-sourced IT staff
Jon Adkins
New grads have job opportunities? Great for them
FrΓ©dΓ©ric LΓ©
Shouldn't we move from traditional business process (inside-out oriented) toward customer journey mapping (which is outside-in oriented)? Lean talks about consumption value streams...
Dan Hushon
we should absolutely do more process development with user driven, outcome based design
Daniel Spithout
I think it's one of the key things that are done in the DXC digital innovation workshops.... customer journey is extremely important ... especially if the competition is one click away....
Glenn Augustus
Are there many trends that show the success of intervention in a legacy 'scaffold rich' segment when presented with a highly disruptive, well funded, digital newcomer?
Mahesh Shah
Entrenched enterprise companies have their brand, channel and install base of customers as assets..the newcomers have innovative capabilities and operational agility. If the enterprise recognizes the threat and adjusts fast enough, they usually win.
Dan Hushon
let's not forget that the market gives the small upstarts time to "fix" themselves - a luxury not always offered to the largest - but more to the humble for sure